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    I don't ever write about 'political' things here, but something is happening that I need, from my heart, to share with this board. If you are moved to help, thank you. If not, no problem at all.

    The worst riots in 20 years are sweeping through what is called the "Tibetan Autonomous Region" of China. It is actually a small chopped up piece of what used to be Tibet. They started as peaceful demonstrations last week in the Capital city of Lhasa, but have become violent and are spreading. Without getting too political - Tibetans and their culture are almost completely destroyed within China , and those who still remain are very poor. If they live in Lhahsa - they don't speak Chinese, they are not educated by the Chinese, they have no access to good jobs, business loans, healthcare, etc. Most of them are farmers living in near squalor in cut-off rural areas.

    HH The 14th Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibetan Nation in exile, has said he will resign if the violence being committed by his own people does not stop. He does not seek political independence from China for Tibet (and that has been his public stance for years), but a a small safe 'homeland' for his poor disaffected people, within the country. The Prime Minister of China supposedly said yesterday that he will meet with the Dalai Lama to talk (ABSOLUTELY unprecedented - he swore it would NEVER happen), but tanks and troops are already occupying Lhasa, and are rolling into the entire area as we speak. They are capable of extremely brutal force. In fact, since last week, they have been going house to house, car to car, making massive random arrests, pulling people out of cars, etc. and quelling the riots by 'whatever means necessary'.

    The summer Olympics are being held this coming August in Beijing. The eyes of the world are on the Chinese governement in a completely unprecedented way, which is why this is happening I imagine. The ruling party in China cannot control international media right now - not with the global 'open-ness' that the Olympics Games require. Camera phones and other devices also record brutal facts that cannot be disputed finally (though they have now been banned and are being confiscated).

    There are protests going on all over the world. New York, London are having big ones. Protestors in Switzerland staged a rally yesterday. Both John McCain and Condoleezza Rice made very bold public statements yesterday - also unprecedented. Italian Newspapers reported this morning that 96% of the Italian population support an Olympic Boycott. I'm sure other countries are getting on board.

    This is a cause that has been very close to my heart for almost 20 years. This is a historic moment and may be the best and last chance for the whole world to stand up and protect this peaceful culture. I know there are many people suffering in the world. So many even on our board (I'm thinking of AFM right now, and some others). And I also know that no one life is more important than any other. But this is a chance I never thought would come, EVER, and I thought if anyone else out there was inspired to help, I wanted to let them know.

    I'm trying to find conact info for the US and International Olympic Committees. Senators, Congressmen, Presidential candidates - can you help me think of anyone else? I'm going to put a list together and can pm it to anyone who wants it. If you can help me with this list, that would be so great.

    Thank you for reading this. And for allowing me to share it here, on a board set up for an entirely different purpose. I'm just so heartbroken, I'm doing everything I can think of. Please feel free to post this entire message anywhere else, if you feel moved to do so.


    I've been following this news with great interest. Given that the Olympics are nigh, China cannot hide behind its shroud from the world's eyes. It wants to be a bigger player in world economy but the humanitarian problems are many. I encourage people to read for better coverage of news in general but world news in particular.
    The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
    Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

    W Whitman

    90+ days yay!



      I agree cat - I've been watching BBC news on basic cable. So much better. I just heard that the British Prime Minsiter is going to meet with HH the Dalia Lama when he comes to London to show public support. This is tremendous! Fingers crossed for more good news.



        Hi WW, I too have been keenly interested in the plight of the Tibetan people for a very long time. I have intenses respect for HH the Dalia Lama and Buddhism. These crimes and the torture and oppression of the Tibetans, is brutality at it's worst. There is no better time than now for the world to finally speak up to this horrible injustice. Please email the list to me. I will write emails and do all I can do.

        Thank you for bringing this to our attention, WW.

        XXX Kate
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007



          Thank you Kate.

          HH The Dalai Lama is bereft. You can see it in his face. He said:
          “Now we really need miracle power, but miracle seems unrealistic".
          This man has been working tirelessly for more than 50 years non-stop, holding the whole thing together somehow. Let's give him his miracle. If we all try together, we can do it.

          You can write to The US Olympic HQ at:

          So far I've also emailed the Hillary campaign site :
 - Contact Us

          And Obama:
          Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Contact Us

          As I said - McCain made a heroic statement yesterday. I'm not a Republican, but boy did he make me feel proud.

          Love to hear any other ideas - I'm not an expert political activist, for sure, but I'll do anything.


            TIBET IN CRISIS

            Hmm. This is interesting. China is one country that the US does not want to f**k with. I'll be curious to see the outcome of this. Just more sad news in the world as usual. :upset:
            where does this go?


              TIBET IN CRISIS

              Yes Morrison, it is very sad news in a world with alot of it.
              But it is also an amazing moment of opportunity. The Dalia Lama refers to the Tibetan situation as " a young deer in a tiger's hand". The whole world is watching that tiger very closely today.


                TIBET IN CRISIS

                Heres' the whole quote:

                "Last few days I had a sort of feeling, a tiger, of a young deer in a tiger?s hand,? he said, in the most intimate confession during a two-hour long exchange with reporters. ?Deer really can fight the tiger? Can express. But actual fight? Our only weapon, only strength is justice, truth. But effect of truth, justice sometimes takes longer time. Weapons power is immediately there.?

                We need to bring justice immediately too, simultaneously with the weapons, or it will be too late. And because of global technology, we can do it.


                  TIBET IN CRISIS

                  Hi All,
                  I have attached a brief video interview with the HH the Dahlia Lama. He is speaking of the situation with China and Tibet.

                  His Holiness, is so gentle ......always seeking a peaceful solution.

                  [ame= ]YouTube - Dalai Lama - Exclusive Interview 1 (ONE) on april 8th[/ame]
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    TIBET IN CRISIS

                    Thank you Kate.

                    Pope Benedict has also now made a statement calling for an end to the violence, and for China to engage in a dialogue with the Dalai Lama.

                    There have been several less formal meetings since 2002. But they were not with the actual power center of the Chinese Government, and there were no changes as a result. Just for show, really. And a major problem is that China will not allow the United Nations (where they sit on the Security Council) , or anyone else to monitor human rights in the area, so no vague promises ever had to be kept. And now, since last week, the area has been sealed off and all foreigners instructed to leave. They are getting ready to brutally crush any ethnic Tibetans in the area, including monks and nuns, who are protesting because they are desperate. The Chinese are sealing off the monastaries now too, to keep the monks from joining the protests.


                      TIBET IN CRISIS

                      This News Clip Has the Whole Thing. Please watch.

                      [ame= ]YouTube - [Channel 4 News] Biggest Tibet protests in 20 years[/ame]


                        TIBET IN CRISIS

                        And in here, The Dalai Lama explains much more -

                        [ame= ]YouTube - [Channel 4 News] Biggest Tibet protests in 20 years[/ame]


                          TIBET IN CRISIS

                          [ame= ]YouTube - Tibet WAS, IS, and ALWAYS WILL BE a part of China[/ame] There are always 2 sides to an argument. I could debate this in much more detail but I don't think this is the appropriate place to do so.

                          Love and Happiness
                          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                            TIBET IN CRISIS

                            Oh, Wonder, I have SO much to say on this topic, but I have to run as I am leaving town. My heart cries over this and I hope this crisis is a blessing is disguise.

                            Thank you so much for bringing it up. I will find this post when I have some time over the next few days when I reach my destination.

                            Bless the Tibetians and His Holiness through this crisis.


                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              TIBET IN CRISIS

                              No - it's not the place or time Hippie, I don't think. This is not a philosohpical or political discussion today, it's the brink of a massacre. And it's pretty safe to say I would know most of your arguments, that you would have some excellent points, and that it would be a lively discussion.

                              I took a very big risk posting here today, considering the state I am in. If this thread turns in a bad direction, I won't get through one post of it. Some of the people in peril are like family to me. When the storm has passed one way or the other, I'd be happy to discuss it at length with anyone at all. Please just give it some time.

