So sorry to hear this. I loved my job....worked at it for 35 years. The last year of my tenurer was pure hell. ( The bad part about it was I did'nt even know it.) My mother and wife both told me that thier was a big change in me. I was lucky...I could retire...and I did. I feel so much better. This does nothing for you problem, though ! I have told my children that unless you like what your doing, your 2nd job would be to look for another job. You must tolerate the abuse until you have something else !
Your husband not talking to you about leaving a job....I just don't understand that ! Does he have any prospects. Even when I retired, I had prospects. wheater I act on it is my call.
Hope you can work this out....Keep posting....Let us know how we can help ! IAD
Congrats on your retirement, IAD... you are VERY lucky!
If I never had had to work, I probably wouldn't have become an alchi.