Maybe it was that my son left at around 10pm.. and I'd been craving all evening.. He is the self-appointed alcohol police now lol.. He came back for a few after I'd cracked a few.. saw 2 cans on the desk.. pointed, mouth dropped... MOM! what are you doing? I can throw that crap away.. you know I will... (lol).
I did learn something though, because I remained cognizant of what I was experiencing..
I drank less than half of what I was drinking before AF.
First beer... took a sip to see what it tasted like... hmm, tasted more like it did when I first had beer... not great. Felt a mild buzz immediately. Immediately thought... OMG, those little blessings will go away if I start in on this again... !!
Second beer... realizing I'm getting buzzed, much quicker than before AF, (even after only 7 days).
Trying to play euchre online... did okay, but realized I don't think Nearly as well.
Realized that... I really liked being lucid and able to think...I fell.. but I can get back up. Went to bed at precisely 8 hrs before I had to get up this morning.. I remained in control.. amazingly. I've toyed with the mod drinking idea.. but I'd rather just be AF.
I'm not going to lose count. Today will just be Day 7 again.
Thanks for listening and putting up with that, but I had to admit what happened... and share that, for me, it just wasn't 'it' for me, the AL.