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Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

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    Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

    Hell I drank anything but vodka and wine were my favorites. My b/f drinks beer and I'm not fond of it but if I was buzzed and that's all that was here I loved it.


      Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

      I was always a vodka girl from 14, but when I started working for a drinks manufacturer I could get wine cheaply. Here in SA you can get very good wine at low prices. Vodka is my backup (& I get a very diff. buzz) & I'm also nicer - I also suffer from the bitch syndom. I'm 38.

      Take care
      The mind is in its own place, and in itself
      Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

      John Milton


        Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

        I'm a freaking bitch on wheels when I drink I'm 39 welcome


          Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

          i too love the wine. Chardonnay to be exact. in fact, very easily I can turn down other types of wine. I truly can't even remember when it became my drink? i have certainl y been trying to figure that out lately. I think I really got worse when i was having marriage trouble a few years ago and my drinking escalated alot and has contninued. I am 44 and am a professional with 3 kids. maybe it is our age I don't know. I just want to be as i was. I never came home from work and thought about drinking at all. How did this happen??
          I need to get serious with the program and just do it. I haven't been able to step forward nd say i am ready for 30 days without it. i am so afraid but i know so many have done it. I am taking my all in one supplement but don't always get all the other things in. I am going to order the CD's. The Topomax i have but have been afraid to take it.
          I just am sooo glad i found this site


            Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

            Older, Hormones and Wine bad combo for me

            Hi all,
            I can relate ..... only wine for me and only certain kinds, dry whites or reds. Living in CA it was socially acceptable, fun and part of life. Great wine and cheap prices...another rationalizations only cost a couple of bucks or so ...Trader Joe's Store .....two buck chuck... so what's the big deal? A case only $25.00..
            Getting older I know hormones (47 yrs old) play a big part to for me. I can drink a glass or problems but a week before my period...forget effects me so much differently....I am the raging bitch, I have to finish the bottle not even a thought to stop... I am just crazy. I hate how I act.... Now I still can be crazy without Al at these times but can control it better...and don't feel shame and guilt.
            Anyway AF 22 days in March much better...Now started a 30 day AF April starting day 3 in a few hours.


              Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

              when I was young, it was beer (big beer state -- Happy Life knows ) sometime in my 30s, wine became bev of choice. Chardonnay. When my marriage blew up, I became a full-blown wino. Now I am 44.
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

                You sound like my twin. I'm 47, a professional woman. About three or four years ago I began to drink one huge bottle of Chardonnay nightly. I turned unpredictible and blacked out most nights.

                Today is my second day AF and I was going to celebrate tonight with a little bit of chocolate I had stashed in my desk. It's gone. I ate it when I was drunk and don't remember.

                Yup, I'm a wino, fer sure. Sigh.
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

                  [QUOTE=optionsgirl;302653] I can drink a glass or problems but a week before my period...forget effects me so much differently....I am the raging bitch, I have to finish the bottle not even a thought to stop... I am just crazy.

                  Wow, can I relate!!!
                  So okay age and wine may have something in common, but whoa!
                  How about the need for the red wine during pms? Does this happen to others during menopause? Are women just continually damned?


                    Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

                    WOW I can't understand this either! I have reallly become a problem drinker since I switched to Chard....I love it....We can have plenty of booze around the house and i can have a drink or two (at least and every day) BUT never go overboard but IF there is any Chardoney I will drin until it is gone or I black/pass out ... and then the rest of the liquor is fair game. WHY?

                    Boy am I glad for this outleet...joined yesterday and I cannot believe how your lives are my own...


                      Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

                      pinot grigio girl here....(if you couldn't already tell by my name)
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???


                        Actually, I had always thought of Pinot Noir in regards to your name. :H

                        I am a red wine drinker, though...

                        You have changed my whole view of you as a person, now!!

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

                          I have often wondered myself why so many here are (were) wine drinkers. I wondered if it is more addicting than other alcohol? I'm a beer drinker myself, I like the taste, but it doesn't taste as good without a cigarette. (hence why I'm not drinking so much) Anyway, the wine just kicks me in the arse (everyones favorite word??). I'm too lazy to mix drinks, unless we're camping or when it's really hot I like gin and tonic.
                          Thanks for bringing the subject up, Dr. It's interesting........
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

                            I think that in the past 10 or 15 years, wine has been heavily advertised. and the ads are really good.
                            I was living in California when I found my love for wine.

                            I drink any type of wine. I loved the taste and the way it calmed me down and made me dreamy .

                            I still like it. I just think I drink too much of it.

                            and usually they say that once you hit the hard stuff you really have become an alcoholic.

                            so I guess maybe that is why I chose wine.
                            You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                              Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

                              Dr Melphi, big welcome. I'm afraid I loved the red wine for several years and I convinced myself that it could only be the goodstuff, well expensive stuff so I in the end I could'nt afford to carry on that way. I couldn't hide my drinking from my husband either because of my black teeth and constant smile, so I switched to vodka, then I knew I had a problem!


                                Wine, Wine, Wine -- Survey Says???

                                Yes I hate people that wine.....oh you mean.....nevermind ! LOL
                                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                                Dr. Seuss

