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    Just a comment

    It is interesting to me what people define as "drinking heavily". I read some posts that are confessions of sorts and I think wow, that is NOTHING, you don't even know what drinking heavily even is. I manage to keep my mouth shut (fingers still) as I think to myself to send them good vibes and wish I had reached out at that point in my life. Probably life would be a little easier now. I need those jelly beans AND a chocolate bunny.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    Just a comment

    A standard bottle of Voddy a night is heavy drinking for me Green, even more if I woke up 'early'..... sad, so sad.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Just a comment

      Different strokes for different folks Greens. :h

      Eat the ears off that bunny!
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        Just a comment

        "heavy drinkin," to me is when i lie to myself that i can only drink one glass one bottle and i end up drinking the second one and we all know what that leads to


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          Noelle... What? :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


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            It doesn't matter what volume of alcohol people drink, it is that that they are uncomfortable drinking it. Like Noelle said, different strokes.


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              She's saying everybody is different. Many people are even allergic to alcohol, so consuming even half of what I drink would make them very ill.
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


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                I understand your point, Greenie.... it's like the skinny 17 year old that is committed to a diet, because she just got off the scale and weighs ALMOST 110 lbs!

                (**Commenting as I avoid all scales, but continue to nibble on rabbit ears.... **)

                Tampa, FL


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                  Missing Something?

                  Hi Everyone,
                  Re Greenie's comment... overdrinking for me was a bottle of wine a nite (and sometimes a second) then on weekends, beer during the day (it's the weekend, right?) and anything beyond that I was a falling down, hurting myself and those around me, couldn't remember what I did or said, hungover mess.

                  My question is, am I missing something? All of the stuff RJ wrote talks about how easy this program is. I am listening to the hypno CDs, taking the supplements (except for All in One), read and re-read the book and I'm struggling. My dr. and I discussed the Topomax and decided it wasn't for me. I have also tried Naltraxone and the side effects were worse than the worst hangover I ever had.

                  I am going to have an AF week starting again today and perhaps this time I can make it through the weekend. My true goal is 30 days but this weekend gave me a lot of trouble.

                  I did discover in my first AF 4 days in a long time WHY I'm drinking.

                  1) I am in a lot of physical pain. My right shoulder HURTS almost all the time and worse when I am under stress which is often. I broke my wrist in Jan and while I am out of the cast, it hurts too. I know AL is not a good pain management tool, but unfortunately it's pretty effective.

                  2) I can't sleep! Each AF I night was awake past 2:30 and 3:30 in the a.m. I get up at 6:15 or earlier if I have to drive my daughter to work for a 6 am shift. I know AL is a terrible sleep aid and in fact inhibits proper sleep, but when I am in the above-mentioned pain and stressed, etc. being unconscious seems like a reasonable alternative. I tried a sleeping pill (there's only 1 I can take - I hated the way it made me feel).

                  There are probably more factors, but those are the two that really stuck out.

                  In any case, this isn't dead easy and I am wondering why I am struggling so much. I would appreciate anyone's thoughts.

                  Thanks and hugs,
                  Bunnie :new:
                  Bunnie aka Time

                  "Success is the willingness to move from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill


                    Just a comment

                    Time, I PM'd you some techinical advice. Pm me if you need assistance with that. I also think you are making a mistake by not taking the supps. They are important for the brain receptors and for replenishing the loss of nutrients. That may be the missing link for you. Keep me posted.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


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                      The What? was a joke to Noelle about eating the rabbit ears. Sorry.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


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                        I know that none of this shit is funny,but i am laughing right now...I think that ALL the time!In fa ct I was just watching an "intervention" where the woman was being talked into getting hel pfor her drinking.....when they said how much she drank a day I was like,"well,THAT"S not very much,GOL!"..... I am so messed up in my head,Greeeneyes,that i was actually thinking "why are they even bugging her about it?" Um,I was thinking that they should get off this poor ladie's back cuz she was ONLY drinking up to a pint of vodka a day :H!!!!Hello???SO i know exactly what you mean,sweetie ......Well,i guess i just shared how much i at least drink :goodjob:.........have a good day,darlin,i don't know wy i am laughuing about this right now!I need more sleep,I am just weird today....


                          Just a comment

                          For Time After Time

                          For Green Eyes:
                          I think some alcholics exceed healthy levels to such an extent that they lose sight of normal drinking. For example do you think it's light to drink one bottle of wine in a sitting? Maybe you do. Well that's super unhealthy for women.

                          to Time after Time:

                          so it's not working...

                          I think very few people seem to succeed with moderating without the help of a drug like topomax or naltrexone. have you thought about taking naltrexone on an as-needed basis to cut down on side effects? I think you should consider a period of abstinence if you think you can swing it.


                            Just a comment

                            Nancy, I was not making reference to what I consider"normal". And healthy? Well AF would be healthy. I don't know what "normal" is. I guess it is relative to the individual and the accepted medical recommentation and how the individual applies it to themself. Hope that clarifies. :thanks:
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              Just a comment

                              I am one of those people. When I first joined MWO and read some of the members drinking history, I was a little embarrassed, or maybe guilty? Not sure which word is accurate. I don't drink everyday, I don't wake up and continue drinking, my marriage is not on the line, neither my job. but when I do indulge I have a bottle and a half of wine. I did that twice a week. So, for many of you that might be nothing, but for me it was enough. That meant I was recuperating for 2 more days which left me only 3 days a week to feel good, normal. It was becoming unbalanced. But forget about my health, because I did. What motivated me to stop had not so much to do with the amount but what I did when under the influence. I'd drive, I'd get myself into embarrassing situations, thought about changing my job so I wouldn't have to face my employers again or go to another office X-mas party. Predicaments I got myself into. Anxiety, depression. The way I felt about myself with this "secret". So when I looked at that I decided I had every right to be here....I'm struggling too. I hope that I help some of you no matter what amount I consume. I know you have all helped me.

