:good: Rips....I know about these chips. They're cool, huh? :h Your avatars never cease to amaze me!!!!!!!!
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6 Month CHPPER!
6 Month CHPPER!
Noelle;306430 wrote: :good: Rips....I know about these chips. They're cool, huh? :h Your avatars never cease to amaze me!!!!!!!!
Oh Noelle..i cease to amaze myself.out:going through this i feel like a useless :toilet: bowl! klick and stick, klick and stick...you know? i'm really into colour these days for some reason? :butterfly: must be spring coming on! whatever it is...sobriety is really hard work..
6 Month CHPPER!
Here's the chips, starting with the 24-hour chip at the top left. Now you know what to look for.
I told "someone" else that there were chips/coins for each month. It depends on how much money your group has whether or not they do the chips for each month.
(I'm still sick from the flu that joined my hangover...ewwww.)Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."
6 Month CHPPER!
Its ME!
Love the chips Noelle! Must teach me now to manage attachments to posties..wot a colourful thread we have here...a bouquet of flowers...:heartsnflowers: Just love touching my toes with ease.ops: Feel like a slot slut with these chips, maybe I'll make me some money!:giggle: Love Barbie too and Kittys! :yeah: Rippy sayings hiya to everyone this morning! RESTED! :cupajoe:
6 Month CHPPER!
chip chat
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