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Tis the Season: My Political Dream

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    Tis the Season: My Political Dream

    I would like Obama to be the President. I am ok if Hillary wants to be the Vice-President. I figure this is the best chance I have of getting my son home from Iraq safely.
    I would also like Benazir Bhutto to replace C. Rice as the Secretary of State. Yes, I know she is not alive, but I figure that Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer can fix that. She did it once so I know that she knows how. We just have to go down to the magic shop and swipe all the ingredients while Giles is not looking.
    Once Benazir is in office, her first assignment can be to resolve the political issues in Kenya. Then we can all safely go visit Maasai. To do that Benazir might need some bodyguards....any volunteers? You get to have guns!
    Hey determinator, can you hook us up?

    Actually, this is really an endorsement for Benazir Bhutto's book, "Reconciliation", it is subtitled, "Islam, Democracy and the West". I just finished reading it, and if she were running for President, I would vote for her. If you get a chance, it is a great read during this very scary time in our world. It is shame such a women is no longer with us.

    Tis the Season: My Political Dream

    hi there..croft.. am not allowed to have a gun. my gf said so.but hey good seeing you .
    and i am not into political issues but to tell you the truth .it would be historic event if we get any of those two in office.obama being a black man and hillary being a women but any of them are better then the asshole we have in there now.
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Tis the Season: My Political Dream

      Hi Croft....gosh, I didn't know that you have a son in Iraq. As a mother, I know this must be extremly hard on you. As for a new must be a Democrat. McCai n will bring more of the same and this country cannot take more of the same! I actually wanted John Edwards, but he is no longer a possibility. I am supporting Obama, I honestly believe he is the only one that can beat McCain. Obama is a highly intelligent man, with strong principles and I believe he would be a strong leader. It will be so refreshing to have intelligence and true character back in the White House, instead of the Village Idiot!

      In the meantime, we will pray for your son and all the sons and daughters fighting in Iraq.
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Tis the Season: My Political Dream

        As a mom of 3 sons I will have to back you on this one. I am sorry that you have a son over there as I cannot even imagine having one of my boys over there - but then again aren't they all OUR boys over there and anyone that can and will bring them home should be the next president in my eyes whomever he or she may be and I firmly believe that will be a democrat.
        when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


          Tis the Season: My Political Dream

          The United States of America is the greatest country in the world.
          You can have this dream and vision.... and ... unless otherwise noted...
          no one came in and just chopped you into little pieces of fish bait...
          I am proud to be an American...
          You know what... I wouldn't change places with a soul from any other country... nor probably they me.

          Would I vote for Obama........................................ Would I vote for Clinton.................................... Would I vote for McCain............................................ ....

          who knows.........................

          Good Post
          Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


            Tis the Season: My Political Dream

            Reality check: neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton would settle for Vice President.
            There are more issues among Americans than only the war in Iraq.
            Thanks Capt J Bean for your patriotism. (I'm the only one in my neighborhood that flies the American flag every chance i get ...) Um I don't think we want to talk politics here.


              Tis the Season: My Political Dream

              Amen Hulagirl. Its refreshing to see someone who, unlike not only Obamas wife but also his minister of 20 years, loves this great nation.


                Tis the Season: My Political Dream

                I'm writing in Ben Stein for president. :H

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Tis the Season: My Political Dream

                  I've really thought about this year's political disarray, and I have to buffer my comment by saying that I'm not making light of the current Iraqi situation. I served in the big sandbox during Operation Desert Storm, and my military police platoon "processed" 16,000 Iraqi soldiers.... little bit of trivia~ we could tell the officers from soldiers by their feet, because soldiers were barefoot (have you ever tried to run barefoot on the beach?) verheated:

                  If I could write my ideal ticket, it would be the Jerrys.

                  The Lewis and Springer team.

                  That's right. When I was young, The Memorial Day event was THE Jerry Lewis Telethon.... he stood behind his cause.
                  Rallied the nation.
                  Sang from his heart.
                  Brought awareness to a crippling disease.
                  You'd see him at the end of the weekend, truly exhausted by his 3 day campaign, proud of his nation for raising untold millions of dollars.
                  Then he would cry and sing in joyous victory... was it "My Way" ?

                  Jerry Springer. Sure, America is screwed up.... but Jerry Springer has the innate talent to find the screwiest situation and to publicly expose it for what it's worth. Televisions would transmit into living rooms throughout America the good news: you thought YOUR life was bad?

                  Tune in at 3 pm to see what BAD really is!

                  Mr. Lewis would help Americans rally around the flag, join the cause, and promote world peace. :kissyface:

                  Mr. Springer would scour the globe to find the screwy nations that would restore Americans' faith in this country....
                  yeah, we THOUGHT we were goofed up, but check out THAT culture! :flyingunders:

                  LEWIS AND SPRINGER.:gramps:

                  Tampa, FL


                    Tis the Season: My Political Dream

                    I honestly believe that patriotism is far more than singing songs and flag waving. It is the Freedom of being able to pay attention and learn the issues, make changes, speak up when we believe that things need to change. I love the USA, I love the Constitution and the values that this country was founded on.

                    Don't just get out and vote.......know exactly who and what you are voting for! That, is Patriotism!

                    XX Kate
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Tis the Season: My Political Dream

                      I am with Patty on this one. And I since I doubt Willow is going to be able to bring Benazir back the Jerry's are a better pick.

                      Nice work Patty!!!

                      And thanks for serving our country!!!


                        Tis the Season: My Political Dream

                        HI Guys/ America

                        Waving from down below at you> And look around guys to the left, above you to the right and left of you. Other nations that think they have the best values, political system individual rights ect all waving flags too. I feel for Croft as a parent having a son in a strange land and in constant danger the constant worry would do me in she is obviously a very strong person. And I commend her for having the guts to talk about your countries political situation why is this taboo her sons wellbeing depends on the outcome of who you choose. What is it with the US latley ???? Such a great country leaders like king kennedy lincon truman> Your current leader is like something out of a hollywood movie. "bring it on" "smokem out"> I despair. Please tone down the patriot greatest country on the earth thing its sounds like the kids at school ie "MY dads car is better than yours " My mom gives a birdy better than yours".

                        Sorry "America the best" you should have a look out the window youre not top of the class. I can feel the bullets ready to fly at me but shit this all comes down to a mothers son. I wish crofts son a safe return home to his mum.

                        Sorry for the rant Ill scurry off to the far away magic tree now and bed down with the fairies as my daughter wishes OH for a better world.

                        All the best cap


                          Tis the Season: My Political Dream

                          Thanks CapnJack. we definitely haven't been the "greatest country in the world" as of late. I love my country, but am very saddened by what has happened in the past few years. And yes, I can love my country but hate things my government has done, right??? Right! Croftie, I did not know you have a son in Iraq.:l:l And Patty, thanks as always!!! :H
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            Tis the Season: My Political Dream

                            Our SouthernBelle also has a son in Iraq

                            Just a reminder. I pray for the safe return of all your children, siblings, fathers and or mothers that are in Iraq.

                            I also send them many thanks for their service.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Tis the Season: My Political Dream

                              I knew. But I have been unable to say anything as I get this big knot thing in my throat when I even try to type. Sorry Croftie, I pray for him and you and your family. I just didn't know how to say it to you. :h
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

