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Withdrawal symtoms

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    Withdrawal symtoms

    Hi all. I have been drinking for five years now. Started at 4 glasses of wine a night and is now up to around 5 to 8, depending. I can't seem to cut down to reduce chances of withdrawal so I suppose I will have to go cold turkey. I am very concerned about the intensity of withdrawal symptoms and if I will still able to work, etc. Any thoughts?

    Withdrawal symtoms

    Welcome 2young. and congratulations for making a life-changing decision. So it looks like you've been drinking 2 bottles of wine a night? I am probably not the most reliable source for advice but I don't think that you will have serious (meaning in need of hospitlization) withdrawl symptoms. You will probably feel anxious, and moody. And this can not be conquored in a day. You will probably have more psychological issues than physical. And they last much, much longer. OK. so that's all the bad news. The good news is that after about a week of no alcohol, maybe more, maybe less, you will begin to feel mentally stronger and clearer. And this is when you can make the decisions you need to change your life. I'm sure others here will give you more advice about how to go about not drinking with nutritional supplelments but I think we agree that drinking lots of water those first few days is important. This is a good place to come for support. Keep reading and asking questions.


      Withdrawal symtoms

      Hi 2 young. Take the supps, L-glutamine and kudzu. Start on a Friday and have a plan for the weekend so you don't sit around and obsess about your buddy. Amazing how much you can think about what you feel you are denying yourself. Keep busy. Hope that helps. Good luck.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Withdrawal symtoms

        it all depends how healthy you are, and how long you have been drinking 2 bottles of wine a day.
        most people just get a bit anxious and maybe sweat and feel horrible.
        It is your body releasing toxins that you have accumulated from drinking.
        your mind will also race and you might go through some mood changes.

        like everyone says. after a few days you'll feel a lot better.
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          Withdrawal symtoms

          I was going to start on a Friday but the weekends are always the hardest times for me.


            Withdrawal symtoms


            not every night is 2 bottles of wine (8 glasses). Most nights I have five our six but find that, even with that amount, lately, I have a hard time remembering what went on the night before.


              Withdrawal symtoms

              Well... then do it on a Monday. You might have insomnia, night sweats, , shakey feelings, lack of ability to concentrate. But you'll be OK in a few days. You may have none of the above. Drink a LOT of water.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Withdrawal symtoms

                I agree with Greeneyes. Drink lots of water!! I also drink about 4 cups of Green Tea every day. The not being able to stay asleep at night is particularly hard for me so I take 2 calmes forte (get it at your health food store)at night. It helps. You could also try meletonin (but NOT if you've been drinking!). I haven't tried that yet but probably will.
                I love sleep and it's so important.

                Keep busy and post, post, post!!! and read, read, read!!

                Love and Peace
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  Withdrawal symtoms

                  Wishing you strenghth... You can do this and you are doing this by coming here..Pat yourself on the back.. read up on our holistic thread ... take the time you would normally sit and drink, to take care of yourself. The kudzu sold from My Way Out has helped me tremendously !!! I would suggest it to anybody. That is maybe a good start. Check out the complete kit sold in the MyWayOut store on this website. It will seem expensive, but honestly alot cheaper than buying wine, and you will be healthier and happier for it. Read lots and ask lots of questions. All the best, please keep us posted on how you are doing .. We all care xxx -hugs.

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    Withdrawal symtoms

                    I say start on a day that you feel mentally the strongest. Friday would be a set up for failure for me; but that's just me. Mondays are the day that I get into business/ serious mode b/c I have a lot of responsibilities to deal with, so I think it would be easier to go with a Monday maybe? Even normal drinkers do not drink during the week very often, so I dont feel so alone. The void is just bigger on a weekend for me anyway. Just my 2 cents!
                    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                      Withdrawal symtoms

                      Hi 2young,

                      I would be surprised if you had any serious withdrawal symptoms from consuming 5-8 glasses of wine per day, even though this has been going on for 5 years. The extent of withdrawal is unpredictable, and it is certainly good that you're paying attention to the possibility of a major withdrawal reaction, but the amount you report consuming, although unhealthy overall, probably won't be too physically taxing on your system if you stop. Everyone varies, but I'll point out that I myself have at times consumed 20 or so drinks on a daily basis and even I had no withdrawal reaction that prevented me from going about my daily business; just some unpleasant discomfort for a few days. Good luck going AF!


                        Withdrawal symtoms


                        This is going full circle. I know that it would be easier for me to stop on a Monday but I'm concerned that the withdrawal symptoms would make it impossible for me to take my kids to schools/go to work, etc. AARRGGG!!!! Tried to stop last night but failedagain.


                          Withdrawal symtoms


                          I did quit once a year and a half ago for six days. The first day I was all shakey and confused but that was about it. However, I am now 2.5 years further down the road so not sure what to expect.


                            Withdrawal symtoms

                            I agree with Prest. The weekdays are usually fairly structured and routine in my world. The first weekend was the toughest as my FRI and Saturday were full of drinking opportunities. Avoiding your triggers is key, I started 6 Mondays ago and it gets easier each passing week.
                            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                            Watch this and find out....


                              Withdrawal symtoms

                              Hi 2 young... welcome!

                              I was drinking about the same amount as you when I quit. I went cold turkey and made it... :h

                              What day should you stop drinking?

                              Monday? The thing is, "they" say that day 4 - 5 of being AF is when the cravings get the worst... so if you stopped on a Monday, that means that your body will physically be screaming from Thursday to Friday to Saturday, for one "little" sip....

                              Conversely, if you say you will stop on Friday, you know that will be hard for you, because it is emotionally challenging. So.

                              If you tell me you'll stop on Tuesday, I can find 5 reasons why you should wait till Wednesday.
                              If you say you want to stop on Wednesday, I can convince you that Thursay will be much better.
                              There is no magic day .... but the little alcohol birdie will try to have you wait til tomorrow

                              Physically, the hardest time for me (still is) starts in the early evenings, after work is over.... the kids doing homework, dinner is cooking, laundry is drying, and then suddenly, the last minute homework project is brought up at 8:00 pm... due tomorrow! :exclaim: .... once everyone would finally get to bed, the second witching hour creeps in~ a reward for the long day!

                              Whenever you decide, just know that we are here to support you :heart:

                              Tampa, FL

