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On the way :-)

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    On the way :-)

    Hi everyone :-)

    I'm in the process of either cutting down massively or abstaining from drinking...

    More accurate to say that I am aiming to stop my drinking being a problem...

    This year I have given up drinking 3 times...Once for a week, once for 2 weeks (with the help of Diazapam (Valium) and my latest attempt ended this evening after a week (I'm half way through a bottle of red)

    I've spent the last week sleeping 3 hours a night and twitching, waking myself up (this in itself is enough to reinforce the need to drastically cut down or stop!

    To be honest, I think I'm doing ok, I really didn't expect to give up in a week...

    I don't have setbacks, I have

    Seriously though, after 2 weeks not drinking, my confidence doubles and I feel totally in control and cannot be upset (as opposed to crying spells and feeling sad and scared most of the time)

    What choice do I have???

    Truely, if I cannot beat my drinking, it will send me mad and ruin my life...

    So battle for my life I will :-)

    David xxx
    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....

    On the way :-)

    Hi David!!

    I think you are making progress! God knows the number of attempts at quitting drinking or trying to control my drinking i've had. This being the longest EVER!!

    When I read this: "Seriously though, after 2 weeks not drinking, my confidence doubles and I feel totally in control" I can SO RELATE!!

    I feel so good every morning that I can add another day sober to my totals.

    Welcome from one newbie to another!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      On the way :-)

      Welcome David,

      I'm glad you found this site. One of the nicest things that happened to me when I went alcohol free (af) for the 1st 30 days (that's what is recommended by RJ's book) is the WONDERFUL sleep I got. I also took the supplements which I know really helped. Once you get a taste of what good sleep is like, you don't want to let go of it. You can download RJ's book. It's a short read. Good luck to you and again, welcome.

      Miso :heart:


        On the way :-)

        WTG David! The sleep does come, as Miso said. One of the beautiful things about this site is it is Your plan... however and whatever you want to accomplish can be done... !

        P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

        As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
        - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


          On the way :-)

          Thanks for the replies :-)

          I am off to bed after my bottle of red, post a week AF...

          Hope you are all doing well..

          Big hugs,

          David xxx
          What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


            On the way :-)

            Hi David :welcome: to MWO ...........

            You now have the support of people all over the world, we all know how you feel, yes the sleep does get better so hang in there ........

            Keep reading & posting .......

            BB xx


              On the way :-)

              Hi David,
              Keep going, keep trying.Pour your heart out, we're here with love and advice. I wish my hubby would use myway to pour out his feelings! The thing is, you gotta distract yourself when you need a drink!
              Replace old habits with new, all this being easier said than done and needing lotsa practice!


                On the way :-)

                Hi David,

                Welcome to the Board. If you really get weak come on here and read what everyone has to say. There are a lot of great people on here all battling the same thing; and it's not easy.

                Best of luck!


                  On the way :-)

                  Hey David,
                  Howr you doing now? Just thinkn of you.

