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Hurting Others

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    Hurting Others

    Someone has said I am dumping on you all, then pretending to be "sweet". So I guess I will stop posting. I don't want to be a negative influence. I guess I'll come back when life is grand, because I can't pretend it is now. I truly respect this forum and most people on it. But if I am doing harm to others, I must go. Peace all.

    Hurting Others


    Hart, you are one of my best friends here. Do not go, do not leave, do not let one person affect you like that!!

    Never saw you dumping on anyone? I am totally confused and now angry as hell.

    In the last few weeks, several people have been pm'd by someone that has upset them.

    That person or people need to post publicly if they have an issue with any of us and not hide behind pms and count on people to be hurt and whatever this person or people are striving for.

    Hart, I will personally come to Washington and get your butt back onto MWO.

    We all love you. :h

    AF April 9, 2016


      Hurting Others

      Hart--no , don't even think about leaving!! One person's opinion doesn't mean you should quit posting. i think it's time we knew who is "picking" on the members here!

      Palatia had problems last week, and now you.........
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Hurting Others

        hey hart.. please dont go anywhere. you have as much rights here as us all do here .
        without some negetive .you wouldnt have the positive . so just keep on doing what you are doing .
        to me i like your posts. so what if someone disagree with you are saying. its their problem not yours.
        peace and god bless and stay around please
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Hurting Others


          I just read the post that upset you.

          I am sorry. You are sweet, you are kind and you belong here just like the rest of us.

          You have been very supportive of me when I was falling flat on my face.

          Others stated the same points as Kate a little more tactfully and are giving you good advice.

          I sure hope you stay with us and I really hope you figure out how to deal with all this that is going on.

          I love you and do not want you to leave or quit posting. I want you to figure out how to get where you need to be to be happy. :l:l

          AF April 9, 2016


            Hurting Others

            please stay its just you seem to give your partener husband so much lee way. some of us dont understand that. Shit girl how could you do harm???? You are so straight up you dont bullshit you are one of the most honest people I have ever come across and on this site. Please hart stay.
            Sorry capt


              Hurting Others

              Oh Hart,

              I hesitated posting in that thread because it was getting negative and I didn't want to add to it - I thought you were looking for a hand and tried to offer it. I apologize if it made you upset.

              Please don't go, we all need each other. It's hard on a message board to get across one's intent when you only have words and emoticons. I remember how upset you were when your husband quit unexpectedly and the last thing I wanted was to make that worse.

              DC :l
              The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
              Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

              W Whitman

              90+ days yay!


                Hurting Others

                Hey Hart

                Don't leave the site for f***** sake! not unless you do it for yourself.

                Ths is a place for venting. I really don't understand all the criticism of late.

                I hope you stick around.



                  Hurting Others

                  I found it. This person was out in the open being honest at least, and knew it would hurt. Perhaps it's tough love, I don't know. I think the majority of us here are co-dependents, or we wouldn't be here. Sometimes we are just "venting" and not asking for advice or opinions. I hope this can be resolved quickly, but I don't think the answer is for you to leave, Hart. You said you agreed with some of the opinions, take what you know you should and leave the rest!

                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    Hurting Others

                    look to the sky.

                    wot is the problem! we are here to talk about it! have you tried Greenie's pants line. lets see..You have been doing so good..i had a mental turn`a`round myself last week! I said thats IT! i am going to sleep at nite...NO to MEN if your the man is infecting your thinking.. to HELL with everything that bothers ME! Love to you..STOMP those emotions away and be FREE...XXOO its will see. :h


                      Hurting Others

                      Hart I truly do feel for you ......

                      Please don't go .........

                      BB xx


                        Hurting Others

                        Hi again Hart

                        I just read your other thread to see where you were coming from.

                        It sounds to me like someone made a point about codependency, which is a fair point to bring up with you, but did it in a very counter-productive and insulting manner.

                        It's a shame because maybe you could benefit from talking to someone about codependency. But you certainly were not "dumping" on people in bringing the issue up. This site is often about having a safe place to vent and get advice, then give advice too.


                          Hurting Others


                          You have been very helpful to me on chat. I have not read the upsetting post so I cannot reference that. But you are a plus to the site. Stay.




                            Hurting Others

                            Thanx everyone. Maybe I am just tired. I am co-dependent re: alcoholism. No doubt about it. I am also depressed about my situation and I'm tired. I'm tired of biting my words back with Joe. I'm tired of feeling guilty at the drop of a hat......not Joe's fault, always have been like that......maybe my childhood history, who know, who cares at this point. I just want a break from........maybe myself, who knows.

                            Anyway, I am going to not post for a few days and see how it goes. There are some valid points made, and I am not unaware of them myself. You guys are very wise I'm feel vulnerable, maybe that's what this is all about, being too sensitive. Well, see you in a few, take care.


                              Hurting Others

                              Hart, please stay ... :hI do agree that this should be a place for venting.:l:l
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

