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How I am different

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    How I am different

    now go and give your wife a big, fat kiss!!!
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      How I am different

      Oh, Ace, thank you for sharing such a wonderful and private moment with all of us.
      It took a long time to read this post through tears; can't see s..t without my glasses and now I have to stop mopping my face with my sleeve. Gotta get a box of Kleenex.
      Congratulations on your success and let me say that you are so lucky to have such powerful:h family support.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        How I am different

        Ace, thankyou to you and your wife for sharing. What a beautiful letter for you to find. Your wife is precious and so is your 21 days of sobriety, keep going Ace.
        Like Janice said this thread wiil be a great motivation for newbies, cause it has been for me, day 6 AF.

        wishing you and your family many blessings
        AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

        Snake....... come crawling,
        There's fire in your eyes,
        Bite me, excite me,
        I'll learn to realize.

        The poison transmuted,
        Brings eternal flame.
        Open me to heaven,
        To heal me again.


          How I am different


          You are all very gracious. I am posting that because it is sooooo different from what she wrote to herself three weeks ago about only three weeks thats a ton of change....I am far from out of the woods and I am not sure if the woods will ever be out of me, but its good to know that it IS possible to change at 45 years old just by wanting to...and then doing it.

          My goal is 30 Days AF and then I will see. I want to be able to drink wine and the odd beer and do so in moderation..we will see. I am still struggling at 6pm with not having the "break" and habit (ritual?) of the first drink..taking kudzu and I've got Topamax coming..see what that does.

          Great flying week coming up with Angel flight on Saturday. More later.


            How I am different

            I am so glad for you ace - as you know the days suddenly become weeks and it just gets better from there.

            Be careful regards moderating - I have actually got to the point where the thought of a single drink just repels me. I am enjoying looking, feeling and behaving well every day so much I don't want anything to threaten that. Perhaps you will feel the same soon too.

            Well done on your journey and the strength you are building - we are all amazing.


              How I am different


              You are a very lucky man to a have wonderful woman like that next you. I'm literrally teary eyed writing this. I'm only on day 9 and I'm not sure if my wife and kids have seen a change yet but I can only hope I can do the same when I hit day 21! Great Job!
              AF since 1/1/2011


                How I am different

                As always, I am in awe. You are so lucky to have someone like that by your side. Most of us do. Sometimes they get tired of waitng and we grow apart. Sounds like you timed it right, buddy. Way to go!!!! You will find the Topomax an incredible aide. I got home last night and realized I never thought about stopping to buy wine. I was getting dinner ready and it dawned on me. Not like I even wanted wine. Just that it dawned on me that I didn't think about stopping. I didn't have to fight that battle all the way home from work. It was wonderful!
                Keep up the great work and keep on inspiring us with your wonderful stories. They truly help. I look forward to your thread every day. Even if I don't post. I read what you and everyone else has to say. Thanks!!!!!!!


                  How I am different

                  Ace, what a wonderful wife you have... isn't it amazing how we trick ourselves into thinking that our loved ones "never notice" when we are sneaking?

                  Thank you for sharing... now, off to blow my nose, too. :heart:

                  Tampa, FL


                    How I am different


                    When something occupies your mind all the time and then you hit the key there is a vacuum created and nature abhors a vacuum...I have been bored in the last several weeks which I can't ever remember being. It seems that AL occupied so much of my thought that it was like a passionate hobby...with that gone right now, I find myself open to new thinking. I am picking up on so many things that I was missing before...especially after 6pm or so. My Stepdaughter and I have found ourselves in the home office while she does homework and I peruse the web at night...we talk (about Malcom X right now) and actually get along were as before our relationship was quite contentious. I am only sad at the time I have missed with her and my two older boys..two go off to college this fall.


                      How I am different

                      aceofbase;310933 wrote:
                      It seems that AL occupied so much of my thought that it was like a passionate hobby...with that gone right now, I find myself open to new thinking. I am picking up on so many things that I was missing before...especially after 6pm or so. My Stepdaughter and I have found ourselves in the home office while she does homework and I peruse the web at night...we talk (about Malcom X right now) and actually get along were as before our relationship was quite contentious. I am only sad at the time I have missed with her and my two older boys..two go off to college this fall.
                      Just think, Shortly, you will be in a position to shower your love on grandchildren.
                      Its like you get a whole nother chance to be the person that you were capable
                      of being had your buddy Al not stolen your heart.

                      Don't be sad, but remember how you were, and how you are not proud of it,
                      and use that knowledege and the feeling of that to say "Never Again Al" or
                      "You are History, Dude" and " I love to be with you child "



                        How I am different


                        Amazing... you are amazing, your wife is amazing..

                        I have not posted much recently, but when I logon, I do a search for your posts..That story / letter was just ...well, you know.. amazing.

                        It Gives me hope..

                        Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                          How I am different

                          Wow that was amazing!
                          Suddenly I see
                          This is what I want to be
                          suddenly I see
                          Why the hell it means so much to me.

                          -KT Tunstall


                            How I am different


                            I'm new to MWO. I found this site a few weeks ago. I have been a daily drinker for about 9 years. Ever since my daughter was born. I drink a bottle or two of wine per night, every night, and then more on the weekends starting earlier in the day. I have no energy for my family, I don't exercise. I need to lose 10 lbs. I feel guilty.... etc. etc. etc. My story is similar to those I have read. I started Topamax about a year ago to lose weight and I found I didn't want to drink as much but that sort of went away after a while and I wasn't thinking about cutting down at the time. Now, I started Topamax again and am on AF Day 2. I am really struggling at 6pm but hope to make it through. I am taking it one day at a time. I ordered the Kudzu and the book and tapes but they haven't arrived. I'm taking the Topamax and getting these boards as much as I can.

                            Thank you for sharing your stories. Ace, your story is inspiring. I hope to make it 21 days.... but for now, I hope to make it through day 2.


                            In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
                            - Author unknown


                              How I am different

                              Wow... I'm almost speechless...

                              I agree you should read that letter every morning.. and every night....

                              Thank you for sharing that... such a positive post was needed...
                              P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

                              As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
                              - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                                How I am different

                                Great post from a wonderful person. You and your wife rock. Thanks for letting us in on a little of your life.


                                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

