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champix dual addicition miracle drug

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    champix dual addicition miracle drug

    Today is day 7 on Champix. Its amazing. I have not had a cigarette in 7 days and I had two glasses of wine at the weekend and enjoyed them immensely and then stopped. I would normally be gagging for a drink by 5 o'clock and have never been able to resist stopping off to buy a couple of bottles of wine which I would drink accompanied by 20 cigs at least 2/3 nights a week with hangover and recovery days in between. In the last 7 days it did not even occur to me to have a drink or a cigarette. Its most definitely not willpower as I dont have any. To think that one teeny weeny pill can do that to the brain make me think I am non smoker and as a bonus a moderate drinker. Seeing as it is working so well and I have no side effects whatsoever (other than more energy) and have some funny dreams I have not increased the dose from the initial .25mg. I have achieved so much in the last 7 days that I will be running the country soon if this keeps up.
    I just wonder what people who dont drink or smoke do with all their time!
    Anyway just thought I would share this and I hope I am not speaking too soon but I feel confident that I can kill both of the evil addictions off with this marvellous pill.
    I just wish I had found it sooner.

    champix dual addicition miracle drug

    boozehag, I had pretty close to the same response on Chantix(the US name).


      champix dual addicition miracle drug

      Good job! This sounds like something I need to check into.
      If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


        champix dual addicition miracle drug

        Thank you for that information!!

        I will def have to check into that... and...

        P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

        As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
        - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


          champix dual addicition miracle drug

          Thanks memarcie and palatia for your replies
          Memarcie just wondering what happened when you finished the course did the desire to smoke/drink come back or what. I am wondering if I have to stay on them for life? For now I am just enjoying not thinking about drinking or not drinking (and smoking which I only do when I drink) all the time. If it is this easy how come everyone is not on them? I know they have had bad press but I think I will take my chances with the chantix/champix as the binge drinking and smoking was killing me anyway.
          Thanks heaps


            champix dual addicition miracle drug

            So what pill are you talking about? I am happy that you are no longer binge drinking/smoking. I've never smoked, but do know what binge drinking can cause.


              champix dual addicition miracle drug


              its an quit smoking pill but if you look at RJ's blog you will see that there is talk about it being used for alcohol as well. I have both addictions but really I am taking it more for the alcohol than the smoking as I only smoke when drinking. So if I dont drink I dont smoke but of course I always drink or have done so for a long time.
              Anyway so far so good the champix is working and today is day 8 and I have had no desire whatsoever to drink from day 1. I would normally binge drink every 3 days or so. Apparently it is also being talked of as a weight loss pill in the UK. Even though I am not drinking or smoking I dont think I am eating any more than I normally would which is unusual as I have more time on my hands - I probably am eatin less (and exercising more due to more energy and no hangovers) and of course I am not feeding hangovers with fat laded food to try to make me feel better. Its called champix in NZ and OZ.


                champix dual addicition miracle drug

                I stopped taking Chantix at the end of Feb, so about 6 weeks ago. I've only drank 5 or 6 times since I stopped Chantix and 2 of the times I did drink more than I should have. It was far less than in the past, but still too much.

                I've had a couple cravings for cigs, but not much at all. Most days I don't even think of smoking. I quit Jan 1st and think of myself as a non-smoker now.

                There are side effects to this drug as with every drug. There are a couple threads about it in the meds forum.


                  champix dual addicition miracle drug

                  Hi booze hag You're soo funny!

                  I too have a dual addiction to alcohol and nicotine. Good for you on your recent success boozehag! i'm sure you have a much sweeter name in real life like Lisa or Sylvia.. but for now, ill call you by your pen name
                  I've been doing the research and am conflicted as to what addiction i need to tackle first. I think alcohol is the first demon to go, then cigarettes. as drinking tends to be the gateway for me to nicotine. But hey if Champix will help with both I will consider it. How is this different from Topiramate. Doesn't it help with both addictions as well? Don't woory I have an app't with my Gp this week to discuss the options. However I would still like your opinion. Rule the world with your new found energy. You go girl!!!:goodjob:


                    champix dual addicition miracle drug

                    poo bag.

                    love it when people cheer people on! whatever works...the support here is awesome..can't you just feel it and sense you are not alone! :l


                      champix dual addicition miracle drug

                      Thanks for sharing your experience boozhag. I quit smoking and had to quit drinking for awhile anyway in order to do that. I didn't use Chantix, but I might have if I had heard more positive responses like yours. I am going to tell my in-laws, as they were thinking about trying it. They had some ads on the tv here about it causing people to commit suicide so they chickened out.
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        champix dual addicition miracle drug

                        hello TracyO
                        I cant get any of the other meds in NZ so no idea how they work or how they compare with Champix. All I can tell you is that after the taking the first pill which is only .25mg per day I almost immediately lost the desire to drink or smoke. Seeing as it works for me at that dose I havent increased (supposed to go graduallly up to 2mg a day) it and I still just take that once a day at lunch time. I have been to the pub and been out with friends who are drinking and smoking and nothing.... nada not a thing. Its like magic. Its definitely not me doing anything as I have no will power.
                        I did read all about the side effects and it is a bit scary but hey I was killin myself anyway with the binge drinking and smoking. I have had no side effects whatsoever except good ones that is but obviously they might not be for every one.
                        DAY 12 tomorrow - its a feaking miracle.....


                          champix dual addicition miracle drug

                          I did take the full dose and didn't have as dramatic a drop in the desire to smoke/drink as Boozehag. It certainly wasn't a miracle pill for me, but it did make it very easy to quit.


                            champix dual addicition miracle drug

                            since u said about this drug, ive been thinking about it loads. im seeing my doc on mon and im going to ask him about it. he will have to see if it will conflict with my other meds. this drug will be for giving up smoking, im on campral for alcohol, that seems to help me greatly. so bit wary in changing it to champrix for alcohol aswell.

                            so thanks for this thread, it has made me re think about giving up.


                              champix dual addicition miracle drug

                              I dont think it has actually been approved for alcohol yet just anecdotal evidence from smokers saying it also reduces desire to drink. In my case it has worked for both at the lowest dose - so far so good. Maybe you can take it at the same time as the campral. If the campral is working you probably shouldnt stop taking it. Not worth the risk. Anyway good luck on 28th with the no smoking!

