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    Hi all!

    Just checking in I have not been around for a while. I have been trying very hard to find a new job w/not much success. We just got collections notices for $600 dollars worth of bills that my insurance said they would pay and didn't. It was when I saw the shrink for Topa, which didn't work out so my husband is just thrilled w/me.
    I am very down lately.
    I meant to thank Happy Life for her wondrful storylast time I posted and never did, sorry.
    I'll try to check in more.
    One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.

    Hi all!

    Hi twins..

    I'm on the job hunt too... I already have collections and a few judgments... BUT

    You can't let that get you down.

    The job market is tough.. but there still are things out there... Once I went AF, on Day 3, an opportunity presented itself.. I phone interviewed and have an in person interview tomorrow morning with the Pres and COO...

    I'm really hoping.. but I know whatever is meant to be will happen.. and it will for you too...
    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


      Hi all!

      Don't feel bad Twinsmommy.....I got nailed for $5000 for an outpatient program that didn't work back in 2006. Of course the insurance said they'd pay it.

      Sorry you're feeling down. But you're right, checking more will help you a lot! It sure did me!
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        Hi all!

        Thanks guys. Just hearing from you guys perked me up. Good luck with the interview Palatia. What do you do? I just became a phlebotomist. Lots of jobs out there but they all say you need experience. Well, how the hell do they expect me to get experience?!?! LOL
        One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


          Hi all!

          Hi Twinsmommy,
          So nice to hear from you as I was just wondering about you yesterday.
          Chin up girl, you CAN DO IT.

          : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


            Hi all!

            Twins Momma... I had to go read what I wrote .... you are welcome, honey. Call the doctor's office and state the facts: your insurance didn't cover the anticipated treatment and you can't afford the $600.... will they be willing to reduce the out-of-pocket, maybe by 1/2? Many offices will, knowing that something is better than nothing. Negotiating now, before it goes to a collection agency, benefits them, because the collection agency will take a portion of whatever they collect. I had to do this when my daughter had surgery, and it worked. (You can always cry if you feel like it... )

            About the job hunting? Apply anyway, despite the the "experience required".... I went for a job interview once for a Distribution Center Manager, and the VP commented that I had no experience... why did I think I was qualified? I agreed with him, and commented that I never had experience as a Platoon Leader, but I learned how to become an effective manager... I had never sold anything before, but the company I worked for took a chance, and I sold over $28 million to one of their clients in a year. And just because I haven't worked as a center manager, I have experience with people, and I can always learn the skills... He offered me the job.

            Twins mommy, be bold, bright, and spunky.... "You are right. I have no experience for this job, but I didn't have any experience when I suddenly became a double mother. That was certainly on-the-job training, and of course, there wasn't an option to quit... So, for the last five years, my job has been to raise T1 and T2.

            My family is my priority, and I've enjoyed every minute with my children. However, I recognized a couple of years ago that when they went off to school, I would finally
            have time to explore my career opportunities. The medical field has always fascinated me, so for the last two years, I've put myself through school to be a blood sucker (okay I can't spell that brain surgeon word! Let me finish my rant, I'm on a roll!)....
            My children are doing wonderfully in school, and now I have the time to pursue my career. You can see by my transcripts and referrals that I'm the best blood sucker in Eastern NJ. I enjoy the atmosphere at BloodLab, and I would like to work with a company where caring for the patient is first. I don't have paid experience for caring for people, but if you'd meet my kids, I think you could tell that I'm pretty good at it. "

            Too cocky?

            By the way, officially, in an interview, I don't think they can ask any of the details I just blurted out, like # of kids, whether hubby works, ages of any of you.... but if you are bright and sharing, they will want you on their team. So my disclaimer is to share whatever you are comfy with...

            Tampa, FL


              Hi all!

              Awsome Rant, NHHHL! :applaud: You go girl! :happy: I would hire you!

              :h Best
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                Hi all!

                Good to see you here TM - don't give up hope hun and whatever you do don't go away because when you give up hope AND you go away you don't get better - anyway that's been my experience - sorry to hear that your down, turn that frown upside down - well or something like that - smile hun you have your babies, your health and if you take NHHHL's advice you will soon have a job - chin up girl and hang in there


                when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                  Hi all!

                  Hi TWINSMOMMY!!!

                  Soooo good to see you!!I have been thinking of you and hoping that you have been okay as well.

                  What HHHL said about calling the bill collectors and offering 1/2-IT WORKS!I just got done doing it w/ more than a couple of companies and NOT ONE said no.SO don't be afraid to do so,they are used to it!

                  I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time right now w/ the job search sounds like you are feeling really down about it .Again,what HH said is PERFECT!I have gone into interviews so many times w/ the exact type of attitude that she is talking about and it's usually the only way I have GOTTEN jobs since I haven't even completed college.Employers really do love it!AND-that life experience she reminded you that you have-UH....WHO THE HECK!!!!could argue that?YOWZERS!!Like I have told you before,girlfriend...whew!I have only 1 4 yr old and an 8 yr old and sometimes i think I am going to check myself into a mental hospital ,or,I don't know,RUN AWAY WITH THE CIRCUS! (ah,both because THEY SOUND LIKE EASIER,MORE RELAXING OPTIONS!?IS THAT WIERD OR SOMETHING:lordhelpme:?!)YOU-on the other hand....have ,I'm sorry ,do I remember correctly...2 FOUR YEAR OLDS?????Yeah...I would say that you have about the best training there is as far as :dealing w/ people,negotiating,working under pressure,keeping a calm head under high stress situations,successfully resolving employee disagreements,working with NO SLEEP is not a problem for you,etc.,ETC!!!

                  So-You just keep that head of yours held HIGH,honey,everything happens for a reason!I KNOW you already know this,biut the only reason you have not gotten your job yet is because the ones you have applied for were NOT the right ones for you-the BEST job for you is right around the corner and you will look back in a short while and think 'OH,This is PERFECT!I am SO glad I didn't take any of those other jobs or I wouldn't be here!You know life is always life that,isn't it?
                  I will be crossing my fingers for you,sweetie!keep us updated okay,I will be checking in....:huggy:


                    Hi all!

                    by the way HHHL....?

                    Your avatar is scaring me :H:H...everytime it pops up in a thread I have to keep doing a TRIPLE_TAKE because of how FREAKING FUNNY it is!!!!Where is the HECK did you find that,lolol???It has LITERALLY been making me laugh,like 5 times a day...good therapy.Are you trying to tell us that that's what us who smoke look like?(I've never tried smoking it that way,maybe I'll give it a shot..I don't know about smoking in bed,though..oh,my gosh,lmao.....)


                      Hi all!

                      I know, Rebecca, isn't it funny? I put it up on April Fool's and I don't want to take it down yet

                      I told my kids that it was their dad's butt, and they believed me. Demanded to know where he got the cigarette from!!! MM says the skin is too smooth to be a man-ass, so I don't know.

                      When my brother was in Iraq, he sent me the picture, along with another one of a real soldier who wasn't used to sleeping in his skivvie's (and so he got rid of them during the night)... maybe I'll put that one up next... ?

                      I'm like Ripple, except Rippy has cute animal pics, and all I got is A$$ holes

                      Tampa, FL


                        Hi all!

                        Well,at least your a$$ holes keep us laughing:yougo:!PLEASE for the love of God-Don't take it off,at least for a few days!For real-It really is adding about 80% to my life-happiness-level right now ......Yes,it's the little things for me...I'm easy to please,what can I say!(Not to mention I have an absolutely DISGUSTINGLY insane sense of humor!!!HAHHA!!!

                        By the way,I love all of the suggestions you come up w/ as far as things to do to keep busy instead of drinking AL....I keep meaning to start a thread around 'ideas' on fun things to do,hobbies,I don't know...just what are people doing that has helped keep them busy while abstaining?Reading a new book,learnig to knit,taking a dance class w/ their yr old,starting scrapbooking,joining the PTA,masturbat-well-YOU GET MY DRIFT (LOL-JK on the last one!!haha!)...But really...You are always REALLY good at coming up w/ specific ideas toward different types of people of what they could possibly fill their time w/ instead of drinking their days away.Sometimes I realize that I simply drink out of NOT HAVING A PLAN OF ANYTHING ELSE TO DO!As in:if i was going to take a walk at 4 with my girlfriends,i would be walking between 4 and 5:30-that would =1 or 2 less drinks for the evening!I could go on and on,but i have been thinking about it a lot this week and i noticed again today your gift for this.I really want to kick it around on the boards,I bet so many people have SUCH great ideas to share!If I post a thread ,will you please promise me to add some of your ideas ?PRETTY PLEASE?? :h...I t
                        hink it would be helpful to a lot of us.

                        I love all of these fun colors and things you can do w/ the text,by the way..just figuring it all out...always wondered how you and others did all these fancy posts,he he!


                          Hi all!


                          I love's Patty's advice. YOU are qualified for just about anything after surviving twins and not having a record LOL! I always said that the terrible two's were nothing like when they turned 4. Mine are teens now and it is the "terrible teens". I've been on and off looking for a job and have found a few good temporary ones in my area on NARMS: National Association for Retail Marketing Services. It isn't necessarily in your field, but may help others who are reading this thread. My most recent job was demonstrating Magellan Navigation systems in Circuit City and Best Buy. I got a free Nav system and made $17 an hour. It lasted 2 months. Most jobs I've had there are short term, but I kind of like it that way.

                          Best of luck on your new career. It is very rewarding to do something for yourself as I'm sure you have been giving, giving, giving and never taking. Have a great day!!!


