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I have felt the change.....

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    I have felt the change.....

    First of all; I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    Secondly, and most important:

    I always thought that at some point I would need to hit "Rock Bottom" in order to comprehend the effects and affects of my drinking. There have been plenty of little signs to myself and from others. But I never was in any real trouble, that I knew about.

    I know now that it was the subtle things that are more important than the big bang. The past 2 months have shown me the proper path.

    I now know that AL clouds my memory and my thought processes. DUHHH. My naivete was finally realized. When I awake, I no longer think about getting through the day; looking forward to the weekend and a few beers and "relaxing". I awake now with plans to do sooooo much.

    I know that I can have a glass of wine with dinner without finishing off the whole bottle. I'm not the last to leave the party now. I can socialize without having that false courage in my system.

    Each day seems brighter. The colours are more vivid, the sounds of nature more alluring, the scents more curious.

    The people on this board and my new friends in life are all involved.

    THANK YOU.................
    -maybe, is the new maybe-

    I have felt the change.....

    That is so fabulous and inspiring treeman... thank YOU!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      I have felt the change.....

      awesome great job .. keep it going
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        I have felt the change.....

        Treeman. don't you just love when things click for you? I love when that happens. Good luck with your new life.



          I have felt the change.....

          Great attitude treeman!
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")

