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Medical question

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    Medical question

    Hi. Just back from the Doctor. Not really sure how I did. I was there for a follow up to an infection that laid me out for a week.

    Anyway, the tests all came back good except for the fact that I have "Mild General Cardiomyopathy". A slightly enlarged heart. The Doctor was scratching his head as to why when I told him it was probably due to years of alcohol abuse (which he quickly wrote down in my file). So now I'm off for a liver enzyme test as well next week.

    Does anyone else have this condition? Any advice? The Doctor said it may get better as long as I continue to not drink.

    I'm actually feeling better than I have for a long time and even did a light workout today. I just hope I haven't done too much damage. 8 days AF and loving it.

    Medical question

    Hi Mohun,
    I cannot help with your condition I just wanted to congratulate you on your 8 days AF.

    : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


      Medical question

      Thanks. Nothing like fear to motivate.

