just a little update on my progress. I found this site in January, went af for about 16 days and then tried to moderate. Since then I am both pleased and disappointed, I have however trying to focus on the pleased. It seems I cannot accept that I will cut out al altogether yet, however I have had numerous af free days and many in a row since my introduction to this site and I consider that great progress. I can understand how easy it is to slip into bad habits and the next day, curse myself for being so stupid, but i still do it, just not so often and I am so much more aware, and I care so much more, so all in all, a very positive result so far.
Anyway, now to my question: I suffer from what is commonly known as icepick headaches and am looking to see if anyone here also suffers from them. I have made the decision to completely cut out red wine to see if this has any effect in reducing or minimising these debillitating nuisance headaches. I also wonder, is alcohol in general, the culprit and until I monitor by way of diary for a few weeks, I won't know, Just wondering if anyone has any experience or thoughts on this?