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6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

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    6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

    Hey friends,

    I joined MWO and didn't drink for over six months. I posted a success story somewhere on the site but can't find it. Good thing I printed it out to remind me of how good life can be. In my story I had mentioned 'tests' that I was being but through. Well, long story shortened, my dog had surgery, so she had to be on a leash for 7 weeks. She pulled me on wet grass and I broke my back in 2 places. I persevered and did what I had to do.

    I stayed AF and lived with severe back pain. In December I had a procedure done to my back and now I will have to live with this pain forever. I was sent to a pain management Dr. I told him about my alcohol abuse problems (very hard for me); and he explained that if I start having addictive behaviors we will look at something different. Well, I didn't have any problems not drinking and just taking the percocet when I needed them. However, I had been taking them for almost 3 months (before seeing the pain dr). I got really sick when I ran out of pills and for some unknown reason I thought drinking would help my back. Big mistake...after ofver 6 mos AF

    Now my problem is that I am supposed to take oxycontin 2 times a day with oxycodone as needed for breakthrough pain. I have a high tolerance for pain but it hurts to sit down and I have to drive a lot. I use a laptop on my bed to type since it hurts to sit in a chair. Now, I am not looking for sympathy, but does anyone else out there have a similar issue???

    I have been drinking again daily for almost 4 weeks. I try to take the Topa (I have a ton and a script) but with the oxy it makes me really, really sleepy. It could be because I am drinking. My mind is screwed. I want to be drug and alcohol free but don't know if it is possible. I don't want to continue to be weak. Prior to going to a pain DR I tried acupuncture and massages.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

    am afraid I have no advice, just wanted to say how well you did with 6 months af, and how sorry I am events seem to be conspiring against you. Please don't get too despondant easy for me to say.
    My thoughts are with you, and am sure lots of others will have more practical words


      6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

      Please don't mix these two!!!! This is a very dangerous combination.........I too have bad back pain but I can tell you as I have done research on the conbination of oxy and alcohol - it can put you in a very dangerous place to mix the two..........I am not suggesting to switch up one addictive substance with the other but honestly if you need the oxy for the pain right now take it (minus the alcohol) and get back in to the doctor ASAP and ask for some assistance.............

      Please keep us posted on your progress.
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

        Bumping this up.....Hiow are you doing, voices? I knkow how tough yor situation is,....don't have any easy answers, but just don't want your cry out for help to be lost amonst the shuffle....
        The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


          6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

          Not knowing what your back "procedure" was, I was thinking chiropractic which could guide you in the following: DRX machine (google DRX 9000) maybe? Ergonomic chair? Lumbar supports for the car? Oxy is highly addictive. Be very careful. Hope that helps.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

            I would talk to your doctor about other alternatives. They can give you epiderals (sp?) and they are not addictive. It's not as convienent as pills but provides a better pain management without the haze and sick feeling....and of course addiction.
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

              I found your story and bumped it.

              You are a strong and remarkable woman. Can you get back to your doctor to get alternative treatment? Like Greenie suggested- perhaps a chiropractor?

              I think that the pain relievers were an invitation for that addictive gene to spark your other addictions.
              As for drinking? The physical risks you are playing by mixing alcohol and oxy are dangerous, and the effects can be life ending (thus, non-reversible :nutso.....

              You can get back to where you were, Voices..... one day at a time, okay? I think you said in your story that your husband is AF..... he will help you if you ask, won't he? You probably haven't fooled your 16 year old daughter either.... how about a dumping party?

              Water, water, water..... you can do this, Voices. If you want some local support, PM me, okay? I'm right down the road if you need me. :heart: And I will walk your dog for you, dear!

              Tampa, FL


                6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                Voices, you can even have customized orthotics (shoe inserts) made to balance you and support your spine. Chiropractor with CCEP certification. I'll help you find one if you are interested.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                  Thanks for all the support and to Patty for finding my story so I can read it again while here.

                  Since I drank after midnight last night (didn't go to bed till 5 a.m.) I will consider tomorrow Monday my Day 1 all over again. I don't go back to the Dr. for a few weeks so if I quit drinking, maybe I won't have all these anxiety issues and the meds will work like they are supposed to.

                  I am ultimately going to find an alternative but can't stop everything cold turkey. The opiates are hell and he (the Dr) warned me not to try anything myself if I got scared and freaked out. This must be a common reaction.

                  So I am off to do some yard work and maybe some heavy sweating. The drugs do make it manageable for me to do things (like yard work) that normally I can't. It's like a rug has been pulled out from under me and I can't even lie down flat on my back or stand up and touch my toes anymore. I've heard of all kinds of successes so I need to focus on the positive.

                  Thanks everyone!



                    6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                    I was recently told that opiate use keeps the AL addiction alive, I was also told that I have a dual addiction. Mine is codeine, however I have heard that codeine is one of the easiest of the opiates to get off of but its still an addiction that I have. I was put on it for chronic neck pain due to muscular problems. I am seeing a psyiatrist and he is doing trigger point injections at the moment and they seem to be helping a little. Have you looked into a pysiatrist?? I am on day 6 AF today - I did it on my own with the help of MWO support and supps. I am still on the codeine, I want to tackle one addiction at a time. The supps that I am currently on are Topo, kudzu, L-glut and Milk Thistle. I tried to find a rehab place to take me but one that I found that would take my insurance has a wait till the end of April. Good luck and if you have any more questions please feel free to PM me

                    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                      6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                      Voices, It was nice meeting you in chat last night (this AM)
                      Hope ya have a good day... as much as possible. Go easy on your back. Maybe a soak with epsom salts.
                      L-glutamine might help too with some of the cravings...
                      Do take care. Keep us posted.

                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                        So sorry voices. I have a couple of friends with chronic back pain. it seems to consume them.

                        I also have heard that oxycotin (sp) is very addictive.

                        be well
                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                          6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                          Oh this must be so difficult for you. I sense you aren't sure what to do next. You say you are very tired. narcotics of any kind can make you sleepy. i'm not sure how much oxycontin you are taking or how much breakthrough narcotic you are taking but also taking this with alcohol is going to extremely increase the sleepy effect.
                          Mayybe taking a quiet moment with yourself and looking at all the pieces would help. It doesn't seem like you can stop your pain meds right now. i can't remember if if you have shared your alcohol problem with your Dr but can you share and ask if you can combine your meds with the supplements or Topramax? You have already made it without alcohol...more than i can how about trying that again with the CD and supp help.
                          I wish you well.


                            6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                            It's not 6 months down the drain unless you poured that much booze down it !!!! Get up....Start again...that much time you ubstained has'nt been in vain ! It's just 6 months misus one, plus one !!!! IAD
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                              Always listen to voices....

                              especially your own. I don't know much about anything except that combining all that stuff is really going to get you in the long run and not do much for your pain!! I've been living with severe neck problems that I self medicated with vodka plus percoset for 15 years. I'm still finding forgotten pill stashes here and there!

                              No crackerpractor ever did me any good, but I've had some great massages. The doctors told me I'd never be able to turn my head and would loose feeling in my arms without surgery. I didn't do it. This is what I did that has given me a lot of relief, and if you want anymore info, I'd be happy:

                              restrict all refined carbs (sugar actually makes pain worse) Once in a while O.K. binges are deadly though
                              do low calorie, high veggie detox diet (ever heard of colonics?) on a regular routine like 1-2 days a week
                              went for chi gong energy treatments and accupunture for reducing swelling and scar tissue
                              got a physical therapist to make a take home exercise routine for me (when I don't do for a week it my hands do go numb)

                              I use a rub on product called Liquid Titanium everyday . Besides all the other goodies, I take curcumin and extra magnesium that I rub over the painful places.

                              I hope you can get out of that bed asap. :h:h gelgit

