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The Smiling Assassin

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    The Smiling Assassin

    Hi all, I am back to work on Monday (I know I have been going on about it)... anyway, I have been off on annual/special and sick leave due to various things happening but unfortunately have to go back on Monday. The witches I work with have been having a field day apparently and my name is mud to say the least, these same ones are all sweetness and light to my face but while I have been off my workload issues seem to have hit the fan. I have on several occassions broached my Manager regarding workload and only seem to have more heaped onto me, until now. To cover my post my Manager has had to enlist a full time 'temp' and also give full time hours to another part time member of staff to cover my role full time and a part timer full time hours to cover hers. Anyway, I am determined to go back to work with a brand new attitude.......... well that is my plan anyway, to just smile at everyone, not get 'involved' in anything, do what I can in my working hours (previously going in early and working late and weekends to get the job done) and then go home on time. I know I will get sarky comments such as, oh you are back are you, oh what was wrong with you etc.... so

    Smiling retorts wanted please, not nasty (read Noell's thought for the day), I want to be nice - ish but not in a downtrodden, door mat kind of way. I think I am quietly assertive but just now am lacking a bit of confidence for my first week back. Come on you can show me how to do it. What I really want is for 'them' to get off my case, leave me respectfully alone, so I need strong retorts but again NOT nasty or bitchy ones.


    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

    The Smiling Assassin


    Remember this, You cannot control what they do, you can only control your reaction and response to it.

    Stay on the high ground, smile your way through it and "don't get into the pen with pigs and fight. All that will happen is you will get dirty and the pigs will be happy."

    I heard that on the news this morning and recall it from growing up here in the south USA. It is a good quote to remember.

    More importantly, Tea, your sobriety is #1 priority. If you must, find another job in more pleasant circumstances if your job threatens your sobriety. I am doing that, myself.

    Love and strength,
    AF April 9, 2016


      The Smiling Assassin

      Thanks Cindi, loved the 'don't get into the pen with the pigs' lol. Really dreading Monday more than I care to admit and hope against hope that I have the strength to just keep smiling and remember that I have control over what I do and say only.

      Yes I am looking for a different job, one with less stress.


      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        The Smiling Assassin

        Sounds like you have the right plan Tea. Just be polite to people, do not get involved in any personal issues with people, and just focus on your work. If you get really frustrated come vent on the F&*% thread.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          The Smiling Assassin

          Q. "What was wrong with you"?

          A. "Nothing. Why?"

          A. "Oh, I'm not allowed to discuss what really happened until personnel is completed with the investigation."

          (thinking to self, "CHEW ON THAT, COW! Go spin your wheels trying to find an investigation that doesn't exist!!!"

          A. "I don't know why you were thinking something was wrong. I went on holiday to Canada. Someone stole my passport and I was stranded there. "

          A. "I was on medical leave. My vaginosis odor was horribly strong and I needed extreme care to eradicate it.
          Do you want me to tell you about it over tea? They have some very effective treatments now to cure smelly issues." :nutso:

          A. ??

          Tampa, FL


            The Smiling Assassin

            "Female problems"

            No really, try not to stress and worry about it Tea. It probably won't be as bad as you think.
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              The Smiling Assassin

              OMG Patty!!!! LOL!!!!

              Tea, you'd probably think I'd have lots of things for you to say and they ARE going around in my head. They are safe in there. You don't want to say anything to them. Just a smile and a small nod of the head will drive them absolutely bonkers because they didn't get the response they expected. It works like a charm!

              Good luck!!
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                The Smiling Assassin

                Well, if it's true that we teach other's how to treat us...
                Emotion is a feeling that does not require an action
                Then I think you will do well.
                I think it's always amazing when it takes more staff people to cover your job when you're out than they are willing to admit to or recognize when you are there. You are a valuable asset to the company and I hope that they appreciate you more... so you won't have the dread of returning to work. That's just the pitts.
                Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                  The Smiling Assassin

                  I think if you act like whatever they said, must have been in jest, just smile and laugh. Or how about "why, did you miss me?" and smile while saying it. Management is not managing well if your work load is so huge, Tea!
                  The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                    The Smiling Assassin

                    Tea, yeah I agree hun, maybe you are over thinking this and it won't be so bad.

                    All I keep thinking about is that TV show "New Adventures of the Old Christine". Where Christine seems to constantly have to justify herself to the 2 snobby rich blonds who think their life is perfect. It's a funny show, but what makes it so funny is that fact that the blonds lives are just as screwed up. They just pretend that they are not. Get the picture?

                    Or, you could always tell them that you were on a S&M retreat! But that only works if you are cracking a whip at the time! lol

                    Don't stress about what others think, hun. Screw 'em. Hold your head high. You'll be ok.

                    Love, Me
                    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                      The Smiling Assassin

                      Lorna, hold your head up high and be strong .....

                      Make sure you dress in something that makes you feel strong, Heels work for me ........ You show em girl .........

                      Good Luck,

                      Love & Hugs, BB xx


                        The Smiling Assassin

                        Gee, tea.... I looked in the mirror and recognized my clothes but saw you looking back at me. All I can say is TAKE THE HIGH ROAD. I'm sort of in the gutter at the moment but when I get up, I will take the high road. I will never ever drag anyone in the gutter with me. And I will never allow anyone else to do the same. I will always step up to the plate with my big girl pants on. Which will be especially helpful tomorrow since my hubby fired me today.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          The Smiling Assassin


                          I agree it is hard to take the high road but I recently heard a great expression that seems to fit, "Living well is the best revenge'! Kill them with kindness so to speak, it will drive them bonkers and you will get a laugh!

                          Good Luck!

                          PS 90 days is awesome!
                          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                            The Smiling Assassin

                            :H Thankful--I pictured "Christine" too!:H
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

