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Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

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    Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

    Hi, I have been lurking for awhile. Somedays good, most days bad. Anyway, time for me to start living life or say what the fuck and give up! I am choosing LIFE! Now, where and how to begin? I have tried to do this on my own countless no end with and without this program....I just have NO willpower!!!

    My kids are suffering, my marriage is suffering and I am SO SUFFERING!

    So lets list the good, bad and ugly for Rhonda Lenair vs Rehab.....I am leaning towards Rhonda I think, because again I have no willpower!

    Love, Info and Support would be wonderful.

    Love and Hugs to all,
    "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney

    Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....


    Wow, that is a tough one.

    I think you need to make an informed decision on your own. I truly believe it is too much responsibility to ask others to help you with this. It is such a personal choice.

    What works for some does not necessarily work for others.

    However, whichever way you choose, I totally hope it helps!! I, too, know the despair and hopelessness.

    Good luck in your journey and may your decision be fruitful!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

      Thank you....

      I know...

      Good luck with you daughter, my thoughts and prayers are with you and her today.

      Hugs, Bambi
      "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


        Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....


        any comments with getting through each day.... today, anything!

        Hugs, Bambi

        added info:

        Wow: alot of views (38) but no info to give....oh well I will deal with it all on my own like I always have. Have a great evening all......
        "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


          Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....


          I guess it's just you and me, babe.

          I think the problem is that if anyone says, "Lenair" and it doesn't work out they would feel badly and if anyone says, "Rehab" and it doesn't work out, they would feel badly.

          So, please don't get upset, it is just fear of treading in the wrong place.

          You know Rhonda Lenair has a couple of people here who have done great, 4 actually that I am sure of, MomsCat and her bf, Bootsie and Buckledown.

          Additionally, Luv is going in June!!

          Umm, rehab has many different flavors and types. I am not sure where you live but you should probably start poking around in your area and see what there is.

          There are many 12-step rehabs and a few non-12 step rehabs.

          Do you have any idea which of them you would be interested in?

          I would start Googling and see where you feel more comfortable.

          But, please, understand, in the end it must be you who decide and you who takes the step.

          Oh, btw, there is also Schick Schadel. Lefty went there. She reported back to me via pm and said she had no desire for alcohol after her stay there but the treatment was horrific. They do aversion therapy, which means they truly make you sick as a dog from drinking alcohol. Kind of a tough approach and one many would prefer to avoid but if I could do it no other way, I would do it that way. What is 10 days of sick versus a lifetime of sick?

          You might want to give that a google, too.

          Umm. My daughter ended up where I went, mostly out of proximity than anything else. She is quite aware it is a 12-step program and it follows the old traditional route. However, like me, she wanted to see her family at least during visiting hours.

          Good luck with your search and finding your way out!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....


            One other thing, Bootsie and Buckledown will be more than happy to respond to pms if you have futher questions about Rhonda Lenair.

            I know they are both thrilled with their results from there.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

              actually I have been half following this and Luv is there now and Bestlfeldms will be there soon
              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

                I would do Lennair over rehab in a heart beat! Do it and report back!


                  Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

                  Thanks for the posts. I am have been doing some research on both yesterday and will do more today.
                  "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                    Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

                    Programs for Alcohol: Evidence-based Alcoholism Treatment utilizing Naltrexone & Campral

                    I think this place is in Phoenix... ARCA around 7th St. and Indian School.

                    I've been thinking of attending.... they have a two day intense program and a two week program and so on.
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

                      Programs for Alcohol: Evidence-based Alcoholism Treatment utilizing Naltrexone & Campral
                      around 7th St and Indian School Phoenix, AZ
                      I'm thinking of going there for a two day program they also have a two week program...
                      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                        Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

                        My rehab didn't throw 12 steps at you - instead it worked at giving you information and building up your confidence. That way you could make your own choices. All the approaches interlinked and complimented each other so you could build your own programme with support when you left.

                        I have/had tried most other things over the years including the Medical approach, counselling, a 12 Step focused detox/rehab in a medical facility, strict AA and the only thing which has turned my life around was the most recent - which I mentioned above.

                        I wouldn't go for pure 12 Step - it can be disempowering and too narrow, but do believe you need some kind of spritual element in any recovery programme.

                        Good luck in your choices - I made mine on pure instinct, was dubious upon arrival yet within the space of 3 weeks I was a changed woman.


                          Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....

                          I have nothing but wonderful things to say about is 70 days for me and i am very changed on the deepest level...tremendous peace...please look at my past posts if you want to read about my journey or please pm me if you have questions....i just dont drink anymore...sounds crazy- but true...hugs and blessings...buckle


                            Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....


                            I am here now, in Vermont, my second session was this AM. I will wait until I return to post an account of what has happended to me, but I could not wait to respond to you. It has been utterly amazing! For me there have been no cravings, no urge, it is almost as though alcohol and the routine and preoccupation is totally erased from my memory and tendancies. My husband and I have been in retail stores with wine and beer, in finer restaurants serving drinks to other tables, and later I realize, "Oh yea, that's alcohol, my problem!" It didn't register any more than the rows of crackers in the shops! I know it's hard to believe. I can only speak for my experience so far. But let me just say this. I somehow knew when I read about Rhonda for the first time that I had to come. They say there are some things you know because you see them with your eyes, and other things you know because you feel them in your heart. Call it faith, call it intuition. That is what has lead me here. I have a calm & a peace that has come over me, like I have never known in my entire life! I am 56 years old. I wish I had known about this years ago, so that I could have given my family, relationships and career the whole of me that they deserved. I am only glad, that I have done it now.

                            I will be returning home this week end. I will post a recount of my trip sometime next week. PM me if you wish and I will answer next week when I return.

                            Love and support to you, what ever decision you make.

                            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                              Rhonda Lenair vs rehab....


                              Thank you so much for your post.

                              Everyone who posts about Rhonda and has success is such an inspiration to all of us.

                              A true healing.

                              I will start saving now for my daughter and myself.

                              AF April 9, 2016

