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7th Day AF

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    7th Day AF

    Well, I was so proud of myself on Day 5, but here I am at Day 7. Unfortunately hubby drove to work yesterday and I took my own car. I kept thinking all day that he is going to stop on the way home and get beer. Well, I got home just a few minutes before he did. As he got out of the truck, he was shaking his head. He had a funny look and when he came in he said, "Well, that was just nasty!" I asked him what (even though I already knew!). He said well, I stopped and got a 16 oz becasue I thought 1 beer would help me get rid of this awful headache and it tasted horrible. He said he poured out over half of it.

    I made it to day 7, so I get my bike, I guess he'll have to wait! LOL I did e-mail customer service about the Kudzu and the book, but haven't heard back yet.

    Thanks for all your support! Feels good having others to share in my success. I'm just going one day at a time. Can't promise a long term goal yet.


    7th Day AF

    Woohoo girl YOU rock!
    I am day 5...first two obviously didn't go so well.
    Great job!
    I am still waiting for my is taking forever...maybe because I am in Canada?????
    Don't worry about long term goals yet.
    One day at a time!
    And you are doing GREAT!

    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      7th Day AF


      7 days is awesome.

      It is so daunting to look too far down the road and can trip you up. I agree, ODAT.

      I am on day 9 and feeling great!! (I started Antabuse, so I am cheating but it is a good cheating!!)

      Glad you are doing so well. I know if you can keep AF for a while longer, you will start to notice some incredibly positive changes. Especially if you do the supps.

      Again, :goodjob:

      AF April 9, 2016


        7th Day AF

        great job u three, i hope that u manage to do anotehr day. ODAT is the way to go.

        good luck all


          7th Day AF

          Y'all are doing great!!!!!!

          Cindi,,,,you are NOT cheating!! :h
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


            7th Day AF

            cindi;298409 wrote: Gina,

            7 days is awesome.

            It is so daunting to look too far down the road and can trip you up. I agree, ODAT.

            I am on day 9 and feeling great!! (I started Antabuse, so I am cheating but it is a good cheating!!)

            Glad you are doing so well. I know if you can keep AF for a while longer, you will start to notice some incredibly positive changes. Especially if you do the supps.

            Again, :goodjob:

            I agree with Noelle, you ARE NOT cheating!! Just doing what it takes!! Some days ODAT is too far for me to plan, so I stick with 5 minutes at a time! LOL Hell, I can do anything for 5 minutes at a time!!

            Great job yall!!!


              7th Day AF

              Hey Everybody!

              Good work on being as far along as you each have gotten!
              OMW, Day 7! good for you, so I have a question. What Bike are you getting? I must have missed that set of posts! CONGRATULATIONS. And yeah, I remember when I first started out I was glad to make 15 minutes at a time in the evening after I got home!

              Keeta, Day 5! WAY TO GO! YES! you CAN do this! It does get easier as you go along, I promise.

              Cindi, You are not cheating! It's working for you, right? it's not chaeting...cheating would be hiding your pills for a few days so you could drink...and I know you are not doing that!

              Stay Strong!
              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                7th Day AF

                Probably just getting a cheap mountain bike from Academy. I haven't ridden a bicycle in soooo long. I hear you never forget how, but since I lost over a hundred pounds and a whole lot in my hiney, it may feel a little different now! LOL


                  7th Day AF

                  Congrats OMY, Keeta and Our girl Cindi! I say.....keep it going!! It just keeps getting better with each sober day.......Honest! Sometimes the lure of the "buzz" seems enticing, but the longer you go AF the less appealing that seems. And...OH! yeah, you are used to waking up each day refreshed without regret!

                  Cindi......antibuse is NOT cheating, no more than taking blood pressure medicine is cheating!

                  Carpe Diem All!
                  xxx Kate
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    7th Day AF

                    I love my bike! Wife and I have been riding together for 6-7 years, we do some tours, but mostly jsut for excercise, as much as 150 miles per week in the summer. It is very good for keeping your muscles all toned up and helping to loose weight as well!
                    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                      7th Day AF

                      I agree about the Antabuse...if I EVER binge again I will go on it in a heartbeat. The lure of drinking to relieve stress is very appealing at times. But there is nothing about waking up at 3 am with your heart beating out of your chest and not sleeping for 3 days b/c of w/d that helps any stress at all. Whatever it takes to beat this thing has to be ok.


                        7th Day AF

                        Congratulations !!! What a great healthy trade off !!!

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

