so when you really think about it.its all possoble to heal yourself and yes i still go to AA meeting.but i just dont follow the steps.but in many ways i am making my own steps and god has show me the way to live with what i know i am and i am alcoholic and learning to live the best for me.
the way i live my life is good i would say. because i just dont work one program. i work them all. i look at life like a big sand box and i can do anything i want there.i believe in god as my higher power. and now the way i look at eveything in such an awesome way. to understand where it all started .its a great out look .
because 1 i look at everything as it is . not what you would like it to be.
2 know how to deal with a problem in the right way.
3 if someone wants me to do something that i know is not good for .dont do it because i have choice or choose not to do it or choose not to drink there for i wont .
4 responsiblity to who. me only i am the only one that can really do it for myself
5 we all know its all there. we just have to really open your eyes and heart and grab it
PS warning you never want to post anything like this on a AA SITE i did and i am what they call a heretic and they said they would hold a box for me when i was ready so lol
and there were a few that agree with me . oh well books are good
well everyone have awesome day and night stay sober