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The Human Footprint

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    The Human Footprint

    Did anyone watch National Geographic's 'The Human Footprint'?
    Simply amazing statistics.

    Human Footprint

    * * I love Determinator * *

    The Human Footprint

    I saw a blurb of this on GMA and when they showed how many diapers one baby goes through I was shocked. I will try and catch it when it runs again.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      The Human Footprint

      Once you open this link, click on the words "Human Footprint" for a interactive screen where you can enter in the amount of bread, milk, showers etc you take. It will compare you to the average. The program not only notes our consumption and what it takes to manufacture that consumption, but also the waste of the consumption.

      Newspapers - Average American per person for lifetime consumes 5054 newspapers. It takes 191,000,000 trees to make all the US newspapers for one year.

      Diapers - One baby will use 715lbs of plastic. 5.65 barrels of crude oil are used to process those plastics.

      Milk - Average American per person for lifetime consumes 26,112 glasses. America has 9.2 million cows working to keep up with the consumption.

      Bread - Average American per person for lifetime consumes 2 tons of bread.

      Gas - Average American drives 627,000 miles per person in a lifetime.

      Bananas - Average American consumes 5,607 per person in a lifetime.

      Potatoes - Average American consumes 3500lbs per person in a lifetime.

      And, of course, our Lucky Duck has a cameo.
      * * I love Determinator * *


        The Human Footprint

        This is on tonite twice.

        * * I love Determinator * *


          The Human Footprint

          Thanks Determinatrix, I'm going to try and see it on Sunday ... though it sounds depressing! I'm thinking about canceling my subscription to Nat'l Geo magazine because every issue depresses / nauseates me. What we're doing to the planet is SO SHAMEFUL. But, I guess the calculator made me feel OK since I get my news online (no newspapers), don't have babies, and ever since dating a European guy in my 20's and hearing his rants about Americans and their obsession with cleanliness I wash my hair every other day and usually shower every other day unless I need to.

          I could go on and on with eco-friendly tips as it is one of MY obsessions!!!

          Biggest things people can do right now for the planet (in no particular order):

          - Don't drive huge vehicles unless you REALLY need to (like you are a farmer, contractor, etc). I know people love their big trucks, but c'mon people ...

          - recycle as much as possible, including clothing, household items, plastics, electronics, batteries

          - stop using plastic shopping bags. It takes a while to remember to bring bags with you, but its worth it and usually stores give you 5-10 cents off for each bag you reuse. I try to keep some in my car as I never remember when I'm rushing out of the house.

          - buy local food products -- you'll be supporting your local economy and saving the energy it takes to ship things. If its not in season, try not to eat it.

          - use low watt light bulbs, unplug electronics when not in use. Even turned off, many electronics draw energy just by being plugged in.

          - save water: turn off faucets, fix drips, use low flow, get rain collection barrels to help water plants, change your lawn into a drought-resistant landscape and or plant a vegetable garden.

          sorry if this sounds preachy but these are all things i do or try to do ... though i started years ago, i try to add a new habit or 2 every year.


