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Today's Thought - Tuesday

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    Today's Thought - Tuesday

    Today's thought is:


    Have you ever envied someone else's good fortune? Consider the friend who calls with a different ring to her voice. Instead of sharing her troubles and woes, she proceeds to tell you good news. Something exciting, financially beneficial, glamorous, wonderful beyond belief has happened in her life. It's not a fantasy. It's one of those rare moments when a dream has come true.

    "That's wonderful," you may say, meaning every word. At first.

    "Why her?" You may later think. "What about me? When am I going to get a break?" As hard as we may try not to feel that way, a little jealousy, envy, and self-pity replace the joy we felt for our friend.

    Most of us want other people to be successful and happy. We really do. That's not the problem. The problem comes when we think they're going to be happier or better than we are.

    Sometimes we know when we're envying and resenting others. Other times it's a subtle undercurrent that we're not aware of, but it invades our lives. It may only be a slight feeling of smugness when we hear that something unfortunate has happened to someone we perceive as being more fortunate than we are.

    Goodwill isn't just the name of a secondhand store or a phrase used in songs during the holiday season.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

    Today's Thought - Tuesday

    I got left feeling.... blank on that one. I got the goodwill part, but I'm used to "today I will..." I wanted to peek under the desk and find that last sentence. Maybe it's my crappy mood today.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Today's Thought - Tuesday

      I totally get this Noelle. A genuine happiness for someone else's goodwill. The ability to completly, without feeling leftout or jealous, be happy for someone else's good fortune. It is not an easy thing to do. At least not 100%. The corners of our minds can harbor those little thoughts of "why not me".

      Interesting post for the day.


        Today's Thought - Tuesday

        Thought for the Day

        Frogs are lucky: they get to eat what bugs them:frog::frog::frog:

        Let's all have a fine day..we deserve it (more thqn most) :h

