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    Thank you

    I haven't been on the boards a lot recently; chasing around a child kind of consumes your time. And to be quite honest, I have not really improved a whole lot, but I am getting better. I'm blaming it on the situation I am going through right now. But I do want to thank you all. Reading your posts has been really helpful, and I have someone that I can call when ever I need the extra support and that has helped me more than anything. I hope everyone is doing well, and I'm rooting for us all. It's not easy what we are going through and most people we know don't understand the struggle. They think it's as easy as "just don't do it anymore."...

    Lots of love to you all.

    Thank you


    Thanks for popping in and letting us know how you are doing.

    Yes, just stop drinking. Why the heck isn't it as easy as that??

    It always makes me laugh. In rehab they called them "earthlings." Those who don't have this problem and simply cannot relate.

    I guess that makes us aliens?

    I am glad to hear it is getting better. I hope you can get your arms around it and get to where you want to be.

    We will be here for you whenever you need.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Thank you

      Gia, you are right it isn't easy, but I remember when you first came here, and I am sure that you are doing much better now than you were then .........

      You WILL get there..........

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        Thank you

        glad to hear you are doing better..keep coming back.pecae and god bless
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Thank you

          Welcome Gia. It seems like we all have situations that we go through that seem unmagable. And there is alcohol to help cope. Hang in there and come here when you can.

