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5 meals

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    5 meals

    I love chick peas. In slads, roasted, and particularly hummus with toastesd whole wheat pita triangles. But is that carb or protien? I just am so uneducated about this stuff.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      5 meals

      You could definatley look into protien powders then as a way to up your daily protien intake. Typically the plain-jane no-flavor types are around 110 calories for 21 grams of protien.

      you know when I was in college I wanted to gain weight so I was on a super hight protien diet (a couple of the trainers took me under their wing and taught me how to eat and lift). One thing about protien, it ain't cheap. unless its eggs (or egg whites). I used to eat 36 of them a day, in addition to my weightgainer shake (MRP from hell, 1300 calories or so per drink, plus a couple raw eggs for that one of a kind texture), a quart or two of milk, and whatever else I could afford. Can't stand egg whites to this day, but I did go from 168 to a very solid 225 in a couple years...all natty. I always throw a couple yolks in with my whites now so I don't have to gag them down, plus the yolk completes the impressive amino acid profile of the egg.


        5 meals

        Jeez Green, wish it was me asking for appetite stimulants, I am the opposite, I just can't seem to STOP eating, even stuff I am not that keen on, if it's there I want to eat it. Trying to eat healthily and adding loads of veggies to my meals but am still piling on weight, I hate feeling this bloaty and horrible.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          5 meals

          greeneyes;296156 wrote: I love chick peas. In slads, roasted, and particularly hummus with toastesd whole wheat pita triangles. But is that carb or protien? I just am so uneducated about this stuff.
          It's both but it's a good carb.


            5 meals

            Dolly, what do you think of Almond butter? I haven't had it, but I've seen it at the healthy grocery store... I know that there are good carbs and bad carbs, but who gets to decide?
            The carb-er-ate-her?

            Tampa, FL


              5 meals

              I define it as white stuff is bad...white bread,rice, sugar and potatoes. Other carbs are good...nuts,veggies fruit and whole grains. Take care and good luck.


                5 meals

                BTW love the carb-er-ate-her thing


                  5 meals

                  When I did the Atkins diet, I didn't give a rat's patootie how many calories anything had- just carbs. The BEST thing was that rum had no carbs, so it was "permissible".... or should I say, justified?

                  Off topic, but Dolly, where is your avatar? I want a sunshine stick figure, wearing cowboy boots.

                  Tampa, FL


                    5 meals

                    Believe.. you are going to gag me.

                    The trainer actually mentiond almond milk. Wonder if I could make my own?
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      5 meals

                      Lol I actually gagged myself a few times but whatever, I did accomplish my goals!

                      Your trainer sounds pretty strict. I've heard of almond cheese & stuff before, pretty popular with vegans and whatnot. I guess I'm still not clear on whats wrong with diary products? Definatley don't take what I say over your trainer but wow. Keep in mind also that its a big hassle now cause you're new to it. By this time next year it will be automatic, be patient and work with it. I wish you the best!


                        5 meals

                        Believe, it's a food allergy to avoid dairy. Trainer not happy about it because it eliminated cheese and yougurt. I love dairy, but I'm not supposed to have it. So that eliminates some options on the protien front is all.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          5 meals

                          I that case double check your MRP's and/or protien powders (should you decide to use them) cause some (but not all) do contain things like milk protien.

