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6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

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    6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

    Can you get the spinal block? for your back and the pain?
    what are you comfortable in doing? never settle for less than the best...
    you are your own best health care manager.... only you can do this for you.
    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


      6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

      I'm trying

      Because of my age (42), I am not a candidate for back surgery, which is good. I had what is called Sacroplasty done in December to basically fill in the missing bone with fake cement bone/glue where my sacrum was fractured. The other fracture (T-12) is healing. I have degenerative joint arthritis (or something like that) and scoliocis, so my fall just really stirred this up. Since the Sacroplasty is normally done on older patients, there isn't a whole lot of info available about it. I am very lucky and am seeing some of the best MD's in central fl. I've been up front with my Dr's regarding my AL problem. The pain mgmt dr knows, but when I initially saw him, I wasn't consuming AL. And won't be as of last night.

      I did a lot of stuff in the yard with my family today and now my back is killing me. The drugs just keep me awake. I asked the pharmacist about drug interactions with all the other stuff I took and AL is the biggest one that is a no-no, so I think I could take the Topa at night and probably actually sleep. I just want to get my act together.

      Thanks for your support!!


        6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?


        One of my employees had a "nerve block" procedure done that gave him complete relief of back pain that became chronic following surgery. He could barely walk before hand. I would definately check this out. He is fine now. And his relief was immediate. (this procedure may have been mentioned above in medical terminology that is unfamiliar to me)

        As far as the topa goes, I remember being very drowsey in the beginning, so I did exactly as you mentioned above, took it at night. That symptom, as well as the brain fog, subsided over a period of time. As I workded my way up to a higher dosage, I took it twice a day rather than once, to keep the symptoms at a minimum.

        I'm sure you remember, but for others reading, if you start back on topa, work your way back up to your higher dosage.

        You have shown how strong you are! To be admired! I'm sure you will find a way to overcome this! I send my prayers and support to you.

        :h Best
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?


          Sometimes the docs don't "get it" how bad things hurt.

          Just a bit of warning, when I was in rehab in Nov, the preponderance of people there were addicted to pain meds and most of them due to health problems such as back, neck, etc.

          Oxycontin is like alcohol, our bodies begin to get "used" to it and need more and more to overcome the pain.

          I am NOT saying you should stop your oxycontin, because I know how bad back pain is, my hubby has NO lower disks in his 4 lower vertebrae and osteoarthritis in his 3 upper vertebrae. I help him untie and take his shoes off when I am home and worry when he works outside and carries heavy stuff. He does not take anything except Advil but there are times he can barely move. I carry anything over 40 lbs for him but know the idiot does it himself when I am out of town. :-(

          We are waiting for the disk replacement therapy to become a little more refined.

          What I am saying is that even the BEST doctors in the world can let you down if you yourself are not vocal and clear on how badly you hurt and how much this is affecting your life. If there is someway to deal with this pain sans pain meds and alcohol, that is what you need.

          Sending hope for healing and strength to you.


          ps Mayo Clinic in Jax isn't too far away and those doctors have saved both my parent's lives when other doctors in central Fl had given up. You just might want to make an appt there and get a second opinion? Mayo doctors are salaried, a different paradigm for a hospital. So, their diagnoses and treatment plans are NOT driven by profit. Just a thought..
          AF April 9, 2016


            6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

            Trying something else

            I've decided to go back to where I was when I was initially injured. So I am going to only take the oxycontin once a day and try to get off. Instead, I'll take the oxycodone as needed (which is what I did before). What happened before was I ran out of meds, couldn't get into the Dr. and drank. If any of you have any significant AF time under your belt, please, please, please, do NOT test the waters and drink. It is not worth it. I should have just laid in bed with a heating pad until my next Dr. appt.

            Life was great without the alcohol and I was able to function on the oxycodone. Hence, my new strategy. My girls are on spring break so I have to be sober to drive them around so I am on my new AF journey again. The timing is actually perfect since they are home 24/7 with friends most of the time.

            I can't thank you all enough for your support.



              6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

              Hi Voices, only just spotted this, I can't add anything else, I justed wanted to say please be careful with mixing meds and Alcohol .....

              Sending you big BB hugs, :l:l:l


                6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                Thanks! I'm feeling the love!

                P.S and AF.....Finally


                  6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                  Go figure, I quit drinking and use the meds the right way and can now get stuff done. I quit taking the Oxy 2x a day. Only once and have only had to take the other once a day (instead of about 3 or 4). I've been very productive and am talking to my bushes every day that I neglected to put into the ground till they were almost dead.

                  To answer some questions, I am not a candidate for epidurals or a spinal block because my pain is more spread out and nerve related, if they block it I would lose some serious bodily functions and sexual sensations. He did mention something that sounded like verset shots. I am going to ask him about that next time. I don't know what they are or if I even got the word even close to right.

                  I'm sore as hell in the a.m., but nothing more than if I started a step aerobics class. So I think a lot of my problems were fear related. Plus I am still facing having to take my dog in to have her other leg fixed. Patty, I'm in Orlando, so you may have to come and walk my dogs!!! LOL!



                    6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                    V- Keep that energy going, girl, you are still on this side of the grass! :flower

                    I'll be there if you need me, it's only a hop, skip, and a jump away.

                    Don't forget your sunscreen, okay? :rays:

                    Tampa, FL


                      6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                      V - I had shots in my back but I forget what they were called. I know they weren't epidurals or spinal blocks. I had two sets of three. The first set sort of worked, but the second set didn't. I'll see if I can find out exactly what they were called. Apparently they work for some people and some people not. HTH.
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                        Well I f**d up and drank...again. Now today was my new start and already ruined at 4:00 p.m. (my time EST). Spring break is over for my girls and my hubby is off to help his dad (his wife passed almost 2 years ago). Does anyone have any tips on how to motivate teenagers? I need help moving stuff out of the house since we are having our kitchen remodeled and my kids are like "why do we need to help?" Is there a forum for frustrated mom's here? My back is killing me and I want to knock some sense into my kids. I've already tried to stop doing laundry (since that kills my back) and got a lot of shit from my oldest DH..."Where are all my clothes? I'm wearing shorts that don't fit".

                        Sorry to vent. It's raining here but I am going to try to get my youngest (almost 14) to help me. If we both survive, I'll be back later.



                          6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                          Hi Voices

                          I just now caught this thread...I didn't have time to read every post,just the 1st and a couple of your last ones..How are you doing right now??

                          I am SO glad for you that you were able to get off of the Painkillers (Or at least MOSTLTY!):yougo:!I (without warning),got myself into SERIOUS trouble w/ them about 3 yrs ago...YIKES!If people think that alcohol withdrawls are hell,let me tell you:gong thru painkiller withdrawls are the most TERRIBLY AWFUL,DEPRRESSING,SCARY feelings in the world,and they last for EVER :no:!!!I had no idea what I was getting myself into and was never warned by my DR. who just kept refillng my script (not blaming him!),but all of a suddenne day I wake up about 8 months in,"Hmm,my back feels OK,today,I think I'll go w/out my pills!Yes!" "NONONOOOO!!OH HELL NO YOU WON'T,LITTLE MAMA!" WAS MHAT MY BODY SAID....Oh my gosh,I was HORRIFIED!Scariest few months of my life ensued....I guess I probably did sub-consciously know that sometimes i really didn't need them,I just liked the way they made me feel,gave me energy,helped me deal,But I had ni idea HOW bad of trouble I had gotten myself in.I ended up going to a Rapid Detox center in MI because it was SO miserable trying to get those damn opiates out of my body.It sounds like you are being very responsible with your intake,though,as well as is your DR.good for you!!!

                          But,I am SO sorry to hear that you have such awful pain to deal with.I have back issues too,and nobody understands the hell it is unless they have dealt w/ it,do they?It sounds like your Dr. has brought up the option of a shot of something?That sounds like it might be good!What about (AND I AM NOT


                            6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                            I have been in hiding for a while due to my slip at the carol king concert. I was feeling so damn good, but my friend who didn't know my situation brought beer and you know the story. So now I am trying to get back on track with the topa. Still on the oxy which totally sucks but I did find an over the counter cream that helps (zovoriax) with long term driving. My teens are mean to me because my sleep patterns are messed up.

                            Maybe I'll start a thread for moms to vent and let their frustrations out when I am totally in control of myself. I had a really bad reaction to cymbalta....I'll have to see if there is a thread on that.

                            This year, I've decided that it is best for me to stay in touch whether or not I'm completely AF. It keeps me focused on getting there and you are all great cheerleaders!

                            I hope you are all doing well. I'm trying to catch up! BTW....whoever started the Quinoa thread; Lushy, I think, we are hooked!!!



                              6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                              hi voices my heart goes out to you,AL and over the counter drugs, are as many say,not a good combination,the sleepiness is like an anesthetic,remember heath ledger,to many can kill you,as far as the booze, you stopped before,work at it,pain killers or booze,i think in your heart ,you know that,usually its the first couple of days that are the hardest,don't let it slip away,plus you always have the pain killers,take care,and good luck gyco


                                6 months down the drain? Oxycontin anyone?

                                Voices, nice to see you back. I don't have anything new to offer, just encouragement.
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

