What the hell!!???
Apparently I 'bug' someone because I drink herbal teas to get me through the evenings... so what!!!???? If it helps me.. then great. I can't afford any of the helpers through this site yet. Why would someone fault me for doing what works for me?
And I bug this person because my son gave me $40, a third of his first paycheck... Well, he's 19, been sitting on his ass for two years and living for free... I do have a biz. It's just not as busy as it could be. So yes, my parents have helped out, but not totally. I made a good living last fall. He volunteered to help out.. he's not in school, been living off of me and it only seems right, if you ask me.
Apparently I also bug this person because I 'claim' that I'm now 17 AF... although it would have been 19 if I didn't slip a few times. It isn't up to anyone else to determine whether we choose to continue to count those AF days... I do, because they count to me. When I can say I'm AF for 30 days, it will be because it's 30 days in a row... and that's what I'll say.
Ohhh. and then I'm talking about volunteering... and!!!??? um.. anyone else have a problem with that? I need to do something. Whether or not I have a 'regular' job has no bearing on helping the community.
I'd like to think this is a supportive site... but this person gave me a slap in the face that WASN'T deserved... and someone I thought was one of the most supportive ppl here..
I'm sorry to air this, but what kind of crap is that to get in my messages? If it was constructive, it would have been different... I just 'bug' this person.
I've come a long ways... and if you have something constructive to say.. please do. But this negative crap is.. crap...