I would never of been able to do this a year ago, even though I was still very opinionated over many social issues. Looking back those opinions where made through years of alcohol and drug abuse and although I still stick by many of them, I know my judgment may of been clouded. Being sober has really given me the option to look at things more clearly and focus on the bigger picture rather than the self-centered image I had of the world and is clearly what made me so angry and bitter towards it. i reflected upon this only a month ago and relaised that I falsely got pleasure out of a misconceived idea that I was making a difference by being angry/bitter at the world around me. I thought I was doing something; even by getting pissed I was showing the world I was unhappy and at least I was doing something rather than nothing. I realized that truthfully I WAS doing nothing or nothing constructive to make changes in my life so I could then make a difference.
Truthfully I cannot get all soppy and sentimental over the MWO program as I am not one who has followed it. What I can get sentimental about though is the people I have met here who have in some way contributed to making me feel I am worth something and given me encouragement to do this. So many thanks for helping me realise my potential.
Love and Happiness