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Baltimorons and Noelle

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    Baltimorons and Noelle

    My trip to Baltimore was pretty depressing and for some stupid reason I'm still depressed although nothing *really* bad happened. And two really good things did happen.

    We left on Saturday and my husband was driving like a lunatic, as usual for whenever we drive a long distance. Daughter is in front seat, I'm in the back. Husband gets right on the car in front of him's ass and mutters to himself about what bad driver's they are. I HATE this. I'm thinking, "What the hell am I doing in this car and I don't know if I can sit in this car for the next 4 1/2 hours!" Tears start to drip down my cheeks. Husband notices in rear view mirror and says, "Do you want to go home??? Will you feel better??" I say, "Stop driving like that, it scares me!!" Daughter turns around and notices the tears and I'm now sobbing. (Embarrassing) She says, "Mom, it'll be okay, you just sit next to me the whole time. Dad, she doesn't *want* to go home, she's just worried about the weekend." I see through my tears my daughters hand which is stretched to the backseat and grab it, practically crunching bones. Who is this child and what did I do to deserve her?????? Again I thank God I've quit drinking. This is first good thing that happens.

    Saturday's dinner is okay, especially sitting next to daughter. Fish SIL wants everyone to sing kareoke and please come up to the bar. This is "her" bar, her home. Everyone is disgusted. I leave without saying goodbye to her and she is hurt. She does not remember this the next day.

    Sunday brunch at a restaurant FIL and step-MIL (aka, main fish) frequent, especially the bar. My step-MIL (she's 2 weeks younger than me, but acts like she's 20 years older), has been drinking since 12am. Yes, AM. She gives up hard liquor for Lent and at 12am she starts drinking Southern Comfort. This has been a family joke for years. We order lunch. Way over an hour passes but everyone is talking, joking, eating bread and salad. (I don't notice the lack of lunch, but maybe the others do.) Only she and SIL fish are drinking. Suddenly she notices how long lunch is taking. Screaming ensues. "Where is our waitress??? We ordered 2 hours ago!!!!!! What the F*** is going on here????" More screaming and cursing, then hushing by FIL and their son. I've seen her like this before but not in public. The whole restaurant, which mainly consists of elderly people (canes, walkers, oxygen) becomes silent and stares. I, surprisingly, feel nothing. I just stare. The food comes shortly afterwards, conversation starts again like nothing happened. Everyone glances at one another, knowing this will be something to laugh and talk about for weeks. It will become part of family legend.

    Second good thing happens. Daughter says to me, "Mom, I just wanted to tell you how proud I am that you've stopped drinking and you are handling all this so well." I quick hug her and kiss her ear. I'm very glad she's said it. But I feel nothing! Shouldn't you feel joyful, happy that your daughter said something like that???

    We come home and that's it. I haven't been the same since that happened. I don't understand why. I've hardly been on here, it's like something is keeping me away. I don't have a clue. It's like I lost my feelings somewhere. Well, I am feeling pretty sad right now......maybe my eyes are a little teary. Anyway, I thought if I wrote about it, it would help.

    Sooooo, back to reading, sitting in the hole my butt is leaving in the sofa. Even though I'm not posting, I *am* thinking of y'all. :h
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

    Baltimorons and Noelle

    bad fish?

    oh Noelle, i'm picking the crust from my eyes and re-loading with a cup of brownie brew, reading, you poor woman. stay away from them stinkers. Today will be better! send them all a nice message telling how much fun you had. always encourage drinkers to drink MORE when your out with them, thats what i do, things go much to you. :h


      Baltimorons and Noelle

      Thanks Rip! :h I feel better now that I unloaded but I hope no one feels sorry for me. I've been going there for over 20 years and I'm pretty used to it. It's when I don't drink that I really notice how bad off some of them are. I guess it takes me a while to recover from it.
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        Baltimorons and Noelle

        Hi Noelle! I think a lot of people experience this numbness when giving up drinking. I think it is just part of the process we go through to be honest. I had a period like this myself where I felt nothing at all. It is totally indescribable to others as there are simply no emotions attached to it whatsoever to describe. It seems though the best thing to come out of your week-end was your daughter showing you so much love and support. That far outweighs any kind of shenanigans and disappointments your fish family could have bestowed upon you.

        I made a post recently where I just needed to let rip also and believe me it did help. I know just writing my thoughts down occasionally can be beneficial as I can weigh the argument up I have with myself much better. Difficult I know when you are feeling emotionless but I hope it has helped you too in some way.

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Baltimorons and Noelle

          Noelle, I'm not surprised that you numbed out. They sound like quite a crew to deal with sober. Now that you're not drinking, you can see the seriousness and ridiculousness of the situation, and of course, you feel sad and frustrated. Give yourself some time to get back into your normal routine, and don't deny how difficult it is to be with these folks.

          It sounds like the less time you spend with them the better. Your daughter clearly "gets it". You will appreciate her support more as time goes on, even though it wasn't quite enough at the time. Maybe next time it will be.

          Take care....
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Baltimorons and Noelle

            noelle sorry that you had to deal with that crazy family stuff. It is not easy to deal with drunks when one is sober.
            I hope you didn't get picked on for not drinking. I think you are pretty brave to go to that gathering sober.

            I would have stayed home sick. your daughter is very supportive you a lucky mom.

            big hug to you and venting is a way to heal oneself.
            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


              Baltimorons and Noelle

              Hey No-L,

              My hat goes off to you for having the strength to even go, and to your daughter for being so kind and supportive. I am sure that the whole experience of you not drinking and being around others who were over indulging had to be emotionally draining as well as eye opening. I hope you are able to see how unbelievably strong you are.

              My mama has a saying "There is good to every bad, sometimes you have to look a little harder for it." It took me a while, but...... At least the fishing escapade took place in their neck of the woods and not yours. lol



                Baltimorons and Noelle


                Congratulaltions on getting through this AF! The rest is behind you, such a nice place for it to be. Think spring, girl! Flowers, tomatoes, hanging baskets, nice big pots on the deck/patio! Lots of watering and fertilizing. No more hole in the couch where your butt used to be! Have you ever planted zuccinni! The plants are huge and amazing! So are butternut/acorn and other squash. Gets some books and go, go garden girl! :-)

                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  Baltimorons and Noelle

                  YoungAtHeart;297866 wrote: I'm not surprised that you numbed out. They sound like quite a crew to deal with sober. Now that you're not drinking, you can see the seriousness and ridiculousness of the situation, and of course, you feel sad and frustrated. Give yourself some time to get back into your normal routine, and don't deny how difficult it is to be with these folks.

                  Noelle, my heart goes out to you. I agree with YAH above. I'm new enough here that I'm not familiar with your past drinking history, but it must be hard for any AF drinker to look in a mirror like that ... especially so if its family. If you've got a taste of AF life it must be all the more bitter to be around a family where this kind of drinking is accepted behavior. If its been that way for 20 years I'm sure you have a lot of healing to do and being around them probably opens old wounds.

                  Myself I tend to shut down when I'm in a social situation that depresses me (or I drink) so I'm not surprised you feel numb. Don't beat yourself up! At least you made it through in one piece with your sobriety intact ... thats something to be REALLY
                  proud of! And, having the support of your daughter is amazing! Those Fishy people may be your past but your daughter is your future!

                  So, do something nice for yourself: take a bath, a walk in nature, have a fudge sundae, something! You deserve it!!!! Cheers to you!:yougo:

                  Oh and BTW, Balt is a very hard city ... I have a lot of family & friends in and around there and it always depresses me a little to go there for some reason I've never been able to define.


                    Baltimorons and Noelle

                    Hi Noelle,

                    I had to go back and read your post again, i wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry...I went with laugh :H I hope you don't mind. I just kept picturing these scense in my head.

                    I can't believe anyone that starts drinking So. Co. at 12 am could still be standing at lunchtime!!

                    Anyway, you went, you had support and you made it through! Now you can look back and laugh at how stupid they acted--maybe someday they'll see it too.

                    Thanks for sharing.
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      Baltimorons and Noelle

                      Uh, Sherry....when is the weather gonna change? :H
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        Baltimorons and Noelle

                        Yes there are morans in Baltimore ! Then I'm sure they're everywhere else. I met quite a few Pittsburgh Steeler's Fans at the Ravens games that would make your head go around in circles. What I'm trying to say....because this happened in Baltimore I don't think you should call us Baltimoreons. Morans are an equal oppertunity employeer ! LOL
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Baltimorons and Noelle

                          Hey now!! I'm not responsible for Steeler fans everywhere ya know? :H I call y'all morons, well not you specifically of course, but since I grew up in Northern VA, I always noticed people from Maryland were...uh.....different. Maybe you haven't met my in-laws? They are definately morons! :H :H :H
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            Baltimorons and Noelle

                            I also grew up in Northern Virginia......went to Wakefield High School. Sorry the people you have been asssoiated with were that crould. I was trying to make a point....thier are idiots everywhere. IAD
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              Baltimorons and Noelle

                              I got it......I was just being silly. Sorry.
                              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

