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Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

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    Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

    co-dependent----yes some R.

    yup luck, you are right on. although presently i am using the AA program as instructed. sometimes i feel they don't think i belong, and it is a tight group of long-term sobriety. one said to me, oh you don't listen in meeting, you sigh and so forth and so on. i said listen missy pooh, i am fricken exhausted from caffiene and butts, if i was bored, i would not be here. god damn sugar bitches! its making more sense talking about it with you guys...i am learning. :H


      Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

      teach me shit.

      oh god happy life...we posted same impressions of the people at AA are changing. ya know? been going to house partys, always there at meeting, kinda getting a good whiff whats going on. until employ sets in, i must go. the person has had 3 hubbys so maybe there is an issue with security and i am a button person, i like to ask questions, stupid ones. stupid answers are fun too. ya know.:H


        Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

        I know you want to work the steps Ripple, but be patient. This is like finding a mate; you really do not want to get stuck with someone who is not going to appreciate you. You are going to want to find someone who will work the steps the way you need to. That person is out there, hang in there!!
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

          Holy shit! I just don't know what to say, if you can imagine that. I go but hang here. I haven't called anyone. There is one person I thought about but she passed in the discussion so maybe she's not ready to take someone on. I just sit quietly. The universe will send some guidance and support to me. I just need to be quite and patient and listen I think. I hope it's better than that idiot little stray doggie the universe sent to us. :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

            Ripple;293892 wrote: true colours are showing for these so-called perfect ones off the bottle? learning, but still will not drink poison, no excuxe to go there again...
            First of all these are not :lilangel:"perfect ones" if they are telling you that you need to find another group. Second of all, this person is a prick and you didn't want them anyway.:b&d: You will find someone, don't get in too big a hurry. Try to find someone you think will be straight with you, but not screw with you.

            I was turned down by the first three people I approached. They all had good reasons, and were nice enough to tell me why. Maybe this person can only handle 2 sponsee's.:huh: If you don't find a sponser after a good while you can even ask in meetings if anyone wants to sponser you or knows someone who would .

            As far as getting rid of a sponser it shouldn't be a problem. Fire them and get another if it isn't working out. They should understand, if not f:xxx: them; you are working on you and that is what should be the focus for both of you.

            Clean House
            Don't Drink
            Help another drunk

            It is a simple program, but that doesn't necessarly mean it is easy.

            I wish you the best

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

              Ripple;293883 wrote: yes dear, an AA person refused me. I need help doing the steps. so i finally asked. will try again to make this keep going.
              I thought they offered cause they care and are sponsors who are experienced. me ignorant maybe
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                Hummm... All of a sudden I don't feel so comfortable with the sponsor thing. Why do you have to have a sponsor anyway? Why can't I just use ya'll as my sponosr?
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                  I have had an AA was the only time I did 30 days.she rocked....If I knew how to get a hold of her I would.she was all the best AA was....and we met online,
                  Nothing helpful.just don't judge all by the crapppiness of one
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                    Rip, tried AA. Maybe it was just the group, but I couldn't understand why people who haven't had a drink in 20 years would go to 7 meetings a week. And stand up at every meeting and say "hi, I'm Bob, I'm an alcoholic" and repeat their entire life. I just don't get it. As you said...."it is a tight group of long-term sobriety". The meetings I went to, the regulars seem to have a secret handshake, a wink, a nod to their friends. The rest of us were invisible.

                    HOWEVER, I know it works for some. But, Rip, how could anyone say no to you. I agree with happy hour, Mrs. Tight Lips is a missy pooh. Keep trying.


                      Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                      support right here! omg.

                      Hi, i'm ripple chick & i'm an alcoholic...:H

                      wonderful responses, nothing but the best from MWO. cheers to you all. :thanks:
                      ALthough, hubby called the police on me 2 times. the 2nd was when i called him a bitch. If all the years with him i had called for help...that bastard would be in San Quentin with Peterson.

                      Only doing what the counselor has ordered. 6 months dear time for step work. Just thought it to be a good topic. Was told by a few at meeting, your a cupcake compared to some! AF is much easier when you have A problem person
                      in your life! :h

                      i'll take a bear hug anyday...:l


                        Refused, 1st. one ASKED.

                        BIG THANKS TO YOU ALL!

                        mg ~its me Rippy~
                        :h thanks


                          Refused, 1st. one ASKED.


                          asked the same person today again if she wanted to be my sponsor..she said after vacation from Germany she would consider me. i replied.. that would be good, i will have completed Anger program and be 8 months sober. Just wanted to share...she had a change of heart. i know i pissed her off in the past, she can see i am improving. :thanks: believe me she did not look at me for a few weeks...i told her i CAN be good. :H

