I would also like Benazir Bhutto to replace C. Rice as the Secretary of State. Yes, I know she is not alive, but I figure that Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer can fix that. She did it once so I know that she knows how. We just have to go down to the magic shop and swipe all the ingredients while Giles is not looking.
Once Benazir is in office, her first assignment can be to resolve the political issues in Kenya. Then we can all safely go visit Maasai. To do that Benazir might need some bodyguards....any volunteers? You get to have guns!
Hey determinator, can you hook us up?
Actually, this is really an endorsement for Benazir Bhutto's book, "Reconciliation", it is subtitled, "Islam, Democracy and the West". I just finished reading it, and if she were running for President, I would vote for her. If you get a chance, it is a great read during this very scary time in our world. It is shame such a women is no longer with us.