I don't know what changed three weeks ago. I did not hit rock bottom, did not get a DUI, not a divorce and didn't lose my job. I just changed. I found this site, poured out my feelings in a blog, found some support and got through first one day and then the next....so much has changed in three weeks...nearly everything by simply not doing one simple thing. If you were not involved in this it would make no sense to you what I am saying...it sounds ridiculously simple, stop drinking....but it is not a trivial action.
I want to share with you what has changed. I got a letter from my wife this morning that I am going to post here. Its is private and meant for me but you will want to read it if you are looking for inspiration or if you support someone else.
g'night for now..tonight is day 21 , three weeks...only three weeks after 10 YEARS of escalated hidden drinking...but the changes that have occurred in three weeks are more than worth the battle. More tomorrow and this week.