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Do you like where you live??

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    Do you like where you live??

    .... and does it feel right to you?

    I don't mean necessarily have you got a nice house, but more, do you like your area? Or your country? This isn't really Al related but just something that I thought about a lot today. You see, I love where I live. I am lucky enough to live in rural England. This particular part of rural England (Norfolk) is not dramatic or chocolate box or anything terribly special compared to some other parts of England but it is my home. And my community is here and I like the fact that Norfolk is sort of out of the way. I am also very English. I understand the country, like the seasons (a summer's day in England cannot be bettered on many levels and there are many in Spring and Autumn about which I could say the same) and like lots of English things - think tea, fish and chips, fox hunting!! I even tolerate the ridiculous, knee jerk current government and the ever increasing taxes and rules as being part of English life.

    But today, I seriously wondered if my life might be better somewhere else. It was grey, wet, cold and dull. Again. And it's half way through April. Mud. Long faces. Rotten politics. Bad news in the newspapers. It occurred to me that there are many many other places in the world where the weather would be consistently better, the government less idiotic, the taxes lower and the natives just as friendly. If tomorrow is sunny and warmer I will feel differently but I do often think that out there somewhere is another place I could just as easily call home..... where the sun shines a lot more often and life is just easier and nicer and calmer all round. The only place I have been where I think that might be possible is New Zealand. Fabulous country. Just a bloody long way from home. Italy is tempting and I can certainly understand why so many Brits head to Spain and southern France. Never mind. I've got a lot of commitments here so may never leave. Maybe retirement....??

    All of this is just ramblings (partly to keep me from opening a bottle!!) but I would be interested to hear how other people feel about their homes/countries and where else in the world they might go, if at all.

    Bessie xx
    (mostly musing....)

    Do you like where you live??

    Interesting thoughts, Bessie.
    I live in a not-so-nice place (Scandinavia)... Cold, dark for many months.
    But it is home.
    Still, I do dream of New Zealand. Australia. Yeh, maybe Spain or Italy.
    Family is always a consideration, as you said. So it is not viable.
    I do wonder also, would AL be so strong if I didn't have such a hard life in such BAD weather? Big excuse, I know.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Do you like where you live??

      made the move!

      Interesting thoughts Bessie!

      I actually had been wondering too, Beatle, whether ones surroundings could be a factor in their relationship with AL. I'm an expat Aussie who did the opposite of most and moved to Europe. I can't believe how much more tuned into the seasons I am becoming. As you know, spring is supposed to be arriving, although not today! And I must admit, I can drink equally as well in the sun and in the snow...and no, I am definitely not bragging. But the darkness during the day is what kills me. Bring on an AF summer I say!

      And moving didn't trick my old habits away either. Thats why I'm here, so that my new life really is new, and wonderful with new views, new language (lets not talk about the frustration trying to learn it - NO I will not have that glass of wine to relax) and a fresh outlook where I can feel proud of myself.

      New temptations: you can buy alcohol everywhere, drink it everywhere and every night there is something going on. But hey, if I do that I'll never learn the lingo. I just have to remember to say nein, danke!

      Sorry if I rambled, just some similar thoughts to yours


        Do you like where you live??

        i kn ow the feeling bessie. Sometimes I wonder how I would like to live in another country. I definitely think that I would have adored New york had i gone there as a young woman in the 70s. I love the lifestyle and work ethic. I mean their days start very early and everone is up an at it by six. My two brothers live there and I hav five nieces and nephews there - all young = and now my son has gotten a visa and he is working there for my brother who owns three bars new york. Every day I have to count my blessings and thank god for the good life Steven has now.

        I like my life - I Have good friends and love my little house. my job is good - i work myself so that is good - only problem i am inclined to take half days and head off. Often for boozy lunch - no more work and off to bed by eight. No life really.

        I will like my life better if I keep this AF path up.

        nice idea to think aabout our lives andhow happy we are living them.


          Do you like where you live??

          I live in NZ and I love it. Every single day I think thank God I live in this beautiful place (even if hungover). If someone told me I had to leave I swear I would jump off the Harbour Bridge. I am Irish originally so I totally appreciate the weather and the lifestyle here more than most Kiwis who may take it for granted. We are heading into winter now which is a complete joke really as its more like a bad Irish summer than a proper winter. I think weather and lifestyle plays a huge part in a person's mental attitude although doesnt make any difference to my AL tendencies. I know my sister suffers seriously from depression and the long Irish winters do not help - its dark in the morning and dark in the evening. Anway just some thoughts to add to this thread.


            Do you like where you live??

            nojoke-- welcome to Europe. I hope you can continue to resist AL. I am not always so successful, but the right attitude is all it takes, really-- SAY IT: I am a person who does not drink. Say it over and over. Yeh, not easy, but there it is.

            And it is so nice to be sober.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Do you like where you live??

              I love where I live. I am from Sunny Queensland in Australia. The beach is 10 Minutes away they are clean and go for miles!!! I have bush all around me and live on acreage. It really is beautiful and I would never move. That is why I am gong to stay AL because I want to see all this beauty without being HUNGOVER!!!!


                Do you like where you live??

                I love where I live - IF my head isn't full of depression! If my head is in the wrong place .... Then I HATE IT! Cold way to many months out of the year - I want it all .... 4 seasons (where they actually last the entire time they are suppose to) Beauty and scenery - Not to many people but airport, shopping with in reason, etc............

                So where is this??????? Maybe you all can sell me on where I should live?!! Bessie - your neighborhood is sounding lovely!!

                AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                (from the Movie "Once")


                  Do you like where you live??

                  We only really have summer & winter here. Spring and Autumn are just a flash! Summer is wet and hot. Winter is dry and hot sun but really cold winds & bitter at night - houses are just not built for the cold here so can be quite miserable.

                  Ha ha - you want ridiculous politics, plummeting currency and increasing everything - come here honey. We have it all. :H

                  I adore the UK summers with the long evenings & it's so lush and green and gorgeous! I usually promise myself a REAL cream tea in the New Forest when I come home. Ooooooh lovely.

                  The dark days in Europe during winter can be tough - it's that S.A.D syndrome, I think.

                  Where would I like to live?? Haven't a bloody clue! Just as long as it's not in my head for too long. :nutso:

                  I have travelled extensively, Uganda, Kenya, Indonesia, Bangaladesh, Sri Lanka etc. All very beautiful. I have never been attached to houses or possessions - too much moving around, I guess - I could be miserable anywhere, or happy anywhere.............. personally, it's a state of mind thing.

                  I've never been to Oz or the States, so those are definitely on my list!!

                  Take care
                  The mind is in its own place, and in itself
                  Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

                  John Milton


                    Do you like where you live??

                    Well now this is something really great to think about. There are lots of things I like about where I live. I live in South Carolina in the US. Hot summers very mild winters. Very close to lakes and mountains (about a 30 minunte drive) though too far away from the beach (3 - hours). Lots of family (sometimes more of a minus) and friends. Great neighbors. 20 minutes from work. Would love a public transportation system because I am tired of driving and looking for a place to park. Would love a little more snow. Have actually thought about moving but probably won't.


                      Do you like where you live??

                      Its ME!

                      guess where I am? Long live this old haunted house..its an old bugger dating back to the 1700's. Lovely, indeed lovely.. filled with history set upon rolling hills surrounded with rock walls and scenic views..beautiful year round. the winters can be brutal, you just stay in the rooms where the fire is burning the hottest. can't complain home is wot you make it..simple pleasures keep me happy. no need for fussing..and without alcohol life is pretty damn good. there have been sightings here of a woman in the nite wearing my earings and passing through bedrooms..have never seen her, maybe she is afraid of me! My old box suits me just fine. Plan to die here as many have in the past. Many old wall photos of people who have lived here, creeps some out. :thanks:


                        Do you like where you live??

                        Wow. I've been to England twice - once in late fall and once at New Year's - so I remember dreary, wet, and cold. I need to go back another time of the year.

                        I live in the hot, dry desert southwest. I love it. I have lived on the east coast and felt claustrophobic after a while - too many tall buildings, tall trees and people blocking out the fresh air and stars.

                        I live in a mid-sized town so we have all that we need but not the traffic or congestion of a big city. We have less than 10" of rain a year which can be tough, but we have 350 days of sunshine - bright blue open sky. I can sit on my patio and see thousands of stars. We have an interesting mix of American, cowboy, Mexican and Native American cultures in this area and things move at a different pace. Business is still done with a handshake (which frustrates me sometimes - I want paper!).

                        I would rather be hot like we are in the summer than freezing and damp and stuck inside for months in the winter. The winters on the east coast were tough. Even in the summer when we reach 106, 108, 110, it cools off in the evening when the sun goes down.

                        So, yes, I like where I live. It suits me. I love seeing the cacti in bloom right now and I love our sunsets.
                        Member since January 2008
                        AF since August 25, 2008


                          Do you like where you live??

                          I live in Utah, USA. Love it spite of all the faults and shortcomings! We have lived in the same house for 24 years, raised our children here! Would we move? We have talked about it on and off for several years...but the answer still comes up no. We enjoy the outdoor life, and can be in the mountians, pine forests, on the desert, or at a lake in less than 2 hours. While the Salt Lake area is relatively well populated, it is not yet as big as Denver or Atlanta, thankfully.
                          We do have 4 seasons, very defined and beautiful. My wife and I have found activities for all four seasons, so we enjoy all of the year.
                          Are there problems? Of course! There is one predominant religion, one predominant political party, and some really stupid laws! But, stupidity is not contained to any one location, the faces would change, but the song remains the same.
                          Fortunately for us, our children and grandchildren also live that is one more reason not to move to far away.
                          I have traveled throughout the US and Canada, and still always look forward to coming back to the Wasatch Front and saying, it is a great day to be living here!
                          Well, that is my two bits worth!
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            Do you like where you live??

                            BHOG - Utah is one of the states high on my list of places to visit. I did the Four Corners thing, so I think my left hand when to Utal, but we really want to go to Arches National Park. Just not in the dead of summer! that's too much even for me.

                            Sigh - love the ol' west.
                            Member since January 2008
                            AF since August 25, 2008


                              Do you like where you live??

                              I live in Massachusetts. I recently moved from a lovely home into the City of Boston. Don't ask me why cause I miss suburb living. I miss my gardening and outdoors. Here, though, I am able to go outside without feeling isolated, which is what the alcohol made me feel, isolated at my home in the suburbs. I do love it here, but still miss my home. Sad!

