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    Hello all,
    I was on chat the other night and we started talking about diets. It came about in our discussion that many alcoholics suffer from hypoglycemia, espically binge drinkers.
    I did some research and I never knew these two were so closely linked!!
    I struggle with hypoglycemia and am wondering if anyone else out there also suffers from this? I am also wondering if by quiting AL completely (I am MOD right now) and using supplements "heals" hypoglycemia? Lookin' for any input....


    Try a low carb diet as well as the supps. I chose AF rather than mods b/c I am a binge drinker and I don't trust myself to mod.



      I have been hypoglycemic since HS. My drinking came long after that, late 30's. But, with that being said, yes, I do think there is a link. I stick very close to my diet now, 5 small meals a day, high protien, low carb and it does help with the cravings...........along with the supps and meditation!

      Almost anyone can experience, hypoglycemic episodes.
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007



        Isn't hypoglycemia "low blood sugar"? I have "high blood sugar" and several times have had to be tested for diabetes because my blood sugar was over the normal limit on my annual physical bloodwork. So if I quit drinking maybe my blood sugar would get lower and then I would have "normal bood sugar"? How does this work? Maybe someone with a medical background can chime in here and explain.
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson



          don't now about now..

          years ago a chiropractor told me i was hypoglyco? was on the wine diet, so most likely! was greatly affected by alcohol sugars i know that, so final answer, i was indeed hypoglycemic at a point in my drinking career. :naked: yes. can we have some further explaination about HYPOGLYCEMIA? must run off for awhile...



            Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar. It began with me in my mid-twenties. I was on the bagel and coffee diet and would find myself getting dizzy, shaky and short tempered around 10:00 in the morning. (This was also supplemented with a 3/4 beers a night)

            My doctor recommended that I introduce more proteins into my diet to stabilize my sugars being burned off to quickly. So, I did this but still battle with hypoglycemia. I have to be sure to have nuts or peanut butter near by to give a "pick-me-up" if I start to feel the shakes. In the past ten years I have become more aware of my diet and balancing it. I am a low carb eater.
            So, I found links to alcoholism and hypog and began to wonder if I could cure myself of hypog and have others? I am thinking GLUT is what I need, to help balance the sugars in my body. So I was wondering if others suffer? Have you been cured? Or also to you suffer and maybe this is what it is....

            Here's a piece I found that may interest some:
            "Alcoholics Anonymous cofounder Bill Wilson was very interested in the link between alcoholism and hypoglycemia. He collected research papers demonstrating the extent of abnormal glucose fluctuations among alcoholics and sent three different reports on the subject to AA physicians. Wilson's interest was personal as well as professional. For many years, he suffered from depression and other hypoglycemic symptoms. He also consumed huge amounts of sugar and caffeine. Finally, by eliminating sugar and caffeine and making other dietary changes, he stabilized his blood sugar and achieved a sense of well-being."
            Identifying & correcting the biochemical disruption of hypoglycemia and alcoholism



              wow this makes sense. I recently had some routine blood work done and what came back was low red blood count which I looked up and means me to be anemic and low blood sugar - I was not fasting and it was at 52, so yea a little hypog. I have never in the past had problems with my blood sugars so therefore I can only deduce that AL is catching up with me. Yikes, better put my coffee down huh?
              when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most



                hypoglycemia & alcohoism

                flyinhigh;300273 wrote: Hello all,
                I was on chat the other night and we started talking about diets. It came about in our discussion that many alcoholics suffer from hypoglycemia, espically binge drinkers.
                I did some research and I never knew these two were so closely linked!!
                I struggle with hypoglycemia and am wondering if anyone else out there also suffers from this? I am also wondering if by quiting AL completely (I am MOD right now) and using supplements "heals" hypoglycemia? Lookin' for any input....
                As per you message, my experience in working with members of recuse mission confirms not only do alcoholics have hypoglycemia but they revet to eating sugar based foods, like donuts and candy or other high glycogen foods.
                I know because that is what I did when I could not afford alcohol, I became a sugar addict at a very early age. i ate bags of candy paid for by the profits from my many paper routes and money from any odd jobs I could find. Now, I manage my addiction by eating a high protein, low carbohydrate diet recommended by J Ross with specific amino acids precursors added as needed.
                She wrote a book called the Mood diet which I follow to reduce my carvings for sugar.

                CBN News watch had a short piece on this subject today (tue JUly 2) But I unable to locate it, so far.



                  I posted yesterday on the 'Sugar Cravings' thread. Same sort of thing. The stats for 'relapse' and candy eaters, caffeine drinkers & smokers are higher than other groups. It is understood to be related to blood sugar. We have taught our bodies to overreact to sugar by excessive drinking. The insulin released depletes the blood sugar too rapidly, metabolism crashes and emerency adrenalin is released. This inturn triggers a sugar dump preparing for 'flight or fight'. Insulin is again released & it continues. Caffeine triggers the adrenalin cycle. Ciggies contain 75% sugar & also triggers the adrenalin cycle.

                  A strict diabetic diet is recommended for some & eating every 2to3 hours. Remove all simple sugars initially - may cause headaches during withdrawal - with a view to gradually reintroducing high GI carbs slowly.

                  Hope this helps.
                  Take care
                  The mind is in its own place, and in itself
                  Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

                  John Milton

