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Feeling Rejected/Ignored

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    Feeling Rejected/Ignored

    I wish there was a simple answer to that, Debruce. AL is killing my daughter, literally, and she is still "not ready" to go there.

    In my case, I just got fed up with AL, with my life, with the disasters.

    Others got fed up in some other way and just said, "No more!!"

    Others gently have walked into it and are sober, too.

    Keep trying, though, Debruce. You will "get it" sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Feeling Rejected/Ignored

      So cool, thank you all.
      Love you fellow Aussies, but also love all you others. Alcohol knows no bounds.
      I don't post much, but have loved all my replies tonight and love you all for taking the time.
      Thank you


        Feeling Rejected/Ignored

        debruce - what part of RJ's program have you tried working? CD's? Supplements? Share what has worked and what hasn't worked .........
        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          Feeling Rejected/Ignored

          Hi Debruce
          "Don't know what to do or where to go???"

          well I am a sailor of 30 years can read a compass and chart a heading anywhere on this planet but alcohol has set me adrift. I AM NOW LOST TOO.

          Lets help each other ok. By the way which part of OZ do you reside Im in Vic.

          Take care
          Captn ( Danny)


            Feeling Rejected/Ignored

            I am on the border of Qld/NSW.
            I have done part of the program but not all. What have you done and what have you found successful???
            I have tried the supps and have got some CD hypno tapes.
            Please tell me what stage you are at??


              Feeling Rejected/Ignored



              I just wanted to add myself to your list of people you can always PM should you need to connect. I will always answer, but if busy could take a day. West Coast of Canada here, so I have 7:08am, Friday as my time and date!

              Keep posting and reading. There are lots of caring supportive people here. It never ceases to amaze me the warmth and caring that this group can hand out so generously to those who are in need!

              I can definately relate to your struggles with best AF stretch this year has been 6 or 7 days.
              But I will always offer the support and caring I can to need only ask :l

              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                Feeling Rejected/Ignored

                I'll look for you too debruce. Some posts get more attention than others for whatever reason (time zones, topics, etc.); don't take it personally. I live on the West Coast, U.S. and have noticed that by the time I'm ready to start reading/posting many of the East Coasters have logged off :byebye: so it's me and maybe 10 other MWO'rs here. You being (I think - I'm no time zone wiz) a full day ahead of the U.S for the most part it shouldn't make too much difference so keep posting and we'll keep an eye out for you!
                I went to my doctor and told him I had a serious drinking problem and that I was in desperate need of a solution. He said, 'Stop drinking.' I said, 'I don't get it..' He said, 'Go home and think about it.'


                  Feeling Rejected/Ignored

                  debruce- I have those flowers in the woods around my house - a very unlovely name (spiderwort) for a very interesting little plant, the blue purple blossom makes me happy, even if it only lasts a day - I live in the northeast US but have family in NSW.

                  so hello and keep posting! I am a threadkiller too sometimes!
                  The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
                  Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

                  W Whitman

                  90+ days yay!


                    Feeling Rejected/Ignored

                    Hi Db
                    Nice part of the country. I have been on the topa and programme as exactly laid in RJs book for 3 months. I had too triate off the topa because My job is very demanding and I was losing it so to speak with the dopey feeling I got up to 175mgs. I have found the supps a god send, again I strictly follow the book and use the Kuduz 3X3 a day + L Glut you can bye it here the best stuff is the MUSAHI powder tub. I have had a stop start recovery like you but am happy to say I am now begining my second week af free. Its bloody hard.

                    How have you been doing??



                      Feeling Rejected/Ignored

                      I believe we all feel like that at times here. There are soooo many people on the board, and when you reply to someone's thread, I would suggest not to expect a response. It would be exhausting acknowledging everyone who did.

                      In regards to your own thread - I suggest using all CAPS and lots of EXCLAIMATION MARKS. That should get everyone's attention! ;-)


                        Feeling Rejected/Ignored


                        Hi debruce... gee... I know no one would intentionally not pay attention...

                        How about making some friends to PM with too?

                        I've not been here that long, but I think anyone who is/has gone through this is deeper than most.... all have so much to offer, including you..

                        Glad you said something!
                        P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                        As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                        - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                          Feeling Rejected/Ignored


                          the support here is endless. wot wood we do without this community of forum-addicts? i just cannot pull myself from the puter? i really will need to get help now for that too. oh god another problem now. :thanks:


                            Feeling Rejected/Ignored

                            I sometimes get that same feeling, deBruce, but then I have to keep telling myself not to take it personally. And I can definitely kill a thread with the best of them! Good to know you!! We both need to post more. :h
                            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                              Feeling Rejected/Ignored

                              debruce;308636 wrote: I really would just like some correspondence to the replies/threads that I have.
                              I know that I am not perfect and every time that I say I am going to stop it doesn't happen, but I am not that different to every one else.
                              I am listening and no you are not that different from the rest of us. Order one bottle of Kudzu from this site and give it a go. It sure allowed me to forget about drinking and it may work for you. I don't have time to post a lot but I do come here abd read a but everyday. It really helps me keep myself on track and remind me about what will happen if I drink again.


                                Feeling Rejected/Ignored

                                debruce;308630 wrote: Ok,
                                I have been on this site off and on for about 1 year now. Every time I seem to post not many respond.
                                Am I too shallow????
                                Do you not like me????
                                Whenever I attach myself to another thread no one seems to respond.
                                I know this is not a clicky group but I do feel a little left out.
                                Maybe I do come across as a shallow person, but I am serious and do need your help. Please talk to me
                                Hope you're still around debruce. I've felt this way myself at times, I even wondered if my stuff was showing up sometimes. I wasn't brave enough to say anything, I knew I was just being sensitive. Then a couple of people took the time to "connect' with me and that helped alot. No offense to anyone, but I think if you go to chat, you tend to become closer with the ones you "talk" to and follow them more. I am a little intimidated by the chat room--but that's because I'm shy.
                                Anyway, in all honesty, it's nothing personal--Alot of it has to do with the time differences. So now you have a 3 pager to prove that.

                                NF since June 1, 2008
                                AF since September 28, 2008
                                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

