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made it to 30 days!

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    made it to 30 days!

    Hi all,
    I am 30 days AF today.
    Instead of feeling euphoric i feel very deflated and weepy? Is this common?
    I have never gone this long without a drink before it's my record. I did 28 days once but always knew i'd drink again, it wasn't a serious attempt to stop. Not like this time.
    I feel so strange. Almost bereaved today.
    Maybe i should have a little funeral with an old vodka bottle Bury it in my garden and say my goodbyes. Just kidding!
    Anyway, just wondered if anyone else felt like this on day 30.
    Hope you're all ok :l
    Charlotte xxx

    made it to 30 days!

    I have heard this from a lot of people here as well as people who I am friends with. I even have friends that like being around drinkers for the contact high.'

    it will go away eventually.

    Congratulations on 30 days
    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      made it to 30 days!

      Congrats on 30 days! Perhaps you're sad because it seems like an accomplishment on one side and on the other it's still a beginning? I know if I think of never drinking again, I get sad but not drinking this week or not drinking for a month I can get my mind around but forever seems like a looooong time.

      Brush off - pat yourself on the back and reflect on how good you feel! You are great!
      Member since January 2008
      AF since August 25, 2008


        made it to 30 days!

        hi there..vegan..awesome 30 days af . your body is going threw alot of change at this point .and your mind is opening up to see the real picture which is very good. but can be bad at time . know what you are going threw .just try not to think on the bad stuff .try to think of all the good you are doing for yourself. you will get threw this stay strong and will only get better
        good luck and god bless
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          made it to 30 days!

          I kinda felt that way with my 60 days. But that was yesterday and yesterday's gone.

          Congrats on your 30 days!!!!!!
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


            made it to 30 days!

            Awsome news on you making it 30 days. It's a great accomplishment, one that lots of us strive for. Be proud of yourself and keep up the good work!
            September 23, 2011


              made it to 30 days!

              Vegan, congratulations! WTG!

              Yes, being AF comes with it's fair share of emotions. I remember posting aroung day 22 with very bad blues. It lasted almost a couple of weeks (not saying this will last this long for you). I was sick at the time as well. I also got very emotional around day 60 as well. But I was still very happy deep down because I knew I was getting healthier no matter what. Also, I wasn't taken any supplements either. I was past 80 days when I started supps. Makes a world of difference. So if you don't take any, I would suggest doing a little research for what your own needs are and start taking some. It will help.

              Just stay focused on your goal and remember no matter what, you are doing fantastic!!

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                made it to 30 days!


                Vegan, I want to congratulate you on your 30 days, that is so stellar for you to reach your goal, you worked it, and you did it!! So pat yourself on the back, and I definitely send virtual pats too. Cannot speak to the emotions but they must be genuine and probably had been suppressed for awhile by the alcohol, so it is coming up and is natural and normal I'm sure.
                The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                  made it to 30 days!

                  Great Job! You are another inspiration for me! 30 days in awesome!
                  "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                    made it to 30 days!


                    First off, congratulation!! 30 days is a huge milestone.

                    And, yes, to your question. I have that feeling of "deflation" same actual words used before by other reaching the 30 days.

                    It's kind of like Christmas, over and done with.

                    However, unlike Christmas day, you are starting on a new beginning and an adventerous journey to health and happiness.

                    Love and hope you feel a lot better about this tomorrow!
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      made it to 30 days!

                      There are definitely times I feel sad, longing for those hazy, lost in alcohol, relaxed moments. Maybe I could try that again...NOPE! Bad idea. And so goes the internal argument. Just look at that list of all the reasons I hate drinking. Oh, yeah. I remember now. And those moments really weren't that great, I just thought they were.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        made it to 30 days!

                        Thanks for the responses guys :thanks:
                        I curled up on the sofa and watched some of my Prison Break boxset. Stayed up til 1am and then slept like a baby.
                        Feel alot better today!
                        Here's to day 31!


                          made it to 30 days!

                          Vegan, so glad that you are feeling better today ........

                          Well done on 31 days that is amazing ..........

                          You are an inspiration ........


                            made it to 30 days!

                            Vegan.....Fantastic!! 30 Days is really the beginning to a whole new life! I think it is the beginning of "Feeling our Lives" again...and, as sober time goes on, the good days far out way the rough ones! Keep going!! Congratulations!

                            xx Kate
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              made it to 30 days!

                              Yep, me too... I have posted about this previously when I was so disheartened that I nearly gave up. I never felt the euphoria that many people get when first quitting the booze. For me the first 40 days were vile. I started off thinking I would try to go 30 days without a drink and, I tell you I felt shite for everyone of them! I didn't want to lose my progress tho so i pushed on wards to 60 days, still feeling far from great. I couldn't understand why I just wasn't feeling better but I trudged on and told myself if I didnt feel any improvement at 90 days I would stop trying and quit quitting. Well the days have come and gone and I can honestly say I DO feel better. Not great by any means but my anxiety has reduced and I have my "spark" back. So Vegan, what I really wanted to say is keep going, you have done the hardest part and it should slowly get easier from here on. It's not the same for everyone, we all move at different speeds. guess you an I are the slow coaches eh! Doesnt matter tho does it so long as we get there. hug
                              Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy

