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Evie needs help

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    Evie needs help

    You sound very interesting and great to me. :welcome:
    I have met some of the same people and studied with them. Plus lots more...I find you just have to jump in and ask ??? or make comments...sometimes it has many conversation going on at once...that why PM..
    You can always invite people to chat during the day. Everybody is from around the world so it completely different times....night here PST daytime in NZ, or India.
    Feel free to private message me. I love your field...
    You made the first step by posting, I have found all you do is have to ask and angels are here to help. Great Start!! with this post
    We are all in this together
    PS- I never even did any of this before, never a chat room, web site etc...always had assistants too...I didn't even search the online dating sites..she did it for me...It's easier than you think...
    I still haven't even figured out how to start my own your further ahead than me.... It's amazing the love and support here, we are just ready and waiting for you.


      Evie needs help

      Oh Evie,
      I am SO sorry to hear about your beloved kitty. How absolutely dreadful! What the hell is wrong with some people?!!!!!
      What a wonderful gift you have. I would love to meet Deepak Chopra.

      : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


        Evie needs help

        " YA what Lavarv...said !
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Evie needs help

          Hi Evielou,
          So very sorry to hear about your cat, that is just awful.

          I have met both Deepok and Wayne Dyer and heard them both speak, not to mention that I have read many of their books. Both of these men are great inspirations to me.

          Sorry to hear about your problems in chat. I cannot imagine anyone ignoring you, let alone because you used the word, minister? I agree with the others, chat can get very busy and you need to just jump right in! People in chat are usually really good a noticing that somone new has entered the chat room and will offer a greating.......after that, they usually continue with their converstaion. This is not rude, it is the nature of chat. Hope it goes better for you next time!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Evie needs help

            I don't do chat ! I'm just too slow and 20 messages fly by me before I can get to my orginal one ! Though I have had pleasent chats in the past .....It's just to combersum for me. I get on line at the end of the day to be reenergized1 not zapped ! IAD
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Evie needs help

              Evie, so sorry that you feel like that, Please keep posting and tell us about your progress .......

              BB xx


                Evie needs help

                Evie, I too am sorry about your beloved pet.

                And sorry that you felt ignored in chat. But perhpas IAD brings up a good point. If someone isn't a very fast typiest, by the time they want to add to a conversation, they'll notice in a few short moments that the topic has changed. I can type fast and it has happened to me many times. I often go to respond to something and by the time I hit enter, it appears like no one is going to comment. Well, the simple fact is that they are discussing something new. And it is very hard to bring up a new subject if several people are already engaged in a specific topic first. Kind of hard to keep more than one topic going. However, I'm certainly not making any excuses for rude people, but maybe that is more like what happend. Just a thought.

                Post away any and all thougts. I'm sure you will not be ignored. We are an extremely large melting pot of mixed people and cultures. You fit in more than you think, hun.

                Best of luck on your journey of sobriety. Look forward to getting to know more about you.

                Love, Me
                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                  Evie needs help

                  Hi Evie...

                  You are in good company in your field!!! Love Deepak and Dr. Wayne....

                  Currently reading/listening to The Book of Secrets by Deepak... It's helping me be sober...

                  P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                  As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                  - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                    Evie needs help

                    Oh Evie,

                    I didn't know about your cat! I am so sorry! I lost my kitty last may when our house burned. I still tear up when I go by the kitten cages at the pet supply store. Mr. Best says, "Don't even think about it!". He was very unforgiving when our cat used our leather furniture as a scratching post. She had lots of other cat scratching posts that I had bought at the pet supply store, but preferred the furniture.

                    Evie, I think you sound fascinating. What form of mediumship do you use? Trans-channeling? etc. Would love a reading sometime. I need some genuine answers!

                    Hang in there in chat. I don't go much because I retire early. As you know, I was there sat. when we chatted. I'm there wierd times, usually not anyone there when I get on.

                    I type very slowly when using my lap top. Used to drive fellow chatters crazy! LOL!

                    Stay positive - I think that our group will know you better now.

                    :h Best
                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                      Evie needs help

                      Sorry chaps - posted a cynical response then had an attack of the guilts, but it is April Fools day, but I realise on second thoughts that no-one would be so cruel as to post a Fool message on this forum asking for help for a serious problem, so please accept my apologies if you saw my first message and I hope you are not offended (and I hope this original message was for real, although the whole subject has me totally baffled ( as you can obviously tell!) Evielou, how come you've been a member for such a long time, but just decided to post today?


                        Evie needs help

                        Right... I've read it all again and I am back with my original opinion - please check the date today. If I am right then this is a very sad joke. If I am wrong then I obviously don't understand most of what people talk about here, so I will go away.

