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It's over!

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    It's over!


    I hope the note you intend to write brings healing for both parties.


      It's over!

      lucky;299976 wrote: Shik,

      I hope the note you intend to write brings healing for both parties.
      Thank you, Lucky... I hope so too... not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about her... I swear... I wanted to contact her before my case even was heard, but attorneys told me not to.

      I don't have anything to hold me back now. I pray she forgives me.


        It's over!

        A wake up call indeed and so grateful that everyone is still standing.

        Time for a new you and new life. Best of luck to you!!!!
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          It's over!

          Am happy for you Shik, but please remember 36 months of probation means if you repeat this mistake then big trouble will be coming your way. Many of us on this site have got behind the wheel when we shouldn?t have, so no judgment from me.
          Enjoy your birthday. Aunt Vic


            It's over!

            Victory;300052 wrote: Am happy for you Shik, but please remember 36 months of probation means if you repeat this mistake then big trouble will be coming your way. Many of us on this site have got behind the wheel when we shouldn?t have, so no judgment from me.
            Enjoy your birthday. Aunt Vic
            Thank you, thank you, thank you!

            Yes, I've LEARNED my lesson...

            Probation... *wow*

            Does anyone know what I can expect from the DUI school? What do they "teach?"


              It's over!

              Beaches;300020 wrote: A wake up call indeed and so grateful that everyone is still standing.

              Time for a new you and new life. Best of luck to you!!!!
              Thanks, Beach... a new me... yes, everyone is still standing... I love that TV show too... "Still Standing".

              God has been so good to me!


                It's over!

                Shikakai;300062 wrote: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

                Yes, I've LEARNED my lesson...

                Probation... *wow*

                Does anyone know what I can expect from the DUI school? What do they "teach?"
                I found my classes very informative but my teachers were great. I thought I knew everything about alcohol but some of the lessons were very introspective.

                Some of it was kind of dry but for the most part I learned alot about myself and others.


                  It's over!

                  Dolly Sunshine;300067 wrote: I found my classes very informative but my teachers were great. I thought I knew everything about alcohol but some of the lessons were very introspective.

                  Some of it was kind of dry but for the most part I learned alot about myself and others.

                  Thanks, Doll...

                  I believe this is truly the wake-up call I needed.

                  I'm looking forward to the classes, and I'm glad I took the initiative to contact the court and no one had to come looking for me.

                  I need help and now I'm going to get it! It's overdue!

                  There is so much many people don't know about alcohol and its effects until it's too late!

                  They don't tell us... too much money involved... I stand by that!


                    It's over!

                    Hi Shik: just on the whole issue of alcohol ... It's complicated as hell. and yes, big big money. But it is SO much more regulated than it was 20 years ago. I could drink hard stuff at 18 legally and I remember , in my binge-happy state, there was little fuss about drunk driving, it was kind of winked at ..
                    It's tough. Prohibition sure as hell was a mess. I also remember my drinking escapades in high school. I wrote in my journal that I probably wouldn't drink when I turned 18 because the "risk/fun" factor wouldn't be there. The whole forbidden fruit thing.
                    I don't know. but is it my imagination, or are the English-speaking countries the ones with the major bingeing problems?? I lived in Europe and alcohol was taken for granted as something you had in moderation with a meal. Being obviously drunk was way frowned upon, and I don't think the young people were bingeing nearly as much as here...
                    It's a tough issue.
                    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                      It's over!

                      dexterhead;300085 wrote: Hi Shik: just on the whole issue of alcohol ... It's complicated as hell. and yes, big big money. But it is SO much more regulated than it was 20 years ago. I could drink hard stuff at 18 legally and I remember , in my binge-happy state, there was little fuss about drunk driving, it was kind of winked at ..
                      It's tough. Prohibition sure as hell was a mess. I also remember my drinking escapades in high school. I wrote in my journal that I probably wouldn't drink when I turned 18 because the "risk/fun" factor wouldn't be there. The whole forbidden fruit thing.
                      I don't know. but is it my imagination, or are the English-speaking countries the ones with the major bingeing problems?? I lived in Europe and alcohol was taken for granted as something you had in moderation with a meal. Being obviously drunk was way frowned upon, and I don't think the young people were bingeing nearly as much as here...
                      It's a tough issue.
                      Thanks, Dex... I know I'm not dreaming...

                      Winked at... um hmmm... it was expected... I guess enough people have been killed and their loved ones have SPOKEN UP!

                      Enough is enough... as they did 20 years ago and just imagine the pro-Prohibition fights... man! I would love to have been around to hear those arguments... the ferocity!

                      I've never done illegal drugs and if Prohibition days were today, I wouldn't be an alcoholic because I wouldn't have tried it... weren't the Kennedys in favor of legalizing alchi...? Maybe even involved?

                      I'm glad Aqua started the thread he/she did. It needs to be addressed.

                      Well, bedtime. I'll sleep real good tonight. Love you all


                        It's over!

                        Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. First off you should not be so happy about beating the system. If you were involved in an accident while intoxicated in California you will lose your licence and do jail time, there is no way around it. (Blazer or not)

                        A first time offender in Ca. will lose their licence for one year. If you caused injury to another person it might be longer. D.M.V. will decide

                        Your vehicle will also be impounded, even on first offence.

                        On a personal note, you should really be more concerened for the person that you hurt while driving drunk. You should be glad that you didnt kill a kid, or mom or family, let alone yourself!

                        Stop being so happy to "get off" and start getting pissed at yourself for doing something so damn stupid!


                          It's over!


                          As for the government being responsible for someones personal preference to drink too much, you are way off base. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to control your own drinking not anyone else. If you, or I drink too much, we cant blame the government or anyone else for that matter. When I go overboard its my fault, nobody but me. Take the responsibilty, or dont drink! Just because you see it on T.V. dosent make it OK. You are an adult and can make your own decisions on what is wrong or right.


                            It's over!

                            just being me;300195 wrote: Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. First off you should not be so happy about beating the system. If you were involved in an accident while intoxicated in California you will lose your licence and do jail time, there is no way around it. (Blazer or not)

                            A first time offender in Ca. will lose their licence for one year. If you caused injury to another person it might be longer. D.M.V. will decide

                            Your vehicle will also be impounded, even on first offence.

                            On a personal note, you should really be more concerened for the person that you hurt while driving drunk. You should be glad that you didnt kill a kid, or mom or family, let alone yourself!

                            Stop being so happy to "get off" and start getting pissed at yourself for doing something so damn stupid!
                            Nope, didn't "get off" and nope didn't "beat the system." The judge had all the facts right there in front of him. He gave me the sentence he felt I deserved, and I'm happy with it.

                            Whatever you believe the interpretation of the law to be is one thing, what it is obviously is quite another. You weren't there, were you, when he sentenced me?

                            In my case, no jail time; no vehicle impound and I haven't heard from DMV, but I'm sure I will now that the case is adjudicated. I have no problem with DMV taking the license for a year. It will help with my staying sober and that's all that matters.

                            I am very glad I didn't kill anyone. You should read more of my posts. If you do, you'll realize I have been very concerned about the other motorist.

                            Friday was one of the best days of my life


                              It's over!

                              just being me;300200 wrote: Shitaki,

                              As for the government being responsible for someones personal preference to drink too much, you are way off base. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to control your own drinking not anyone else. If you, or I drink too much, we cant blame the government or anyone else for that matter. When I go overboard its my fault, nobody but me. Take the responsibilty, or dont drink! Just because you see it on T.V. dosent make it OK. You are an adult and can make your own decisions on what is wrong or right.
                              Funny, your posts sound strangely "familiar", and I noticed that you just "joined" yesterday. All of your "two posts" are directed at me, I see.

                              Well, sorry you felt the need, whichever long-time poster you are, to create a new ID just to tell me what the law is and give me your opinion.

                              Let me know when you get on the bench and then your "opinion" may mean something to me because as it stands right now, it doesn't.


                                It's over!

                                My two cents. I don't know why some folks are so pissed when others express relief that worse things didn't happen to them. It's human nature. What would you have Shik do?

                                I feel she does understand how incredibly lucky she was, she is eager to go to DUI school and will attend AA meetings.

                                I hate bitter people. Yes someone got injured. They are okay. So should Shik throw herself in a volcano to make amends?

                                I don't drink and drive but I did once and vowed not to again. I haven't and won't. I believe Shik won't.

                                As I say, my two cents.

