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This Is Noelle's Mom

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    This Is Noelle's Mom

    Hey Noelle,

    I had to think for a moment.....then I got it!! I think it is funny!

    Watch out for crabs!!!!! LOL
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      This Is Noelle's Mom

      crabs are good eatin' love them
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        This Is Noelle's Mom

        This is a cute thread.

        Good luck Noelle
        Gabby :flower:


          This Is Noelle's Mom

          Whew....everyone calmed down now? Again, I'm sorry to get everyone all stirred up.

          To the one's who didn't "get" what I was doing, I think that's great. If you understood it, you would be as whacked out as I am! It's scary being inside my head sometimes. Kinda like the Twilight Zone.

          And to the others who did "get" it,,,,,,y'all are seriously whacked out!
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


            This Is Noelle's Mom

            Dear Noelle's Mom,

            Noelle is not selfish. She is entitled to not want to go to a shithole bar and eat something she does not like. I am sure she will suck it up and play along, but I sure hope she gets to do something she wants to do!!!!
            Now please let her off of punishment.
            Luka's Mom
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              This Is Noelle's Mom

              We're all whacked out together!!

              Hey Noelle if you think that's bad here's a post I made on another drink-related forum yesterday as it was all rather quite and no one was posting:

              Harbouring thoughts of drunken cheese making rabbits the elusive warble tongued knee jerking FISH scathed as he saw not ONE wimple of a word from his fellow chumbley bums. Had the fallopian grimble bugs diseased them with feelings of lathery soapy babblyness that they wish not to rhythmically wrythe with him in his dangling draw dropping pond of all ponds. Twas a celestial finger-poking molecule of Zion that bestowed loveliness, of all things made of jelly and cream, upon him that meandered his musings to thoughts of bubbles gone by where the long grain rice (cooked at room temperature) was reason alone to have him swadgering copious fin fulls of liquid amber and zakynthos. Warbling Swissly, he thought not a metermaid more about it and steadily but precariously he carried on knitting balls of fleas with his toothpicks and waited calmingly for a shortbread swiss army knife to save the day..........

              variable lightings and fitted figs

              (My name is fishkins on the other forum by the way!!)

              Now that's whacked out!!!

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                This Is Noelle's Mom

                Hmmm,...went waaaay over my head........and when I read it no one had posted replies....
                Glad it was you Noelle and not your mum.

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  This Is Noelle's Mom

                  The fallopian grimble bugs is what had me freaked out. I think I will have the doctor check me for some of those.
                  Goal 1: Today
                  Goal 2: Tomorrow


                    This Is Noelle's Mom

                    Yeah, Hippie, that is obviously someone taking the mickey......I wasn't sure about Noelles post

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      This Is Noelle's Mom

                      I'm very sorry Amelia. Don't worry because you have a kind heart and that's cool.

                      Hippie, now I know for SURE you've done drugs in your early years! :H

                      (My name is fishkins on the other forum by the way!!)
                      What other forum????
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        This Is Noelle's Mom

                        Ok, ok, I see the mood DEVILISH.....

                        Sober since 30/06/10


                          This Is Noelle's Mom

                          Noelle-Now that you've explained it, it is funny! And not getting the joke is par for the course with me, I ALWAYS have to have them explained.

                          I hope your evening at the crab bar turns out to have something redeeming in it! If only that it'll be over soon...


                            This Is Noelle's Mom

                            I was pretty sure you were pretending to be your Mom but I also wonder if you could have some kind of dissociative disorder. Unfortunately I'm familiar with these things. Either way anyone as wild and crazy as you is a friend of mine : ) I say eat the crabs and moderate with the beer
                            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                            - George Jackson


                              This Is Noelle's Mom

                     are too sweet

                              And hey-Dont you even THINK about apologizing to any of us here .I totally understand what your thought process was now.This is the place we SHOULD be able to toss the confusing thoughts we have in our heads about this extremely hard struggle that we have to deal w/ day to day.that's why we joined this group i n the 1st place,right?
                              Is your mom really making you feel guilty that you are feeling anything but excited about your trip?i mean I get that that wasn't the main idea in your post,but I just wanted to let you know that remind yourself that it IS okay to be selfish for a while,okay,honey?I mean if you are not going to be mindful of where you go,w/ whiom and what kind of circumstances you are going to be thrown in,how th F--K are you going to stay on top of things?You are trying so damn hard,I can tell that and FEEL that in your posts-in fact you stand out among people here to me for that reason.SO-please please-DON"T you feel for one moment that you need to get your stomach wrapped up in knots and take on any feelings of guilt over what you think you "should" be able to handle,or what you "think" you should be able to enjoy already,or how other people (who,by the way are NOT going thru what you are going thru,so cannot truly understand where your head and heart are right now)"think" you should act,and SO ON!!!I could tell you a horrendous story about my loving father and his lovely words to me 5 DAYS out of detox (for painkillers,another darling situation i got myself into a few years back:goodjob-talk about al esson to me that PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT DEALT W/ ADDICTION DO NOT UNDERSTAND what we are going thru!Now,I am not even sure if i am on track here at all,but it sounds to me like you feel like you deserve less than another because of the fact that you are an alchy.well,guess what Noelle?You deserve MORE!You are proving right now that you are stronger than most (most people will never have to fight such a tremedous struggle!)You deserve EXTRA love and kindness right now because your sweet little body is recovering from hell,and you can only do so much on your own.So,on top of having to be the superhuman superstar that you are right now,kicking al's ass as hard as you can,it would also be really ideal if you had loved ones (Mary,if you are online again,I hope you are listening,he he..)who took extra steps right now to make sure that they made sure that YOU were ok 1st,i.e,making sure that holiday plans were sensitive to our dear Noelles recovery process.Gonna happen?Well,goddamn,sure would be nice,huh!MAybe some people will be that kind and maybe others won't-it really doesn't matter.What matters is that YOU remember that it is OK to put yourself 1st!And i mean,WHATEVER that means.Now,I am certainly not suggesting you cancel your trip and hide in your house alone on Easter to keep yourslef safe from the AL-monster-but,you know what,hey,if you are a team palyer enought to be spending the money and flying out of state to be w/ your family for EAster and you feel like there are some activities that just sound REPULSIVE to you (i wish i could remember-did you say the actual Easter dinner was at that nast bar-ugh-i hope not )...and that you feel are just going to be detrimental to your health,basicly-f- them!You have right to say,"you know,guys,i'd love to,but i think i'll stay here and enjoy a nap in the beautiful, bed you made for me.Gosh,life is so hectic at home,it is just such a treat being able to rest in your warm,cozy home!Then how bout I'll get up and get a head start on dinner for us and catch up w/ yaall around 5?"...Or something like that...You need to enjoy your vacation too!Its not just thier easter,its yours too,you know?ANyway,I think i am probably starting to ramble on a bit here (sorry,i tend to do that-geez,ddin't realize how much so till i joined this site and became psycho long poster-woman,lol...)but i just want to make sure htat you are okay and go into the weekend w/ your head in the right place.The NOELLE is #1 place!HAve a great easter,honey,hold your head up high-you dont need to tell anyone about what you are working on personally if you dont want to,or maybe certain family members would love to support you if you do feel like opening up and sharing.Just be careful who you open your mouth to,sometimes family can hold it over your head (Hmmm,i hope MY dad's not on here right now...ha ha)You are a smart,strong woman,you're gonna be JUST FINE!!!!let us know how it goes,ok?:huggy


                                This Is Noelle's Mom

                                The in-laws all know about my drinking. Everyone I know knows about my drinking. If you drink, everyone knows it. They just don't say anything. That's just the way it is. Sad, but it's the truth. Drinking is the "don't ask about it" disease.

                                BTW, my mom knows nothing about anything I do. She is not the kind of supportive person one would confess any weakness to. That's probably why it was fun pretending to be her.
                                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

