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It's over!

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    It's over!

    I had a bench trial; represented myself; judge heard my case and reviewed the evidence. He dismissed the infraction and the lesser misdemeanor, leaving me with just one misdeameanor, which I pled "no contest", which means guilty. I wasn't charged with the accident.

    Sentence: 3 years probation; 6 months of AA once a week; 9 months DUI school and two days picking up trash.

    Case closed.

    I am SO happy! :h

    Thank you all for your well wishes and the advice I received. I couldn't thank God enough for this "gift"

    It's over!

    I'm glad for you Shikakai! You just received a very big gift. Be grateful every single day. Put stick notes everywhere to remind you that probation is not a free ticket. Second chances don't come every day. This will be a big incentive for you!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      It's over!

      3 years probation wow! do you have to give up your license? I am glad that things worked out.

      good luck shik.
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        It's over!

        Shikakai~ I'm glad the extra weight is lifted off of your shoulders, and that you can see a happy horizon again.... like Greenie said, you've received a wonderful reprieve.

        It sounds like you are ready to "Pay It Forward"... :l

        Tampa, FL


          It's over!

          Oh you guys.... I still can't believe my LUCK!

          Yes, I am very fortunate, and I'm grateful that I'll be going to the DUI school... that combined with the AA meetings and this wonderful board, I have to do better.

          I don't know about the license, but I'm optimistic. Although California laws are very strict, apparently, according to other cases I heard at the hearing this morning, DMV hands back licenses after a DUI conviction (first offense).

          I couldn't be mad if they snatched my license, though, but when they see the sentence (court-ordered AA/DUI school), they may let me continue driving. I mean, I do have to get to the school and the meetings, right?

          Besides, people driving (insurance, etc.) is also BIG MONEY!

          There were a couple of cases today where people were thrown out of DUI school... they just couldn't stop drinking. I felt so bad for them. They were a mess as they tried to defend themselves, but the judge was very compassionate and worked with them.

          I didn't see this "big bad wolf" judge that I was warned about from an attorney, who shall remain nameless, as that attorney tried to set me up with an unscrupulous bailsman... I was NOT arrested! They straight lied to me!

          Glad I followed my own mind...

          Thanks again, everybody! I can SLEEP tonight!


            It's over!

            trixietrack;299845 wrote: 3 years probation wow! do you have to give up your license? I am glad that things worked out.

            good luck shik.
            The courts don't handle licenses out here. In fact, one guy was begging the judge for a "restricted" license, and he referred him to the DMV.


              It's over!

              greeneyes;299842 wrote: I'm glad for you Shikakai! You just received a very big gift. Be grateful every single day. Put stick notes everywhere to remind you that probation is not a free ticket. Second chances don't come every day. This will be a big incentive for you!
              Yes it will, yes it will! Thanks again for all your advice... (probono/law school)... I swear...

              I'm sure the attorneys will wonder where I disappeared to. The judge and I settled the case TODAY!

              It's over! Praise GOD!


                It's over!

                Hi Shik,

                I'm really happy for you. Lawyers often use these "scare" tactics you talked about for recruiting new clients. I'm sure you will remember this experience and use it in your own fight in sobrierty.

                I bet you are looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend now.



                  It's over!

                  mmm i thought you would get a suspended license or something like that. you are one lucky lady.

                  In NYC they take your vehicle and suspend your license plus fines. my ex got his brand new truck taken away and spent the weekend in jail.
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    It's over!


                    Good Girl! no more getting :bust: ed! 3 years probation is kinda nasty though! take a deep breath dear one, you are gonna be okay. a reminder, sobriety will keep you out of trouble. happy for you Shiki...very. :goodjob:


                      It's over!


                      Congratulations! Sounds like a new beginning! My son got a DUI in Illinois the end of Jan. Went to court, they threw out the 2 traffic violations, fined him - he plead no contest, also. They could have given him court supervision and community service if he had lived in that state. In Ill. any 1st time DUI offender who refuses to take a blood alcohol test (which he refused) automatically looses their license for 6 mos. The court notifies the Secretary of State and they will notify him via mail. He is still waiting. His license will be revoked on the 46th day following his receipt of the notice - so it will be public transit for him for awhile.

                      I used to pray that he not be picked up for DUI, and now I am actually glad that it happened. He really needed a wake up call, and hopefully this will be it - without the consequence of him or someone else being hurt or killed.

                      It put some pain in his pocket book, too.

                      Take care - I will hope for the best for you.

                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        It's over!


                        I'm happy that you are so pleased with the results. It must be such a relief to finally know one way or the other. Time to relax and focus on getting healthy now. You've been given another chance. Take advantage of that. Make 2008 your best year ever.

                        Good luck to you.

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                          It's over!

                          WTG Shik!
                          You should be Very proud of yourself for handling it yourself.. and so well.

                          After my DUI, I had a 'red' license which means that I could drive to specific places.. but it wasn't that strict. In fact, I didn't realize I couldn't drive out of state and got a speeding ticket in Wyoming lol.. The officer didn't blink an eye and it never showed on my record in CO.. lol.. I went to get my real license after my 'term' was up and mentioned about the ticket in Wyoming.. She goes, you didn't know you weren't supposed to be driving out of state? Well it's not on your record so we'll pretend you didn't tell me that... hehe.
                          P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                          As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                          - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                            It's over!

                            Shik I am very happy for you, you must feel so relieved to have that not hanging over your head anymore. I do hope that this is the wake up call that you need. Also I do believe that your PO and the DUI school can do random UA's to check and see if you have been drinking so just wanted to make you aware of that. When do you have to start those?
                            when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                              It's over!

                              :wave::banana:Yay Shika!!! It is OVER and you have a new life and a new start !!!
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

