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Horrible message in PM...

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    Horrible message in PM...

    I got this horrible message in PM that is pretty upsetting really...

    What the hell!!???

    Apparently I 'bug' someone because I drink herbal teas to get me through the evenings... so what!!!???? If it helps me.. then great. I can't afford any of the helpers through this site yet. Why would someone fault me for doing what works for me?

    And I bug this person because my son gave me $40, a third of his first paycheck... Well, he's 19, been sitting on his ass for two years and living for free... I do have a biz. It's just not as busy as it could be. So yes, my parents have helped out, but not totally. I made a good living last fall. He volunteered to help out.. he's not in school, been living off of me and it only seems right, if you ask me.

    Apparently I also bug this person because I 'claim' that I'm now 17 AF... although it would have been 19 if I didn't slip a few times. It isn't up to anyone else to determine whether we choose to continue to count those AF days... I do, because they count to me. When I can say I'm AF for 30 days, it will be because it's 30 days in a row... and that's what I'll say.

    Ohhh. and then I'm talking about volunteering... and!!!??? um.. anyone else have a problem with that? I need to do something. Whether or not I have a 'regular' job has no bearing on helping the community.

    I'd like to think this is a supportive site... but this person gave me a slap in the face that WASN'T deserved... and someone I thought was one of the most supportive ppl here..

    I'm sorry to air this, but what kind of crap is that to get in my messages? If it was constructive, it would have been different... I just 'bug' this person.

    I've come a long ways... and if you have something constructive to say.. please do. But this negative crap is.. crap...
    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago

    Horrible message in PM...

    Who cares what you do to get yourself sober.... or if you had your kid give you some money, or whatever?

    I say expose the sucker who sent this to you!

    Keep on, keeping on!


      Horrible message in PM...


      I am so sorry that happened to you. :l

      I also find the things the person said confusing.

      Please don't let one person get to you. It simply isn't worth it.

      You are doing so well and you are making huge strides against a horrible problem. Good on you.

      Teas? an issue? Getting rent money from grown children an issue? Hmm.

      Oh well.

      Let it go.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Horrible message in PM...

        Put whoever it was on your "ignore" list ...I would also delete that PM
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Horrible message in PM...


          I think your pretty neat. And of course, my opinion is the only one that really matters so ignore them and I say. Ur doing great hon!! :goodjob::l


            Horrible message in PM...

            hi there..dont let it get you down you are stronger then that.. if someone doesnt like what you are doing for yourself i say----- well you know what i say but a nice hanging could be fun just kidding ..
            kool i think our kids should pay after 18 years of age and like yours is doing just helping out thats good .and herbla tea is good for you clean your body out. but away have an awesome day peace and god bless
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              Horrible message in PM...


              I agree with all of the above. Remember, "Small people - small minds".

              I applaud you. I too have had kids who have laid around and not been productive at times. Although it may be partially my fault because I gave them more than I had. I hoped they would appreciate it, but instead, they come to expect.

              Well, expect all you want, kidos, the free ride is over. No more, you laying around all day and Dad and I out busting our butts, only to come home to a sink full of dirty dishes, from the food we bought that you fixed for yourself! Oh, sorry, my precious little one (22 yrs old) I forgot - the dishwasher was full and clean. God, forbid that you put the dishes away and reload it. :upset:

              Would be nice if dinner was ready for us when we got home. What a thought!

              Let's see, we could talk about laundry, excessively long showers that run up the water bill, getting huge muddy piles of crap in our garage because you bring your quad in without washing it. Not to mention the mud crusted laundry that you did in our new washer, 2 heavy duty cycles with extra rinses and there was still mud on the inside of the door.

              I suppose my "melt-down" after these episodes could be seen as abusive, when I told them, don't bring those quads onto this property agian until you have taken them to the car wash & the laundry goes to the laund-ro-mat! Amazing, one of the boys took his quad back to where his appartment is 3 hours away. WHAAAA! :upset:

              I spoiled em, and by Damn, I'm going to unspoil em. It's my job to raise adult children who don't need me and can stand on their own two feet!

              Whew! - anyone notice you may have touched a nerve here! Oh, yes, and by the way, I charge my kids for their car insurance and cell phone bills. OMG! The authorities will probably charge me with child abuse. Or, would that be adult abuse, since they are over 21.

              Palatia, you are not wrong. Igore these messages. I will probably be next. Oh well, as they say here at MWO - we have our big girl pants on.

              :h Best
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                Horrible message in PM...


                WT* is up with some people. Please ignore them and stay on here with us! We do enjoy your company, and all the advice and wisdom you are offering.

                What a jerk.

                Sorry you had to experience this ..stuff...

                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                  Horrible message in PM...

                  oh noo!

                  well can share your messages..forward to someone you can some on-line support, like here? maybe its emotional blackmail of sorts..sounds it. copy and paste so we can see it! have no fear RIPPLE is here! :H


                    Horrible message in PM...

                    Here's the original version... but I'm not including the name because I don't want to start a war...

                    "I am so annoyed with you. You claim to be AF for 14 days on this board, and, by your own admission, you drank twice during this period of time. You also claim to have your own way out....."herbal tea".

                    You also claim that taking a third of your sons paycheck, while your parents have paid your rent for years is a tribute to you as a mother???? How so? He works, his mother does not.

                    Get a job. Become responsible. Volunteering is fantastic, if you can do that while supporting yourself!

                    Honestly, I am trying to get you to wake up......while I am trying to protect newbies from your nonsense!!!

                    Get Real!"
                    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                      Horrible message in PM...

                      I'm frankly shocked that anyone would take the time to rail on like that! WTF

                      And it didn't make any sense. Perhaps your story hits too close to home to someone who isn't ready to be sober. I've been amazed at how many similarities I've found here and how liberating that has been. Really liberating.

                      You (and the person who sent you that PM and hopefully regrets it) have to do this your own way - don't let someone who is clearly having a bad day affect your progress.

                      Herb tea? seriously - I'm having my mandarin orange zinger now :l
                      The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                      Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                      W Whitman

                      90+ days yay!


                        Horrible message in PM...

                        Only ripple can say what I was thinking!! If someone wants to be hurtful - maybe they should do it in the "open" where we can stand beside you. I have never receive a "hate" PM here - but I have heard of other people getting them ..... so "cut and Paste" time!

                        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                        (from the Movie "Once")


                          Horrible message in PM...

                          you should count your AF days any way you like!!!!

                          and you should never talk to this person again - NEVER


                            Horrible message in PM...

                            its okay..

                            well, i have to scrub up and then go to have my ankle alarm adjusted..gained so much weight its cutting into me. :h


                              Horrible message in PM...

                              Palatia ~ I agree with everyone else. Ignore this very small minded person.

                              Some people who disagree with certain members will post an opinion publically. They accept responsibility for their words and if other members disagree, they take their lumps and will defend what they've said.

                              Then there are the cowards who send nasty PMs instead of post. Why do they send the PM? Because they know people would probably not agree with them and they don't want a hundred people rallying against them. So, IMHO, they are true cowards. "Brave" enough to hide behind the PM, but too weak to face the music. Whether they were drinking or not, it's simply wrong.

                              If there is one thing I will not tolerate is someone being let off the hook because they were drinking. It's not fair that someone else get so stressed out by mean comments that they may slip and need a drink because someone else chose to log on and be nasty while intoxicated. I know I have done things that I am not proud of under the influence, but jeopadizing someone else sobriety is just sinful in my book. And, yes, I most likely am going to catch hell for writing this as well. lol

                              Unfortunaltely, this has happened to many of us. And there is nothing we can do about it. I have received a few nasty PMs, but only one apology. Maybe the person who sent the PM to you will have the class to apologize to you as well.

                              Stay strong. You have a great deal of support here from the rest of us.

                              Love, Me
                              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

