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    Dear Pip,

    It is so hard when a pet needs to leave us. I am so very sorry for your loss.......they will forever be in our hearts.

    God Bless and take care,
    Hugs, Bambi
    "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney



      Pips.....that is not a silly post. I'm so sorry. :l
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."



        So sorry to hear about your cat, I know how you feel and it's absolutely heartbreaking. They're such a source of comfort and unconditional love and are not cruel as people can be. Your post is not silly at all, just treat your loss as any other bereavement of someone you love, accept you will be grieving for a while but know you will start to feel better as time passes.



          Pip - I also am so sorry for the loss. I have grieved with every pet I have lost. It is heartbreaking to the point of never wanting to get another - but somehow in time, I always add another to the family .... I hope you will also

          Lucky thanks for the Rainbow message - I was trying to find it a couple of weeks ago - my daughters cat just died also - and she is heartbroken. I will pass it along.

          Pip - you are not alone. :l

          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")



            Dear Pip,

            Here is a virtual hug! :l I am so sorry for your loss! Having raised 5 children, you can imagine the number of pets we have had and lost. We've actally had to have a ceremony in the dead of winter for a gerbal. We lost our kitty last year in our fire. I still can't bring my self to visit the shelter or go by the kitty cages at the Pet Supply store. It is a loving thing you do when you spare you friend inevitable suffering. You are left with the pain but the comfort that they are in pain no more.

            Hugs! Best
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008




              RIP, here..with sympathy for the loss of kitty! :flower: have 2 momma's right now soon to give birth, knowing the dad only had one fore arm and one eye? i assume he is the father? Cats can tolerate an awful lot before giving up or being put to rest. Pip..i am sorry. :butterfly: maybe a new kitten will cheer you up. :h



                Thanx ripple ( and all else who took time to respond )
                I have another cat, called...Pipsqueak, who is only 5, I wonder if I spoilt Scrabble's life by gettibg pip, no longer top cat? No new kittens, my husband would go BALD!! Only liked scrabs, cos was old I think



                  Hi pipsqueak,
                  it's not a silly post.
                  It's hard losing a pet. I had to take a few to be put to sleep over the years. It doesn't get any easier.



                    Hi Pip,

                    Like everyone else I'm so sorry for your loss and like others I have gone through it too. Boris and Natasha were with me for 18 & 19 years respectively, a brother & sister who were my friends -- came to me as kittens at age 22 -- quite a big chunk of my life. I wasn't always the best mom until their older years when my life was stable and I've had extra guilt about introducing a new kitty 6 months before Boris died of a (probable) hemorrhaging lung tumor -- he did not like new kitty.

                    We do what we can and love them best we can ... many animals are not so fortunate.

                    Be nice to yourself, grieve, and remember them. Boris & Natasha were both cremated and are on my dresser, but when I get back to California I plan to sprinkle their ashes in the ocean. I did not want to bury them at my home because I knew I probably wouldn't live there forever. In the ocean I can always go to a beautiful spot and think of them.

                    Hugs and best wishes!

