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It's over!

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    It's over!

    Having a nice day, thanks rip, same to you. Aunty Vic


      It's over!

      Shikakai;300715 wrote: Thank you everyone who is sticking up for me... I really don't know what people expect me to do.

      I contacted ProFlowers today and sent the poor lady a plant which she will receive early next week. I felt the plant will last longer than flowers... thank you again... many of you have been very kind to me and it is not unappreciated :l

      That is an unexpected, kind gesture, and I hope the lady understands it as a request for forgiveness. I'm very fortunate that I've never been involved with a DUI or alcohol-related incident. Fortunate. It could have been me.

      If this was a forum for PERFECT people, and you joined and posted,

      Help! I have a blob of cellulite on my inner thigh!
      Well, everyone here would look at that blob, critique it, and tell you how to get rid of it. Some PERFECT people would recommend the surgical way to remove it, and other people would suggest a holistic approach. Maybe some unforgiving people would imply, or you would infer, that you are not welcome anymore because of that nasty cellulite.

      I don't make this analogy lightly. I am glad you have found My Way Out, and that you have the courage to post about your dilemma and to ask for support. If you were ranting with excuses and justifications as to WHY this accident wasn't your fault, I wouldn't be supportive right now.....

      Maybe the fact that you titled this post, "It's Over!", or that you clearly stated that you were happy
      upset some people. So, if we could change the name of this thread, how about:

      The court gave me a reprieve. Thanks for your support!

      Today is the first day of my new life!

      From this moment on, I've made the following promises...

      The past is over. Shik, you have been given a second chance. The fortunate reality is that the other woman was not killed or seriously maimed, and you can thank your Maker everyday for that blessing. Hopefully, the rest of us here can learn from your unfortunate experience, and if a situation happens when either we will drink and drive, or let someone else take the drunken wheel, we STOP and remember what you went through.

      I have a day calendar called, "Getting in Touch with your Inner Bitch"....
      and here is an appropriate quote:

      "Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you-
      not because they are nice, but because you are."

      Your Inner Bitch wants to remind you that there's an enormous difference between
      "being nice" and Toxic Niceness. :heart:

      Tampa, FL


        It's over!

        Back Off

        Back off please from beating up on shik, as hart said what do you want her do; jump into a volcano to make amends.
        We know who made the posts, so you cannot hide,
        My friend [computer nerd] has tracked you down.
        Via your computer number.
        Each time you log on, your number is recorded.
        So enjoy your part time hiding, will out you soon.
        Until then sleep well
        Aunty Vic


          It's over!

          Not Happy Hour-Happy Life;300949 wrote:

          That is an unexpected, kind gesture, and I hope the lady understands it as a request for forgiveness. I'm very fortunate that I've never been involved with a DUI or alcohol-related incident. Fortunate. It could have been me.

          If this was a forum for PERFECT people, and you joined and posted,

          Help! I have a blob of cellulite on my inner thigh!
          Well, everyone here would look at that blob, critique it, and tell you how to get rid of it. Some PERFECT people would recommend the surgical way to remove it, and other people would suggest a holistic approach. Maybe some unforgiving people would imply, or you would infer, that you are not welcome anymore because of that nasty cellulite.

          I don't make this analogy lightly. I am glad you have found My Way Out, and that you have the courage to post about your dilemma and to ask for support. If you were ranting with excuses and justifications as to WHY this accident wasn't your fault, I wouldn't be supportive right now.....

          Maybe the fact that you titled this post, "It's Over!", or that you clearly stated that you were happy
          upset some people. So, if we could change the name of this thread, how about:

          The court gave me a reprieve. Thanks for your support!

          Today is the first day of my new life!

          From this moment on, I've made the following promises...

          The past is over. Shik, you have been given a second chance. The fortunate reality is that the other woman was not killed or seriously maimed, and you can thank your Maker everyday for that blessing. Hopefully, the rest of us here can learn from your unfortunate experience, and if a situation happens when either we will drink and drive, or let someone else take the drunken wheel, we STOP and remember what you went through

          I have a day calendar called, "Getting in Touch with your Inner Bitch"....
          and here is an appropriate quote:

          "Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you-
          not because they are nice, but because you are."

          Your Inner Bitch wants to remind you that there's an enormous difference between
          "being nice" and Toxic Niceness. :heart:
          And that's why I posted here what WAS happening and did happen, just as others post what is happening in their lives as it relates to alcohol. It should help other members and they can learn a lesson through the experiences of other members. I was going to address this to Nancy, but I'm tired of defending my actions on this board.

          If my story could help someone else to think before they drink and drive, that would be another good that came out of a bad situation. We never know where help might be and sometimes we get that help through the situations that befall others, even if that situation is the direct fault of the person IN the situation, as it is for me.

          I hope the woman can forgive me. As I said before, since some think I should be thrown away, that I even offered to make restitution in court. I wonder how many defendants go before the judge and OFFER? That's how horrible I feel about what I did to this woman. All because I am out of control; she should suffer? I don't think so. But I'm on my way to recovery and I can't wait to begin the classes. I look FORWARD to it.

          Thanks for the "inner b**ch". Even with the slams, I think I've handled them pretty well. I could have easily gone into "b**ch" mode, but that is a part of my life that is also over. I try to be nice to everyone.

          Thanks for your kind words, Patty... funny, I get along very well with another Patty at the SoapNet board. You wouldn't by chance happen to watch Guiding Light, would you? :H

          You all have a nice Sunday. I'm going to see mother today :l

          Oh, as far as changing the title of the thread, I'll let Ms. Roberta decide. This thread has over 1,000 views so I don't know if it makes much difference at this time.

          Peace :h


            It's over!

            So b/c someone stated an opinion that you don't agree with you had them tracked down? Ok everyone if you don't want to be cyber stalked please post "Gee we are thrilled you got off so lightly"


              It's over!

              Fucking bitches out there.

              time for a litter box thread to DUKE it out! :sausages::egg: i don't scratch just watch! :finger2:


                It's over!

                I think we shold move this to guy's group and do naked mud wrestling.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  It's over!

                  Dolly Sunshine;300974 wrote: So b/c someone stated an opinion that you don't agree with you had them tracked down? Ok everyone if you don't want to be cyber stalked please post "Gee we are thrilled you got off so lightly"
                  It wasn't that this poster just stated a harsh opinion. This poster purposely created a brand new profile to anonymously criticize Shikakai, that seems more like cyber stalking to me.
                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    It's over!

                    Will this thread finally die?
                    Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                    April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                    wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                    wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                    wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                    wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                    wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                    wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                      It's over!

                      Hi Shik, so glad you posted to let us know how you got on Friday. Was dreading the thought of you in Jail, I know you will take this as a 'reprieve', hope you have the strength to see this through, the AA the trash the probation are all reminders of what could have happened. Thank God that the lady who was hurt was hurt mildly and I hope she accepts your gift as the sorrow you feel for hurting her. Please keep us posted as to how the procedure goes for you. Thinking of you and really interested on how the probation, AA affects you and what it brings, any insights will be appreciated.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        It's over!

                        Closing this thread...again

                        This revived thread has been brought to my attention and I'm closing it as I did earlier.

                        Also to be very clear: no one here is able to view or track down another member's computer address (IP number) or user ID. The only ones with access to that information are those to whom I provide administrative privileges. That includes Codemonkey and me.

                        Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                          It's over!

                          Thank you RJ


                            It's over!

                            Thank you very very much RJ!!!
                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

