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How I am different

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    How I am different

    Absolutely excellent!


      How I am different

      Thank you so much for sharing is truly inspiring!!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        How I am different


        Today is day 26 AF. More on Physical change: I have lost about 1/2 lbs a day since starting and am down now 13 lbs holding nearly everything else constant. My clothes fit better. My "fat clothes" do not fit. My "skinny" clothes fit better. I still want to lose another 10 lbs in the next three weeks. I am 6'0" tall and my goal is 185 ish..I was well over 200 when I started this. My skin is better, my eyes have lost some of the puffiness, nails and hair are better. I am sleeping okay, but have a lot of dreams and recently some are nightmares....wonder if AL suppresses nightmares? My mind is clearer. I am taking kudzu twice a day, I take a men's multivitamin. I have ordered Topamax but I am concerned over the side effects...I had blood workup done and I meet with my Dr on Monday. I am going to discuss it with him but I do not want my medical record to reflect Topamax usage for a variety of reasons. I ordered it from the River Pharmacy and was kind of shocked at the price and the shipping charges so I ordered a lot...if I don't end up using it, I suppose I could make it available to someone else.


          How I am different

          Just keep going Ace and enjoy your new life!!!!

          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            How I am different

            Dear JaneDunn,
            Good for you! Ace's post will affect so many of us and help us keep up the battle. Hang in there, Jane. I want to be a moderate drinker and lose 15 you, I drink wine. I think that planning NOT to drink is helpful. But having a supportive spouse or friend can make such a difference. And you have a LOT of friends here. Hang in there and let us know how you are doing. I haven't noticed any difference with the Kudzu....but I could only buy Kudzu recovery, not K. rescue at the local market. I plan to try rescue when I finish this. Still want to get started on the wine at 6pm, but eating early helps. A big hug to you.


              How I am different


              Morning all! I was at a corporate function this weekend and had 1 glass of wine on Thursday and two on Friday at dinner...the wine didn't taste that good to me and I felt like I was cheating...anyway no harm and I was not tempted to drink anymore....I am still going to keep going on the AF thing at least during the week as I still feel a strongish desire to drink rum at 6:00 pm. Kudzu is working okay and it even seems good if you have a headache. I got Topamax in the mail and I am afraid to take it....worried that it will interfere with my flying. I need to be alert and orientated for that.

              Still losing weight but the rate has slowed down some. Topamax is said to promote weight loss too. I have 10 lbs to go. I don't know if I posted this or not but I had blood work done last week and the results were quite good...lower cholesterol, BP, weight, good liver function and a very low pst test result...apparently I surprised my Dr. who asked what was different. I did not ask/tell him about Topamax yet...still reading here and researching that.


                How I am different



                This is awsome! I am 22 days AF. Things at home are calm, peaceful, enjoyable. There are not nasty comments, no fights as in the past. I have not retreated to "My" bedroom upstairs, night after night, until invited back to bed by my hub. Work is good. The list goes on and on. However, the only one who has changed anything, is me! Hard to admit.

                All the problems with everyone and everything that were supposedly the "cause" of my drinking, are still the same. Same husband, same kids, same house, same stresses, same job, same boss. But, the way I am reacting to them is different. Hard to say this, but I know now that 100% of the problem was "caused" by the effects of alcohol on my thought process and the way in which I reacted to things.

                Thanks for your thread. Good thoughts here.

                :h Best
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  How I am different

                  this is just so very powerful what you are saying because this is my defining difference since coming back from lenair and really not having a relationship to al anymore. i simply don't have all those defining factors that made me think a particular way and behave that way that had me. yes me cause situations and problems to happen..... i have the same circumstances everywhere... i'm just simply not escalating everything or anything. and, so there aren't any triggering. i wonder... rhonda had said something recently to me about the win or lose card game i played. the wiring to drive for creating a stir up like a sabotage system. if i allow things to unfold instead of using anger.. so im really practicing allowing things to unfold and not using anger.


                    How I am different

                    I am reading everything and it is very good.


                      How I am different


                      I love reading your comments...they seem so similar to my life. There is a lot less strife around here as well. I hope some of the passion/attraction comes back but I will give it time. I feel generally better and clearer but not 100% better, it more subtle than I would have thought...When I was drinking I missed alot of stuff and was insulated from some true feelings. Now that I am not drinking there is nothing standing between me and those feelings and I don't miss very much....I don't know if that makes any sense. I also never get the "break" that those first couple of drinks brought to me....oh well, the drinks after that ruined everything anyway.

                      I took the Topamax tonight...just one 25mg pill to start, I will take two tomorrow and see how it goes. Can't feel anything different with one pill.


                        How I am different

                        I have not read through all the posts and just read what your wife wrote to you. How wonderful for someone to acknowledge all of that for you and affirm for you that you are on the right path. What a wonderful support!
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

