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Supplement Update...

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    Supplement Update...

    I am just curious.. There are some people that have some GOOD AF days under their belt here now. I would like to know what everyone is taking, supplement-wise.

    I haven't been good about my supplements (but I do take AllOne). The only supplement I take is L-Tryptophan. I have been on Topamax for about 3 months and would like to go off at some point. So, I wanted to check in and see what everyone is doing for supplements. The Topamax has really been helpful, and I attribute a lot of my three months sobriety to it, but I also feel like I want to go all-natural..

    Love to hear what everyone is doing as I know we often change it up..


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    Supplement Update...

    Good morning MM

    I struggle with the supplements--forget, etc. So I'm not a great one on this subject, but something is working (combination of things) so I'll share. Maybe I'll get some advice if I'm not doing this right.

    I kept taking my Stress B-Complex with zinc and C
    I kept taking Dr. Weil's Mood Support Formula (St John's, Folic acid, Omega 3's, DHA, EPA)
    (I make sure to take these and the AllOne daily)
    I take Kudzu--750 mg twice daily
    I sometimes take L-Glutamine and GABA once or twice daily

    I just started the ALLOne this week, so I dropped my regular multivit and I was taking extra Vitamin C

    I was overwhelmed with all the supplement information, and a bit confused as there are so many options. I'm still debating about the rest of the supps RJ recommends (evening primrose, milk thistle, magnesium) and the others now sold here at the store. Maybe later. I can feel the GABA working--the rest is faith and research. I started drinking a daily detox tea this week also.

    I also think the cd's exercise and support here are a valuable combination with the supplements.

    I hope you get lots of comments here........
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Supplement Update...

      hi i just wanted to stop in and say :hello2:
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Supplement Update...


        I am horrible about taking meds, so this supp thing has been rough, too.

        However, since starting the AB in the mornings with my Gabapentin, it has made it easier to remember to take my ALLOne and I add Omega 3,6,9, MSM crystals (advice from Starlight on hair thing..) and L-Glut, which are both powders so all go into drink together.

        Then, since my Gabapentin is 3xDay, I take another Omega, Super B at lunch.

        If I need it in the evening with my third Gabapentin, I take GABA, I also add L-Glut and MSM crystals and my Omega.

        That's my day. Boring, huh? But my nails are growing (this before I started the MSM crystals, so I am looking forward to see what happens with them!!) and I feel physically much better. Nail growth is a good indication of your body's overall health, I have been told.

        Hope this helps!!


        ps, I hope my nail growth doesn't turn me into a toe biter like Ripple, though...
        AF April 9, 2016


          Supplement Update...

          I take:

          Omega 3/6/9 (high quality)
          B-100 slow release (for stress and has Vitamin C)
          Calcium with Magnesium (can't remember what the dose is at the moment )and it has Zinc at 20mgs per caplet
          Vitamin E 250mg - 2x a day
          Regular Multi Vitamin

          That is all. I am off all medications and feel so much better. I have had a couple of slip ups lately (only because of personal issues, but am well back on track now).
          Vitamin C - 1000mgs


            Supplement Update...

            I am not taking anything as I haven't started the program yet. I've been doing the research on supps and it over whelming on what to take but what seems to stick out the best for me is the L-Tryptophan. How long have you been taking this and is it really helping? I'm really bad when it comes to taking pills but this says it will aid in weight loss too which I really need as well.
            If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


              Supplement Update...

              LVT, where do you get the Dr. Weil's mood formula?
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                Supplement Update...

                I also found all the supps and understanding it all quite overwhelming, so I simply went with the starter pack and followed the instructions and included L-Glut last month, which I purchased locally, as I was struggling. It is not so bad actually.

                I am leaning toward getting the AllOne tablet form for when the powder runs out though, and getting off taking all the rest when their bottles run out (there is still alot left - I think there was a 3 month supply in each!!!), but will keep up with the Kudzu and the L-Glut of course - as I think they really help. Plus, if there is any moderate drinking going on in my future (although I am really not thinking of anyof that until I get through June) I figure the milk thistle is important.

                I have heard alot of people take certain things to help with sleep, and I might look into taking something for that in the future if my sleep doesn't improve. I am just waiting to see if that will improve on its own by letting my body heal and rid itself of toxins, etc and by getting used to the new routine I've imposed on it. This new routine involves going to bed at night like a good little girl or is that "a normal person" - not a stay-up-all-night wine-slurping person!!!



                  Supplement Update...

                  I know a ton about supps but unfortunately I am flat on my face at the moment (not in a drunk way). I will try to add to this later after I make my way to the first rung of the ladder. Sadness and depression are kicking my arse. Pants! Ambushed by emotions!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Supplement Update...

                    What is the daily detox tea, LVT???


                      Supplement Update...

                      Hi guys, been gone for a week and ran across the ?? while trying to catch up here.

                      1. I get the Dr. Weil's mood formula through

                      2. Here is a link for the detox tea. - Daily Detox Tea Original Formula ???????????????????????

                      Hope this helps!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        Supplement Update...

                        Hi MM,
                        What about St Johns WOrt. I am positive that it has anti-alcohol qualites. I really can't drink anymore. Which is almost a bummer when my family visits and stays in my tiny home, with me and all my 3 kids!
                        Now a sip of alcohol just makes me so woozy.


                          Supplement Update...

                          Has anyone besides me had a negative reaction to kudzu, and if so, what are my options? I have even tried switching brands but I get the same digestive issue. I love the effect it has on my cravings, but it gives me stomach ache and diarrhea so I only take it on days when I know there will be a lot of temptation like a party or bbq and deal with the digestive issues afterwards. I am wondering if there is an extract that I can try instead.

