I actually felt like I had a good night's sleep for the first time AF..
It really hasn't been too too difficult for me, but I've been VERY focused on recovery and doing what I need to do for me. I've stayed away from my triggers. Last night, I did go into Second Life for the first time again, and I didn't feel any urge to drink. I also stayed away from a gambling game there where most of the others are drinking.. yay me.
The other night I played Euchre (a card game) in Pogo games and a few of the others were saying.. BRB, getting a beer... that didn't bother me either. I smiled to myself.. glad that isn't me..
I've trying to be very focused on recovery and doing what I need to heal. I guess I have the luxury of time to be able to do that, although I have interviews this week...
An Interesting Note: I think the first blessing of not drinking happened Monday, when I got an email from a company whom I had applied for a job at.. They said, after reviewing your resume, would you consider this other position? WoW! I emailed back and forth with her several times and have a phone interview tomorrow morning.. It is a job that I would hesitate to consider if I was drinking because... it entails getting up early every day. Now... I would welcome this oppty because I need something to get my ass up in the mornings.. lol..
I remember when I was AF 6 years ago for a few months, those little blessings happened then too.. but my reasons for being AF are different now.. I feel much stronger.. I hope this really is it for me.. so far, it's all good..