Well it's five weeks today since i last drank. 35 whole days. Can't believe it, i really can't.
What a rollercoaster!
I have been battling with the little voice all week long. "You don't have a problem, look how long you've gone without a drink? Just have a couple"......... "How boring are holidays going to be without a few vodkas? Go on you know you want to"........ "Think of the long hot summer days that are coming up? Sitting outside with a vodka would be so lovely"
I have been fighting this voice with a big stick since Saturday.
My Bro in law is staying over and i'm huge mates with him (he's gay by the way) and very theatrical. He also drinks like a fish. He's been trying to win his drinking buddy back also so i've had 2 voices to battle with.
I am however, winning

Also this week i have dreamt about vodka every single nite. It's sat on a table, poured into a lovely glass with sparkles and bubbles floating around it. I am staring at it but am frozen to the spot and can't reach it. Then i wake up. All very odd.
All in all it's been a tough week so far but i have logged on to here at least twice a day and it always always always helps me!
On a positive note, i can't believe how well i sleep now! I have about 8 1/2 hours deep lovely sleep a night. I love my bed now. Before it was somewhere i went to drunk, somewhere i laid dying with horrific hangovers and somewhere i lay with insomnia inbetween binges. Not now, now me and my bed are great buddies :H
Hope you're all doing ok,
I think about you all every day,
Charlotte xxxx