First a BIG thanks for all the PM's .....

Greenie-Believe in your self first, then things will get better for you! keep trying!
Fallen Angel-shit is good, providing we don't EAT it! if you are sober 8 months you are not better yet! a little more work is needed!
Fly High-Rippy has no mean bones, don't be mean to you, you need special attention, i sent you a shovel!
Satori-welcome back, nice to see you returned, knew you had a good sense of humour. Shit happens!
KateH1-refreshing, no other words to will be fine!
tlrgs-as always a sincere friend who appreciates advice and sends the best! you my friend are doing well!
Victory-Come back Now...we miss you terribly..please come back dear Auntie.
Noelle-why did you have gin? I can't believe you did that. Please don't do that again!
Cindi-Are you being GOOD still! i hope so, its better than feeling like can do it.
Wonderworld-hope happy continues to fill your always bring happy here!
Niblet-oh nibbies, you are such a morsel of sweet corn...hope your babys are good!
lilly-How is Liily doing? are we feeling good today? I hope so very well dear! hugs.
Thankful-its me darling one Kitty poo wishing you serenity and peace!
LivingFREE-how are we dear? staying good, keep it up, you CAN do it!
NIBLET-oh nibbies, you are such a morsel of sweet corn...hope your babys are good!
MedMUM-been sleeping ever since..thanks so much!
Determinator-Keep me laughing in it, love it, love it...
marli99-Too funny what you are about, hope you get some sleepy...
LUCY-you are the best! gald you are doing well..cognitive is?
Miso-the Shitt Family is the BEST! love it...
Tea-always a sweet addition to any conversation, keep coming...
memarcie-ALways a pleasure, keep me smiling...
MonaCat-totally hysterical and witty...OMG...funny as total hell!
tawny-watch out for this one! :H
ROBERTA J...totally brave woman...
If i have missed anyone--sorry, too many wonderful persons to remember..XXOO
Add your thoughts of someone special here you would like to say NICE thingie's about! :applaud: