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Just a suggestion

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    Just a suggestion

    I don't want to get a bunch of negative remarks about this but after reading through Harts post on being pissed off. It made me think about another board that I belong to. It was down and that is how I found this one. Anyhow, they have a closed forum for women's issues. And we know that we all have different ones. You may want to check it out just to see what I am talking about, but it is a free subscription type thing and you can really dump your feelings and get support for any issue from PMS, to relationships, to substance abuse. It has helped me understand that I am not the "lone ranger" a lot of times. The site is SMART Recovery?. Now I am not trying to switch any posters from here to there, just thinking that maybe there could be something similar here where us women can vent and not have men chiming in with their opinions if that is what you are looking for.

    Just my $.02. Please don't bash me. I'm fragile emotionally.


    Just a suggestion

    Another great site to vent to just get it out there is

    When you just had enough of something you can type in your confession on anything and others can agree to it as well; it's a good way to get it out and know that you are not alone in anything.


      Just a suggestion

      Just to support the men here; I have never seen any of the men here bash anyone.
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Just a suggestion

        Lukalee ............ Me neither .............

        Voices, I would never 'bash' you for your opinion ........

        However having been here for much longer than you I would like to point out that you joined here at a strange time ...........

        This is the most supportive place ever and I personally wouldn't want to post elsewhere .......

        BB xx


          Just a suggestion


          I know that I'm still a newbie on this board but; just curious, why did I join at a strange time? I feel that MWO has really helped me but I also notice that a lot of the posters that used to be here are no longer here. Is that what you are referring to? It took me a while to join but I remember reading a lot of threads last spring from people that aren't here anymore.

          As for male involvement, I am glad that there are men on this board and we get to read how they are coping with different situations. I was just commenting on the recent thread. Didn't mean to cause a ruckus or anything.


            Just a suggestion

            MWO was not my first point of call when I came online looking for help either. I was googling AA and came across an unofficial AA web site that hosted a forum. It was that forum that I joined at the start of my journey and then another less AA orientated forum called 'the rock we crawled out from under'. I came to MWO through a link someone had posted on the AA forum funnily enough. Of course it didn't go down too well there being AA and all. This has become my primary forum and has been for many months now but I still use the other forums as I still have many good friends on there too who have helped me from day 1.

            i find the more forums I use the bigger the perspective I get and I'll repeat what I have said in the past that this is a far superior forum to use and much more homely I feel.

            Thanks for the link I will have a gander over the nest week.

            Love and Happiness
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              Just a suggestion

              You didn't cause a ruckus! I think that if you belong to 1 or 500 different forums; whatever works for you. I just don't want to bash the men, because I think you are mistaken about the pissed thread by Hart. Not a single male was involved in that "discussion". In fact, I don't think you would ever find the men here involved in a "cat fight". That's left up to us women during full moon, PMS time. And I like the men; I want to keep them.

              And just to add, I think RJ does a great job moderating this site; she does not get involved unless she feels it is absolutely necessary. I like the fact that if I am pissy I can come to this site and vent, SCREAM, and cry, and I know I will be understood by the majority of people.

              With that said, I think Smart Recovery could be a good place for some people here. I know that they have group face-to-face meetings in my hometown. Not for me, but certainly an option.
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                Just a suggestion

                a bit of confusion

                Male bashing? This is a misunderstanding I think. Someone who read Hart's thread mistakenly (I believe) assumed that Kate was a man because she was so aggressive and insulting.

                This always was a supportive site but in recent months a number of people have been extremely offended by PMs that got very personal and attacking responses to threads.

                Personally, I hope that it returns to what the site has always been: supportive!!!
                i dont know how many people are responsible for the negative vibes, but it has caused a loss of some good people.

                So hopefully, the good ones we have will stay. it certainly is NOT a gender issue.

                As for the moderators, I think they don't want to police every little issue, that's fair enough. So I would say: if anyone gets an insulting message please take it with a grain of salt.


                  Just a suggestion

                  I didn't mean to start anything. Was just making a suggestion. I love MWO and have found it to be very helpful for me. It was the first time I ever quit drinking for 6 months. I had a major slip and am getting back on my feet.

                  I have no gender issues, it just sounded like there might be some so I was offering a suggestion.

                  I guess there just seems that there was a mass exodus of posters who used to be here a year ago. I know that sometimes we can get 'lost in time' on the boards and that is why people leave. While I was still lurking around I remember the pumpkin butt avitar last October (so sorry, can't remember the name), but she used to make me smile daily. I also enjoyed Starlight Empiress, and a few others who used to 'tease' each other. It made me feel like this was such a comfortable place. It still is. I just wonder if something happened when I jumped off the boards for a while (when I got sober). I only belong to 2 boards and use the same name in both.



                    Just a suggestion

                    I regret that I even answered Kate's thread. So let's just forget about the whole thing, k? Peace to all. :l


                      Just a suggestion

                      I agree Hart, peace is good and very calming.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Just a suggestion




                          Just a suggestion

                          Hippie.........I love you. But your avatar is just a little disturbing. :h JMHO!!
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            Just a suggestion

                            Noelle;314930 wrote: Hippie.........I love you. But your avatar is just a little disturbing. :h JMHO!!
                            Sorry Hippie, I agree. Clowns or whatever that is, really freak me out. The red eyes don't help either...creepy creepy...

