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Thanks so much for this board!

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    Thanks so much for this board!

    Hi everyone. I'm not exactly new, but haven't been here in a while. A quick history:

    Never was a "good" drinker; well that's an understatement, had a problem for years. Ended up on anti-depressants for about 7 years, none of which really worked, and some of which made me nuts. Effexor was the worst, made me drink like a fish and finally sent me into a psychotic break (pretty sure it was serotonin syndrome). After that I was diagnosed as bipolar, and put on a mood stabilizer that made it impossible for me to breathe. Finally, went cold turkey on all of it, against my NPs advice. Still drank too much, but not as badly, until the night I fell down the stairs. Then, did some research, came here, got the book and CDs and off I went. I had already been taking supps for my "mental problems" (after I decided never to take any pharmeceuticals again), so just tweaked them a bit with Kudzu and True Calm. WORKED WONDERS!! Moderated GREAT!!

    Well, I was doing great for a long time. Then recently I saw a pattern developing that was not good! Had a hangover yesterday and came back to the board to read the posts. I was trying to figure out what went wrong, and figured it out. I was doing so well, that ya know what I did? Like an idiot I stopped taking the SUPPS!!! I mean ALL of them, the vitamins, the L-glute, the True calm. Well, duh!! I honestly believe that I was misdiagnosed as having depression - I'm pretty sure it's an anxiety disorder. I took all of the supps yesterday and after a couple of hours took a DEEP breath for the first time in months! God it felt good! I didn't even realize that I wasn't breathing I was so anxiety ridden! Maybe I should have gotten a clue a month and a half ago when I had a headache for a week, finally went to the doc and it was diagnosed as muscular spasms in my shoulders due to STRESS!! But no, had to have a couple of doozies of nights to wake me up!

    So, back on the supps for me. And I'm going to dust off the CDs and MAKE time to do them.

    Sorry for such a long post! I just wanted to say thanks for this board and for RJ. Mostly for allowing people to look at their problem in a different way and offer REAL solutions:thanks:.

    Thanks so much for this board!

    Hi SheShe...

    Thanks for the reminder... you are right- many of us feel that once we feel better, we are cured, so the supplements and vitamins are no longer necessary.

    Glad you are back .... :rays:

    Tampa, FL


      Thanks so much for this board!

      Welcome back Sheshe,

      Talk about timing. I just drank my All One vitamin supplement and while I was drinking it, thought to myself "gosh all this stuff (the other supp's too) is so expensive, I wonder if I should just finish what I have and not buy anymore". Well, your post answered my question. I need to keep taking my supps, because I sure don't won't to go back. Thanks for sharing.



        Thanks so much for this board!


        Very good reminder for all of us!

        Thank you for your post and :welcome: back!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          Thanks so much for this board!

          Thanks for the welcome back!

          Yes, keep taking the supps. I am convinced that many of my problems have to do with sugar metabolism, which the supps help correct. I now know that I'll probably be taking them forever, as everyone in my life could see the difference in my moods, and I sure could feel it!

          Just a funny little aside. When I went to get them out (I kept them in a grocery bag under the counter), I discovered that a mouse had gotten into them. Chewed right through the bag. Funny thing is, he was only interested in the B-complex (somehow managed to get the CAP OFF of that), and the marine protein which I take for my hair (chewed through the bottle to get at those)! He had his nice little pile and had been nibbling away! So somewhere in my house is a little mouse with lots of energy and lustrous, thick fur!:H

          PS - we have mice because we live in the country! Don't want peeps thinking we're slobs!


            Thanks so much for this board!

            :H:H Just trying to picture those healthy happy mice!!! Glad you're back, look forward to hearing more about you!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              Thanks so much for this board!

              Oh, also. I had been on a pretty strict low carb diet; especially no refined sugars. Got off of that as well, which I think contributed to the relapse.


                Thanks so much for this board!

                Loved your post!!

                I am so glad you posted that.. I think so often people are misdiagnosed.. and the medical field is So quick to offer drugs...

                Dam them anyway!! I don't believe in drugs... (but I always believed in AL lol).

                Good for you in finding natural things that help... AL can bring on or mask sooooo many things that we could probably take care of if we 'wake' up....


                I have the book... Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau... amazing book.. Natural Cures Home |
                P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                  Thanks so much for this board!

                  Sheshe, lovely to see you back, thanks for the reminder about the supps ........

                  Really funny about the mouse ...

                  Love & Hugs, BB xx


                    Thanks so much for this board!

                    That's so funny about the mouse!!

                    I can't take any of the supplements except the kudzu. They react really badly with my seratonin levels. And I really wanted to take them too!

                    Glad you're back and figured everything out!
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      Thanks so much for this board!

                      Thanks again!

                      Noelle - yes, gotta be careful with those serotonin levels!! Otherwise you can end up just :nutso:!!

                      Thes trangest thing about the mouse was the B-12, I thought. I could understand the marine protein, as it has a kind of fishy smell, but B-12? Very health conscious mousey.

