Ok,I have figured out that {like a lot of you guys,too,I 'll bet...}that many times when I start drinking,it is mindlessly and also because it is because I have not enough "plans" to my days/evenings.Now,this doesn't neccissarily make a LOT of sense to me,as I do have two small children;You would think that us moms would be "busy" enough that we wouldn't need to fill our time,right?WRONG-O,for me,I have found.Now,I am not talking about filling my day w/ dance lessons at noon,computer classes at 2,mommy and me classes at 3;30,cooking demonstration at the grocery store at 4:45,etc....You get my drift.But what I mean is that,if I don't start coming up w/ a few new things to add into my life,I am going to keep challenging myself w/ this drinking more than I have to.
I noticed the other day that when I SIMPLY had ONE thing planned that was out of my regular schedule,(um,since I have no SCHEDULE outside of kids go to school,i clean,do boring mom-house-life shit-),I did not feel an urge or even think about drinking until HOURS after i would normally have my 1st drink.That got me thinking:Hmm,Lilly-You USED to exercise,you USED to paint,you USED to rollerblade,you USED to meet up w/ your friends at Starbucks,you USED to spur of the moment go meet up w/ a pal who found some awesome stuff at T.J. MAXX,you USED to take your kids to the park and look forward to looking at your trash mags (even though you really never really got to read them since some bratty kid was always bound to throw sand in you little ones eyes,or someone peed their pants,or some other moms start gossiping about you (you thought,anyway), and you got self-conscious and had a hard time concentrating cuz you started worrying that maybe your fake-boobs were hanging out too much and maybe you looked like a slut,even though you KNOW that it is THEIR issue not yours,but dang,why DID you get them anyway?They ARE too big,they DO look fake,it's not like you ever go anywhere that you need em anyway,I knew I should have put on a nice little cardigan like the other moms,WHY don't they sell beer here anyw........OOPS,SORRY-WHERE WAS I?
POINT IS-Before I started drinking heavily and before it became my 3rd CHILD that needing tender loving constant care,I had a lot of other ACTIVITIES going on in my life that I no longer think to do!I feel as if I have gotten very lazy and no longer make those plans (because i am worried that i will be buzzed by then?It will interfere w/ my drinking time?too buzzed to think ahead to plan an activity for tomorrow?)Don't know...Still thinking about it all.But I am VERY interested {does that look interested enough?:H -in what types of activites,hobbies,sports,classes,spiritual awakenings that people have enjoyed while on their journey to become AF,inspiring stories or even quick blips anyone may have to share of something that they re-connected w/ {whether it be an activity or time spent w/ a special person in your life that was almost lost?} that have helped them reach/maintain their sobriety/moderation.
Any takers?What are you doing to stay busy and happy instead of stumbling around WASTED and not remembering your life?

(My favorite thing right now is Modge Podge-ing.Yes,I said Modge PodgE-ing!Stay tuned for more info:This post took me a long time,and it will take me a long time to tell you what i mean,because I GET really EXCITED ABOUT IT!!!